boy of science

Chapter 229 "Are you a real witch? Are you not a cosplayer?!"

Chapter 229 "Are you a real witch? Are you not a cosplayer?!"

Shirley Cromwell's puppet magic is very powerful, but not as powerful as imagined. It is no problem to use it to abuse vegetables, but it is very difficult to beat a capable person like Misaka Mikoto.

The battle has temporarily come to an end, and Misaka Mikoto has lost interest because she has found many ways to deal with Shirley Cromwell.

Although it wasn't Shirley Cromwell's strongest state just now.

But what's the difference?

After all, it's just a puppet magic, and everything changes.

Also a puppet, Hatsune Miku can easily smash stone giants into rubble.

It is easier than Feng Zhan Binghua.

Directly summoned a 40-meter-long green onion, not to mention the stone giant, even Ultraman had to be pumped to death.

However, Hatsune Miku is not a doll for combat, but an entertainment doll for singing and dancing, and it is just loaded with a battle mode.

There is nothing to watch in the next battle.

Misaka Mikoto felt bored because she couldn't play in person.

Turning to look at Bai Ye directly: "Do you want to continue watching?"

"Look, it doesn't take much time anyway, it will be over soon."


Misaka Mikoto lost interest.

Bai Ye turned to look at her, and then said, "Shirley Cromwell is considered a very good magician, you'd better observe carefully, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles."


Misaka Mikoto cheered up.

But the new battle hasn't started yet, so after thinking about it, I asked again: "Compared with magic and refining Qi, who is more powerful?"

"The ruler is shorter and the inch is longer. It can only be said that each has its own advantages."



Misaka Mikoto discussed magic with Bai Ye.

Anyway, there is no fun to watch right now, so Bai Ye will give me some pointers.

Ji Kami Qiusha didn't quite understand what they said.

Miss Miko was in a complicated mood, feeling that there was a sad and thick barrier between herself and the young girl.

After listening to it for a long time, I suddenly remembered something, and directly inserted into the conversation between the boy and the girl: "Speaking of magic and magic power, have you ever heard of spiritual power?"


The boys and girls stopped discussing and turned to Miss Miko.

"Spiritual power?"

"Yes, spiritual power."

Hime Kami Akisa nodded in confirmation.

Then explain: "The spiritual power of the priestess' practice."

Miko belongs to the Shinto religion.

According to legend, witches can pray for blessings, catch ghosts, and use various spells.

And the basis for doing this is "spiritual power".

"I've heard of it."

Bai Ye had indeed heard of it.

A certain Hakurei priestess has very strong spiritual power, and other priestesses such as Kikyo and Kagome also have spiritual power.

Thinking about those witches, he looked at Jigami Akisa curiously: "So, what are you talking about?"

"It just suddenly occurred to me that there seems to be a tradition of spiritual power cultivation in my family."

Hime Kami Akisa explained, and then continued: "My house is a shrine."

"Your house is a shrine? So you are a real shrine maiden? Didn't you cosplay?!"

"...I've been wearing a witch costume since I was a child, how could it be a cosplay."

"oh oh."

Bai Ye seemed to be very surprised.

Instead of discussing magic, he discussed "priestess" and "spiritual power" with Jigami Akisa.

Misaka Mikoto seemed to be very interested in this, and also joined the discussion.

Hime Kami Akisa breathed a sigh of relief.

That way you won't be excluded.


The mention of "spiritual power" is just to find a common topic, and it happens that this thing is also related to "magic".

In this world, everything related to religion is collectively referred to as "magic".

So the mysterious side becomes the magic side.

Even the Empress Next Door, the Immortal Corpse Jie, has become a "devil god" in others' mouths.

That is, the "God of Magic".

To make matters worse, the empress even admitted it.

At any rate, she also bears the title of "immortal". Although this "immortal" is not the same concept as "immortal" in qi refining, Bai Ye still feels that the girl has lost the face of "immortal", and sometimes she wants to arrest her. Get up and beat me up.

It's a pity that I can only think about it, after all, the perfection of Qi Refining is no match for the Demon God.

The main reason is that he can't beat the full-body demon god.

It is not necessarily so when the opponent is weakened and comes to the world.

And being unable to refine qi doesn't mean you can't beat concentration.

Anyway, it is "infinite".

Refining Qi perfectly masters the power of chaos.

Chaos has no concepts, and various concepts can evolve.

After all, it is the chaos of the five elements and the transformation of all things.

If Bai Ye wanted to, he could turn his power of chaos into "infinity" and upgrade to a level equivalent to "demon god".

But he didn't want to.

It's better to go step by step from refining qi to concentrating on returning to the void and then to becoming an immortal.

Not to mention this.

Although Himegami Akisa only wanted to find a common topic, but Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto became more and more interested in talking.

We will make a decision after asking where Jigami Qiusha's hometown is.

"Let's go to your house to have a look, maybe we can find the inheritance of cultivating spiritual power, and then you can continue to be a witch."

"...I probably can't find it anymore, it's been so many years."

"Don't worry, if you really can't find it, I'll go to another shrine and grab one for you."


Hime Kami Akisa didn't know what to say.

Misaka Mikoto thought of a question: "I remember you said that people with abilities are not allowed to use magic?"

"Qiusha is a raw stone ability user, which is different from artificially developed ability users like you."

Bai Ye said something.

Then he frowned: "But maybe there are indeed problems, so let's wait until I study and study."


Misaka Mikoto nodded.

Hime Kami Akisa also has no objection.

He just opened his mouth to remind the boys and girls: "The battle has begun again."


Intermission is over.

Shirley Cromwell rallied and attacked Kamijou Touma and Index again.

Feng Zhan Binghua is no longer her target.

Re-summon the Golem and strengthen its abilities, and then split up with the Golem to separate Kamijou Touma from them.

Very simple and straightforward strategy.

But Kamijou Touma and they did separate.

Kazezawa Hyoka and Index dealt with the Golem together, while Kamijou Touma ran to deal with the mage.

The security guards who were originally scattered and searched regrouped to help Feng Zhan Binghua deal with the stone giant.

But without heavy weapons, they can basically only cheer on the sidelines.

And Feng Zhan Binghua doesn't need help, she can completely suppress the stone giant, and it's only a matter of time before she wins.

Instead, Kamijou Touma and Shirley Cromwell got into a bitter fight.

They both underestimated each other a bit.

One thinks he can win with his right hand, and the other thinks that "Fantasy Killer" is no big deal.

As a result, they all suffered a lot under the opponent's hands.

Seeing that they couldn't find a bargain for the time being, the two of them used "Zuidun" at the same time.

As a result, Kamijou Toma was superior and won the final victory of the game.

(End of this chapter)

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