boy of science

Chapter 228 It Should Be Waiting for the "Hero" to Be Rescued

Chapter 228 It Should Be Waiting for the "Hero" to Be Rescued
The guards finally found the illegal intruder, Shirley Cromwell, and started a fierce battle without any communication. The gunshots of "da da da" kept echoing in the underground market.

It's a pity that the scorching bullet could not damage the stone giant's body, let alone hurt Shirley Cromwell who was following behind the stone giant.

Even with weapons such as grenades, they still couldn't stop their progress.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho felt that she had miscalculated again.

"Why are the criminals you have faced recently more difficult than one?"

She felt quite depressed.

In the past, it was not even necessary to use guns to deal with those criminals, but now it is basically useless to deal with these criminals.

It would be nice to have some heavy weapons.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho suddenly remembered MAR and other organizations.

Although those organizations have a small number of people, they are basically equipped with various styles of driven suits, and the standard configuration of driven suits includes heavy weapons.

For example, the wheel-type shotgun against the partition wall, the ammunition it is equipped with is enough to penetrate the main battle tank of the modern army.

Think about the power of those weapons, look down at the guns in your hands, and then look at the Golem who is constantly advancing under the rain of bullets.

No way.

"Hold her and wait for support, pay attention to safety."

In short, issue such an order first.

They can't defeat each other with their weapons, they can only hold back until the follow-up support arrives.

The specific situation has been reported by radio, and as long as the above is not stupid, it will definitely call in targeted weapons.

But the first thing they waited for was not the support of fellow security guards, but the hedgehog who came directly here.

"You are……"

Aiho Koizumikawa, who spotted the opponent, took a closer look, and finally recognized it with the light from his colleague's gun.

"That bad kid in Xiaomeng's class."

Huang Quanchuan Aiho knew Hedgehog Head, but obviously not very familiar with it.

Feeling very annoyed at this time.

"What are you doing here, leave now!"

If other students might be obedient.

Too bad it's a hedgehog head.

"Let me deal with her, only I can deal with her!"

Regardless of dissuasion and regardless of the situation, the hedgehog head rushed directly towards the stone giant and Shirley Cromwell.

The formation of the guards was immediately disrupted by him.

A student suddenly appeared in sight, scaring a security guard to quickly remove the gun that was still firing in his hand, and the bullet hit his colleague's thigh with a "bang bang".

Fortunately, not hit the head.

The colleague just let out a scream of "ah", fell to the ground by the way, and then turned around to look at his companion in disbelief.

Another guard who was about to throw a grenade saw the hedgehog head rushing out, so frightened, he quickly retracted the grenade, but his hand slipped and fell to the ground.

Before he had time to think about it, he kicked it to a place where there was no one, and then yelled "Lie down".

Too bad it's still too close.


Explosions sounded, flames flickered, smoke filled, and shrapnel scattered.

The security guard team, the group is destroyed.

Fortunately, with good luck, no one died in the line of duty, but they were more or less injured, making it difficult to continue fighting.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho got up from the ground, blood flowed down her forehead and face.

After a while, the smoke dissipated.

It was found that the head of the hedgehog was standing in front, and the stone giant stopped.

The trespasser is communicating with Hedgehog, saying something like "Fantasy Killer".

Of course, the fight started again without saying a few words.


Huang Quanchuan Aiho scolded.

But now is not the time to worry so much, let the subordinates who can still move quickly take the injured colleagues to a safe place.


Misaka Mikoto found Bai Ye and found Himekami Akisa beside him, immediately showed an unhappy expression, and snorted coldly when she found that they were holding hands.

Bai Ye pretended not to notice her little emotions, and led them to find a place to sit down and watch a show.

So I saw the whole process of the security guards being wiped out.

"...Did that hedgehog head rush straight up regardless?"

Misaka Mikoto felt absurd.

Bai Ye nodded lightly: "It's about the same, but it's the first time I've seen it so outrageous."

There is no such thing in the original work. When the hedgehog head arrived at the scene, the security guards had already been wiped out, and then the duel between "Fantasy Killer" and Shirley Cromwell started logically.

Just like that is very inconsistent with the original.

But there are so many things in this world that do not conform to the original work, so Bai Ye is too lazy to think about it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether the characters match or not.

He just watched Feng Zhan Binghua and Index arrive on the battlefield, and soon became Shirley Cromwell's attack target.

It's a pity that the girl found the wrong opponent.

If it's Kamijou Touma, then there must be a big fight for [-] rounds, and they will talk to each other by the way, and the winner will be decided in the end.

There may be a truce in the middle and separation and continue fighting.

But Feng Zhan Binghua is different.

To be precise, this Feng Zhan Binghua is different from the one in the original work.

As an "artificial angel", even if he has not yet evolved, he still has great power.

And there is Index beside him who knows magic well.

Facing the gravel that the stone giant sent flying, Feng Zhan Binghua slapped it aside.

Facing the stone giant who was directly attacking, Feng Zhan Binghua punched fists without fear.

Then the stone giant's entire arm was smashed to pieces.


Kamijou Touma felt incredible.

Shirley Cromwell found it incredible.

The innocent Index didn't think much about it.

On the other hand, Aleister, who was hiding in the cage, felt something was wrong.

"Artificial angels" have such power...

In fact, it is quite normal.

The strange thing is: why is Feng Zhan Binghua able to fight the stone giant without changing his face?

It stands to reason that it should be crying and waiting for the "hero" to be rescued.

Now this...

According to the images brought back from the scene, Feng Zhan Binghua was smashing the stone giant into rubble with one punch, and it was about to smash Shirley Cromwell into a monster with one punch.

"Not right."

Something is wrong with this artificial angel.

But very reasonable.

Because artificial angels do have a lot of power.

As long as you know how to use it, there is nothing strange about beating Shirley Cromwell.

So Aleister can accept the current situation.

But it still didn't feel right.


Shirley Cromwell felt that the situation was not good, so she wisely chose to avoid it, and prepared to regroup and assassinate "Fantasy Killer" and "Forbidden Book Catalog".

Originally, the "key to the imaginary mathematics area" was also included as a target, but it can now be excluded.

Because it is too cruel, there is no certainty of victory.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that the best target is Index, because she has the weakest combat power.

Bullying the soft and afraid of the hard?

As long as the goal is achieved, nothing else matters.

So Shirley Cromwell turned and ran.

"We have to find a way to separate them, so that we can start."

By the way, the power of the stone giant has to be strengthened.

I underestimated these people before, but now I have to go all out.

(End of this chapter)

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