boy of science

Chapter 231 Saten Ruiko Is Sick

Chapter 231 Saten Ruiko Is Sick
Bai Ye just said some words casually, without any hints or other special meanings.

Unexpectedly, Misaka Mikoto and Himegami Akisa would go to his dormitory and prepare dinner for him to go home.

It's okay for Hime Kami Akisa.

Misaka Mikoto would actually do such a thing, considering her character, it is really not easy.

So Bai Ye said on the phone that he would go back later.

Saten Saten, who had listened to the whole conversation, was in a complicated mood. She waited until he put away the phone before asking, "Misaka-senpai is coming to your dormitory to cook for you?"

Thinking about it carefully, she seems to have never been to Bai Ye's dormitory yet.

Bai Ye didn't hide anything, but nodded slightly to admit it.


"...Are you going back later?"


The boy nodded again, and then gave an explanation: "It's rare for Meiqin to cook for me, of course I have to go back, and there is also that girl Qiusha."

The two girls said they wanted to go back to the dormitory, but they actually went to his dormitory, and they cooked dinner for him together. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

"I won't give you a lecture tonight. Then again, you have almost learned what you should learn. Next, work hard to get started as soon as possible."


Saten Reniko responded lightly to express her understanding.

Then I ate dinner in silence without saying anything.

In fact, he started thinking wildly again.

In the past, Bai Ye always teased her, and later he taught her Fengfu characters and Qi refining, which made her feel that she was a special existence in the young man's heart.

For adolescent girls and boys, the so-called "special" is nothing more than love and love.

As a result, it was soon discovered that there were many girls who Bai Ye got close to.

And recently, every night in the dormitory alone, Bai Ye didn't tease her like usual, and didn't do anything strange to her.

Teenage girls don't know what it means to "be in love and stop being polite". They only know that if they like it, they should get closer, and even do something intimate enough.

After all, in terms of his usual performance, Bai Ye is not a person who cares about "rituals".

Since his attitude towards her is so ordinary recently, maybe it's because he doesn't like her anymore.

Or have you never liked her?

Thinking about what happened recently, I also felt that Misaka Mikoto might be the most special existence to Bai Ye.

According to many.

For example, let the girl of Item obey the orders of Misaka Mikoto.

For example, Misaka Mikoto can go directly to his house.

For example, Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto's usual way of getting along.

All indications are that: their relationship is very close.

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help sighing, the food in my mouth was no longer fragrant, and it tasted like chewing wax, and it took a lot of effort to swallow it into my stomach.

Then he put down the bowls and chopsticks, obviously he had no appetite and didn't want to eat.


Bai Ye, who was eating happily, raised his head to look at the girl in front of him.

No need to ask, just seeing the expression and eyes can understand: this girl is sick again.

Saten Ruiko is sick.

A disease called "inferiority".

This is a mental illness brought about by years of hard work but no results.

Although he is full of vitality on the surface, he has always cared about "ability" in his heart.

Hard work has not yielded, and slowly began to doubt and deny myself, from unconfident to slowly becoming inferior.

After mastering Fengfu characters, she regained a lot of self-confidence, and her inferiority complex was greatly weakened.

But not completely eradicated.

Recently, following Misaka Mikoto to do a big thing, it stands to reason that her self-confidence can increase and she will become more energetic.

As a result, I began to doubt myself and deny myself again.

What the hell is going on?
Bai Ye looked at the girl twice, and then "treated" her.

To help her regain her confidence.

"Today's meal is very good, Saten, your cooking skills are definitely the best among the people I know."


Saten Ruiko, who fell into self-denial, didn't say much.

Misaka Mikoto is very good, not only the eldest lady, but also Level 5, she is beautiful, and there is no other problem in terms of personality except a little tsundere.

Even being tsundere isn't necessarily a problem, some people just like it.

White Nights is also good.

Although he doesn't show much, as long as he wants to, he must be an outstanding person in the eyes of others.

The point is that they are probably happy with each other, so there is no need to think so much at all.

What about her?
Saten Ruiko tries to find her own strengths.

But in a state of self-denial, she felt that she had no merit at all.

The family background is not comparable, the ability is not comparable, the appearance and personality are not comparable.

How can this be done?


As if hearing the boy's voice suddenly, Saten Saten raised her head and looked at him in a daze.

Bai Ye seemed a little speechless: "What are you thinking? I'm talking to you."


When faced with injustice, she dared to stand up even if she was incapable.

When it comes to my own feelings, I seem to have lost my courage.

Bai Ye didn't ask, but stared at the girl in front of him while eating.

Saten Ruiko looked at him, then quickly shifted her gaze away.

It was silent for a long time.

Bai Ye put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands after finishing his share of meals, took out a tissue to wipe his mouth and stood up.

"I should go back, Miqin and Qiusha are still waiting."


The girl full of energy and eloquence seemed to suddenly cherish words like gold.

Just standing up and ready to see the guests out.

Bai Ye didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, but walked to her side, and directly hugged her into his arms.


The girl was startled.

"Student Bai, Bai Ye? You..."


Bai Ye signaled her not to speak.

The girl closed her mouth, raised her head and looked at Bai Ye, then quickly lowered her head, feeling her face getting hot and her heart beating fast.

Bite your lips.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief to let his body relax.

Finally he was able to pluck up the courage to turn around and hug Bai Ye.

Teenagers and girls embrace each other tightly.

for a long time.

Just when Saten Ruiko felt her heartbeat returned to normal, Bai Ye's words came from her ear.

"The inheritance of knowledge is very important. I just don't want to mess around in class. It's not that I don't want to get close to you. Do you understand?"

What was bothering Saten Ruiko?



Now it's her feelings that bother her.

Bai Ye could tell.

Even if you can't see it, you can use spells to find the problem.

So he gave Saten Ruiko a hug and explained to her by the way.

Girls don't really understand.

But this is not important, as long as Bai Ye can be sure of her feelings for her.

Now you don't have to worry about gains and losses.

"However, you have to think clearly."

Before she could respond, the young man continued to whisper in his ear: "I like you, and I also like many girls, so I can't give you undivided love. Now it's too late to regret it. If you really want to make sure that the relationship is in a thief ship, you can There will be no escape."


  So there is a problem with the update in the past two days

  it will be fine soon
(End of this chapter)

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