boy of science

Chapter 232 "If you don't want to leave, then stay here overnight."

Chapter 232 "If you don't leave, then stay here overnight."

It's hard to say whether "opening a harem" is Bai Ye's dream, anyway, this boy is too close to many girls.

About this point, the girls who knew Bai Ye basically knew it.

Saten Renko naturally knew it well.

She knew it was bad.

But things like feelings can sometimes make people blind.

"I won't regret it!"

The girl summoned up her courage and spoke firmly.

But the boy didn't quite believe it.

It's not that you don't believe in the present, but that you don't believe in the future.

What kind of things will happen in the future, who can say for sure.

"That's good."

Because he didn't believe in the future, the boy's tone was a little perfunctory.

It's a pity that the girl immersed in joy didn't notice this.

Bai Ye gently stroked her head, and kissed her cheek again.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back, and you should stop thinking about it and be more confident."


As soon as the relationship was confirmed, they were about to separate, and Saten Ruiko was reluctant to part with her.

The point is that after Bai Ye separated from her, he was going to find another girl.

It felt really weird.

But Saten Reiko didn't say much, just left Bai Ye's embrace, the blush on her cheeks still hasn't subsided.

Bai Ye patted her head again, and then she really said goodbye and left.

Saten Ruiko sent him outside the door, and waited for him to go far before returning to the bedroom to continue enjoying dinner.

It feels so delicious now.


"Sometimes, sometimes, I will believe that everything has an end, there are times when we get together and leave, nothing lasts forever..."

Bai Ye, who was humming a ditty, returned to his dormitory. Sure enough, Misaka Mikoto and Himegami Akisa hadn't left yet, and they were sitting at the dining table staring at each other.

Seeing Bai Ye, he didn't speak, but looked at him quietly.

Because there is a lot of resentment in my heart.

Especially Misaka Mikoto.

The boy had just "kissed and made love" with her two days ago, and today he went on a date with Himekami Akisa, and even went to Saten Ruiko's for dinner.

Although I know that this guy likes to provoke beautiful girls everywhere, but this is a bit too much.

In comparison, Ji Shenqiusha's resentment was not so heavy.

Bai Ye looked at them, went directly to the dining table and sat down, looking at the sumptuous dinner on the table.

"It looks pretty good, why are you so leisurely to cook dinner for me today?"


Misaka Mikoto snorted softly, expressing her displeasure.

Originally, she didn't intend to do this.

It's just that Jigami Ayusha took the initiative to cook and started a "war" in this area, so she cooked a few dishes not to be outdone.

In the end, Bai Ye had dinner at Saten Ruiko's.

Not to mention Misaka Mikoto, even Hime Kami Akisa had resentment in his eyes.

Bai Ye wisely chose to play dumb.

"Don't be dazed, eat quickly, or it will be cold later."

After speaking, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of him.

Hime Kami Akisa cooks Japanese-style home-cooked dishes, and the meal-sharing system is adopted here, so Hime Kami Akisa is also habitually divided into three portions.

Although he was fighting openly and secretly with Misaka Mikoto, he still prepared a copy for her.

For the same reason, Misaka Mikoto also had her part prepared.

Misaka Mikoto learned from Bai Ye how to cook Chinese food, which is not divided into meals, but served on plates.

It's all very ordinary home cooking.

It looks ordinary and tastes ordinary.

Both of them are not very good at cooking, although they are not too bad.

But Bai Ye seemed to like it very much.

I don't know if it's pretending or showing the truth, but it looks delicious anyway.

Misaka Mikoto and Himegami Akisa, who had been busy for a long time, were also hungry, so they stopped talking and picked up the bowls and chopsticks to enjoy dinner.


Regardless of the taste, Bai Ye finished all the food anyway.

The tableware and kitchen utensils are cleaned by two girls, and a new round of "war" will start when they return to the bedroom.

First of all, Himekami Akisa made a move: "Misaka-san, your dormitory has access control, right? It's better to go back quickly."

"Don't worry, I have my own solution."

Shirai Heizi will help cover it up, as long as the dormitory lady doesn't find out, "access control" is meaningless.

After saying that, he started to fight back: "Student Jishen, I think you should go back early, you are not a capable person, it is not safe to walk outside at night."

"Indeed, it's not safe to walk at night, so don't go, Bai Ye, I'm going to stay here tonight."


Misaka Mikoto seemed dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Jishen Qiusha actually came to "just plan".

Why is she so bold? !

Bai Ye looked at the two girls, stood up and stretched, and easily attracted their attention.

But he said nothing else and headed for the bathroom.

"Talk slowly, I'll take a shower first."

After speaking, he stopped and looked back at the two girls: "Why don't you all come to wash with me?"



In the end, of course, they didn't wash together because "the bathroom is too small for three people to wash".

Why three people?

Because there were either three of them, or Bai Ye alone, anyway, neither Misaka Mikoto nor Himegami Akisa allowed two of them to stay in the bathroom.

So Bai Ye could only stay inside alone humming "Single Love Song".

When I came out of the shower, I found that the two girls were still there.

When the matter developed to this point, they all felt that leaving would be tantamount to admitting defeat, so they remained in a stalemate.

Bai Ye blinked, and it was easy to figure out the current situation.

He was too lazy to think about it.

"If you don't leave, then stay here overnight. Anyway, go take a bath first."

"All, stay?!"

Misaka Mikoto's eyes widened, perhaps because she felt that this was too outrageous.

The first time directly three...

Bah bah bah~.

Why is it the first time, I, I didn't want to do that kind of thing.

Hime Kami Akisa seemed to be hesitating too.

Bai Ye rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find pajamas that fit them.

Because he thought that there would be many beautiful girls staying here, he prepared a lot of pajamas, ranging from young girls to big girls.

Put the pajamas into the hands of the two girls respectively, and then forcefully push them to the bathroom door.

"Hurry up and take a shower. Take off your clothes and put them here. I'll help you wash them and hang them in the air. You can continue to wear them when you wake up tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, not planning to watch them change clothes.

The two girls looked at each other speechlessly.

In the end, they took off their clothes and went into the bathroom.

He was taking a bath silently, when suddenly he heard Bai Ye's words from outside the door.

"Meiqin-chan is really too fat. In fact, I think blue and white stripes are also good. Speaking of which, those younger sisters are wearing blue and white stripes."

Misaka Mikoto: "..."

"The style of Qiusha sauce is more ordinary, and the white color looks very innocent."

Hime Kami Akisa: "..."

The two girls looked at each other, but still didn't speak, but turned their eyes away and continued to take a bath.

But soon Misaka Mikoto aimed at Himegami Akisa's chest, and then looked down at her own chest.


In short, each has its own way.

(End of this chapter)

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