boy of science

Chapter 233 "Aren't you going to my house? You are"

Chapter 233 "Aren't you going to my house? You are..."

The two girls, who were stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat, came back to the bathroom with flushed faces after taking a bath, wearing the pajamas the boy had prepared for them.

Biting her lips, Misaka Mikoto looked at Bai Ye who was sitting at the desk and flipping through the books, with a little sadness in her affectionate eyes.

Hime Kami Akisa looked at the bed.

this bed...

Can it sleep three people?
Bai Ye, who was flipping through the books, looked up at the two of them.

Suddenly I remembered that sentence: Hibiscus comes out of clear water, and it is natural to carve.

Want to return to think, too lazy to say.

Just make an arrangement: "You two will sleep together in this bunk tonight."


The two girls were silent at first, then looked at each other, and then looked at Bai Ye.

Misaka Mikoto asked, "Then where do you sleep?"

When I said this, I felt my face was hot and my heart was beating fast.

Because it feels like this is implying: just one bed, you should sleep with us.

If we really want to sleep together...

Thinking about it, his face turned red again.

Bai Ye didn't think so much.

It's really not good to "threesome" directly for the first time, so he is not ready to do something.

"I'm going to visit Qiusha's house."

Hearing this, Ji Shenqiusha was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't understand: "My dormitory?"

"Your home, the home of my childhood, the shrine."

"...That's it."

Speaking of the home he had lost long ago, Jigami Akisa was in a very complicated mood, and his mood became a little depressed.

But it was adjusted quickly. After all, so many years have passed, and time has healed many scars.

Thinking about the things discussed today, he asked directly: "Do you want to find a way to cultivate spiritual power?"


"...I hope you can find it."

Hime Kami Akisa stopped the topic and turned to search around: "Is there a hair dryer?"

I took a shower and washed my hair just now, so I have to dry it before going to sleep.

Bai Ye shook his head, picked up a pen to write on the paper and said at the same time: "I don't have a hair dryer, use this to blow it."

After finishing speaking, he put down the pen and picked up the paper and handed it to the girl.

There is a word on it: wind.

Ji Shen Qiusha didn't know it, because it was a rune, not a Chinese character.

So I fell silent looking at the words on the paper.

Misaka Mikoto does know, because Bai Ye taught her, and she has learned the common "wind, rain, thunder and fire".

There are not many runes, and they are basically related to natural phenomena.

Although ordinary people can master it, some runes are best not used by ordinary people, otherwise not only the enemy will die, but the person who uses them will also die.

Such as "day" character text.

This is not a verb, but a noun, referring to the sun.

If ordinary people really want to use this, it's basically a trick of killing each other.

White Night does not need to use runes.

Because he can rub nuclear fusion with his hands, and he can also create things like neutron stars.

Misaka Mikoto did not delve into the runes either, because the important thing is to refine Qi.

She has a pursuit, and wants to achieve the perfect state of Qi refining like Bai Ye.

Although it takes a long, long time.

how long?
Who knows.

It may be hundreds of years, it may be tens of thousands of years, and it may never be reached.

Anyway, just do your best.

The road is long and far away, and I will search up and down.

"I'll help you."

Although they are fighting openly and secretly, and because of this, they can only stay here tonight, but the attitudes of both sides are still very friendly.

Misaka Mikoto took the paper with the wind characters from Bai Ye's hands, pulled Himegami Akisa to sit down by the bed, tried and adjusted the wind power output a little, and then helped Himegami Akisa blow his hair.

Bai Ye continued to read the books that Guangzi lent him after marriage, and talked about various topics with the two girls by the way.

He also talked about the city of learning and art.

This is the plot in the manga, it doesn't appear in the animation, and there is not much to pay attention to, so Bai Ye doesn't care much.

After Jigami Ayusa's hair was completely dry, and then checked the time, Bai Ye waved at the two girls.

"Okay, let's go to bed early, there is still class tomorrow."

He doesn't need to rest.

It's okay for Misaka Mikoto to stay up occasionally.

But Hime Kami Akisa wanted to sleep well, after all, she was still an ordinary human girl.

Bai Ye sat cross-legged on the ground.

The two girls looked at the boy who was sitting there quietly with his eyes closed.

The mood is a little complicated.

But still he was relieved.

In any case, if it was the first time with three people, they all felt that it was not good enough.

A little silence, and then ready to go to bed and rest.

Ji Shenqiusha asked instead: "Aren't you going to my house, you're like this..."

"There is no need for the body to descend, some spells can accomplish this, you don't need to worry about him."

Misaka Mikoto answered instead.

Himegami Akisa didn't quite understand, but chose to trust Misaka Mikoto, so she stopped asking.

The two girls turned off the lights and went to bed.


It wasn't the arrival of the main body, nor was it that the soul was out of the body, but a temporary avatar was set up and appeared directly in Hime Kami Akisa's hometown, a certain mountain village near Kyoto.

Because of weird things, this place seems to have become a restricted area, and the mountain village has been completely dilapidated.

The shrine is in disrepair and looks dilapidated.

Bai Ye (clone) turned around, but didn't see anything of value, probably already moved away by others.

It could be a thief, a villager who escaped unharmed by working outside, or a government employee.

It's easy to know the answer: just use spells to see what happened here in the past.

Bai Ye did exactly this, so he quickly found the whereabouts of those things.

Nothing else matters.

The key is the inheritance of spiritual power practice.

After searching for a long time, Bai Ye found a scroll that was suspected to be an inheritance, and it was currently eating ashes in a small warehouse of a certain family.

"This is something that belongs to Qiusha. Anyway, I took it back for her."


The rotation of the earth is still the same, neither fast nor slow, and Academy City welcomes a new day naturally.

Jigami Ayusha woke up from sleep, got up, yawned, rubbed his eyes, and then sat on the bed with a cute expression on his face.

Misaka Mikoto got up before her. She had already washed up and was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Bai Ye sat at the desk and studied the knowledge recorded in the scroll.

This scroll has been around for some years, it is considered an antique, and what is recorded on it is indeed the method of spiritual power cultivation.

Practice according to the above records, and you can become a real shrine maiden.

You can kill demons like Kikyo and Kagome, and you can solve mutations like Hakurei Reimu.

"The result is not similar to Taoism."

Taoism, Shintoism.

Bai Ye felt powerless to complain.

He found that Hime Kami Akisa had woken up, looked up, and saw the girl's cute expression.

so cute.

So I took a few more glances.

It took a long time for Ji Shenqiusha to fully wake up, and looked at the unfamiliar environment blankly, and soon met Bai Ye's eyes.

Blinking his eyes, he turned his attention to the scroll in Bai Ye's hand.

"Is this..."

"That's right, the priestess' practice method."

Bai Ye shook the scroll in his hand, and said with a smile, "You have to work hard to practice the technique inherited from Jishen's family."

"...I don't want to learn this."

"Don't learn this? Then what do you want to learn?"


Himekami Ayusa was silent for a while, then looked towards the kitchen.

"I want to learn what you teach her."

Only in this way can you keep up with the footsteps of young people.

Or is it chasing after his figure?
(End of this chapter)

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