boy of science

Chapter 230 Misaka Mikoto VS Hime Kami Akisa

Chapter 230 Misaka Mikoto VS Hime Kami Akisa
The purpose of Bai Ye is to understand magic, as for whether the battle is exciting or not, who wins and who loses is not important at all.

The fight didn't last too long either, and it ended in Shirley Cromwell's defeat quickly.

The support of the security guards was long overdue, carrying a lot of heavy weapons, but found that they were useless.

The stone giant was smashed into pieces by Feng Zhan Binghua with his fists, and many guards looked at her as if they were monsters.

The eyes of Index and Koizumikawa Aiho are quite normal.

Feng Zhan Binghua didn't care about their eyes, and she also knew that she was a monster, a collection of AIM's diffusion force field, and she also knew that the general director wanted to use her to achieve a certain purpose.

But she has her own ideas and her own choices.

Just can't show it for the time being.

Looking at Bai Ye from a distance, he continued talking to his new friend Index.

Kamijou Touma?

It's just a pendant around a friend.

Bai Ye looked at the girl with big breasts and glasses who was chatting with the little nun, she didn't show any abnormal behavior, she just left here with Misaka Mikoto and Hime Kami Akisa.

Shirai Heizi did not come to join them, because he had to cooperate with the security guards to deal with the aftermath.

In name it is cooperation, but in fact there is supervision.

What happened to the study two days ago made the discipline committee members distrust the security officers a little more.

The only one who was not suspected was Huang Quanchuan Aiho.

But it is said to be supervised, because there is no conspiracy involved this time, so just look at it from the side.

It's still early, it's not evening yet.

Byakuya was walking on the way out of the underground mall, followed by Misaka Mikoto on the left and Hime Kami Akisa on the right.

The two girls looked at each other occasionally, and there seemed to be fire in the air.

He seemed very friendly and chatted about various irrelevant and meaningless topics.

Talking and walking.

Just came to a certain intersection.

Bai Ye, who lowered her head and pressed her phone, suddenly said: "By the way, Frenda and the others have gone back, and now I live alone."


The two girls raised their eyebrows.

They looked at each other again, and then looked away tacitly.

Misaka Mikoto coughed twice, and then pretended not to care: "I, I live by myself, what can I say, most of the students in this city live alone."

Most students do live in single dormitories, and some live in double rooms.

But Bai Ye suddenly mentioned this, could it be implying something?
Misaka Mikoto glanced at Shiraya, and then at Himegami Akisa whose expression had hardly changed.

"I'll go back first, so as not to miss the access control time again."

She bid farewell abruptly.

But it seems that he just said it casually, because it seems that he has no intention of leaving at all.

Ji Shenqiusha also glanced at her, then looked at Bai Ye and said, "Then I will go back first."

Also just talking, no action was taken.

The two girls just continued to look at each other, as if they both wanted to let each other leave first.

Bai Ye continued to press the phone, ignoring them.

Misaka Mikoto and Hime Kami Akisa met each other's eyes for a long time, but in the end they were both "lose-lose".

"Then I'm leaving, goodbye."

The girl who said these words at the same time turned around and walked in different directions at the same time, and the three of them separated at the intersection like this.


Bai Ye looked at their backs, then walked in another direction.


Going around.

With complicated feelings that she didn't know how to describe, Misaka Mikoto detoured to the door of Bai Ye's dormitory.

Are you nervous?Is it looking forward to?
Or some other emotion?
"I'm just here to take a look. I don't have any other intentions. After all, I haven't been here for a long time."

The girl muttered to herself.

In fact, she hadn't been here a few times, after all, most of the time she met Bai Ye privately in her dreams.

The "settings" here have not changed, and her permissions have not been revoked.

Ring the doorbell, and the door opens directly.

Enter the hallway.

A young girl just came out, probably thinking that it was Bai Ye who came back.

The two girls just met unexpectedly.

Misaka Mikoto took a closer look.

Yes, it's Hime Kami Akisa.



After a long time, Misaka Mikoto broke the silence.

"Jigami-san, didn't you go back?"

"Didn't you go back too?"

No show of weakness, tit for tat.

Then fell silent again.

You look at me, I look at you.

Finally, they ended the confrontation tacitly, walked into the room and sat down to wait for Bai Ye.

Ji Kami Qiusha took the first step and sat directly on the bed.

Misaka Mikoto took a step behind and could only sit down at the desk.

There are many books on the desk.

Misaka Mikoto picked up a book and flipped through it, but she was actually looking at Hime Kami Akisa.

this girl...

Himegami Akisa glanced at Misaka Mikoto, then quickly looked away and waited patiently.

No one spoke, and remained silent.

It wasn't until he realized that the sun was about to set that Jigami Akisa suddenly stood up.

Misaka Mikoto chuckled: "Oh, are you going back? I'll see you off."


Is this treating yourself as a hostess?
Hime Kami Akisa glanced at her again.

In order to avoid being at a disadvantage, she didn't answer Misaka Mikoto's question, but said to herself: "I'm going to prepare dinner, you can stay and eat together, Bai Ye said that when guests come to the door, they want good food and wine. "

When it was over, without giving Misaka Mikoto a chance to speak, she opened the refrigerator to search for ingredients.

Misaka Mikoto put down the book in her hand.

"It is true that there must be good wine and good food, but there is no reason to let guests cook. You should rest and let me come."

After speaking, he squeezed to the refrigerator to search for ingredients.

In order to be one step ahead, she didn't bother to think about it, so she made whatever ingredients she had, and ran to the kitchen to get busy after grabbing a few.

Ji Shenqiusha stopped arguing with her, but chose the ingredients he needed, and went into the kitchen to get busy.

The two girls competed with each other, but they didn't make trouble for each other. Instead, they showed off their cooking skills.

From being busy in the evening to nightfall, the seemingly sumptuous meals are ready.

Himejin Akisa cooks ordinary Japanese home-cooked dishes.

Misaka Mikoto cooks Chinese food, and she learned a little bit from Bai Ye before.

Taking a look at the dishes made by Himegami Akisa, Misaka Mikoto showed a sweet smile, feeling that she was sure of winning.

"You don't know yet, do you? Bai Ye actually likes Chinese food."

She even shared this intelligence.

Ji Kami Qiusha looked at her smiling, and then at the food on the table.

Then he responded: "Bai Ye ate at my place last night, but he said that the food I cooked was delicious."

This sentence is a bit "artistic processing".

Bai Ye didn't say "it's delicious", just said "it's delicious".

Ji Kami Qiusha also knew that his cooking skills were not really good, but at least they were not bad.

And let's not talk about the good and the bad, in short, we can't lose the upper hand in terms of words.

The two sides looked at each other, and instead of engaging in meaningless verbal confrontation, they took out their mobile phones and called Bai Ye.

Misaka Mikoto, who is an "Electric Shocker", is superior, and she uses her ability reasonably to make a phone call first.

The call was quickly connected.

Without waiting for Bai Ye to say more, Misaka Mikoto asked directly: "Why haven't you come back, it's already dark?"

"...are you at my house?"

"Me and Himegami are here, and dinner is already ready."

"Really? But I'm eating at Saten's place."



(End of this chapter)

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