boy of science

Chapter 234 "In short, let's eat some bread first."

Chapter 234 "In short, let's eat some bread first."

During the chat last night, there was something about qi refining, so Jigami Akisa knew that Misaka Mikoto was learning this from Bai Ye.

She didn't quite know what "refining Qi" was.

But compared to the practice of the witch, she still wants to learn from Bai Ye.

There is a saying next door: If the way is different, do not conspire with each other.

It is hard to say that we are of one heart and one mind.

But at least you have to be like-minded.

"Refining Qi."

Bai Ye looked at Ji Shen Qiusha, and then looked down at the scroll in his hand.

The knowledge of qi refining cannot be taught casually.

It seems that there are many people who have learned to refine qi from him, but apart from the few girls under his command, in fact, only Misaka Mikoto, Saten Reiko, and Uiharu Shiri have been passed on.

The other girls are at most getting a little advice.

And there are not many girls who get this kind of treatment. At present, there are only Shirai Kuroko and Fanfeng Junzi. One is to optimize the use of abilities, and the other is to learn martial arts.

Now Ji Shen Qiusha wants to learn Qi refining from him...

Bai Ye thought about it carefully, but didn't agree yet.

"Let's talk about it in a few days. I'll study this carefully first."

As he spoke, he shook the scroll in his hand.

Ji Kami Qiusha nodded lightly to express that he had no objection, then got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing her like Bai Ye, she reminded: "All the toiletries are ready for you, new ones, you can see them when you go in."

"Thank you."


I have class today too.

After breakfast, without saying much, the three left the dormitory and separated.

Tokiwadai Middle School, Sagawa Middle School, a certain high school.

This is no way to go to school together.


The Disciplinary Committee always seems to be very busy, and there are work coming early in the morning, mainly because of the unscrupulous students who are doing things.

According to the rumors, "the most ferocious and evil space-ability user" went out early to deal with the incident, and rushed to school after handing over the troublemaker to the security guards.

As a result, Misaka Mikoto happened to meet on the road.


"Oh, sunspot."

Say hello to each other.

Shirai Kuroko walked up to Misaka Mikoto, and looked at her suspiciously and strangely.

"Sister, where did you go last night?"


Misaka Mikoto didn't know how to answer this question.

Sorry to be honest.

It is also not easy to deceive her juniors and friends who have always trusted her and supported her.

Seeing her hesitation and entanglement, Shirai Heizi didn't make things difficult for her.

Anyway, it must be related to Bai Ye.

After the incident yesterday afternoon, Misaka Mikoto left with Bai Ye.

Could it be that the two of them...

Shirai Kuroko looked at Misaka Mikoto carefully, and found that she hadn't changed much, and she probably hadn't had any in-depth communication yet.

Without embarrassing her elder sister, Shirai Heizi took the initiative to change the subject.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to the City of Arts in two days. Are you ready, sister?"

"Well, almost."


The two girls naturally changed the subject and walked towards the school while talking.

Different minds.

But at the same time, he remembered that boy: Bai Ye.

Misaka Mikoto's thoughts needless to say.

Shirai Kuroko wanted to ask Bai Ye for advice on how to improve his abilities.

Bai Ye gave her a little advice before, which greatly increased the data of her abilities, and even shortened the "cooling time" a lot.

But that's not enough.

Although "space movement" is very strong, it is limited in some respects.

The world is becoming more and more dangerous, and the enemies to face are becoming more and more powerful, so she wants to enhance her abilities.

Normal capacity development has not had much effect.

If you want to improve your ability, you have to find Bai Ye.

"Go and ask him sometime."


Chuchun Shili also felt that the situation was getting more and more complicated.

If you want to face various events better, you must first enhance your abilities.

Coincidentally, she has a way to quickly enhance her abilities.

One is "refining Qi".

The other is "The Air of Chaos".

Qi refining needs to be done slowly.

But she had already found a way to use the "Qi of Primal Chaos", so she did not hesitate to turn the Qi of Chaos she had inadvertently absorbed into what she wanted.

In fact, it turns the air of chaos into a computer.

The computing power is "unlimited".

Chaos evolves everything, and the concept of "infinity" is also included in it.

"This is really amazing!"

Hatsuharu Shiri, who got a new computer, felt that he could do more things through the Internet.


Under normal circumstances, Bai Ye goes to school earlier, and the girls can see Bai Ye when they walk into the classroom.

But today seems to be a special case.

Because Saten Ruiko was walking on the way to school and found that Bai Ye was ahead.

Without thinking too much, he trotted all the way to catch up.

"Classmate Bai Ye."

Say hello as soon as you catch up.

Bai Ye turned to look at her, and then looked ahead.

"Just call me by name."


Saten Renko nodded slightly, didn't say anything for now, just walked forward side by side with the boy.

The young man's attitude was not as enthusiastic as expected, so she was a little worried about gains and losses.

But before she could think about it, Bai Ye grabbed her hand directly.

This is tantamount to declaring their relationship.

The girl immediately became happy, but she couldn't help being shy, and she still had a sweet feeling.

"It's really good."


No one cared about their relationship on the way to school.

It's different in the classroom.

Xiaomu, Mako, Mingmei and the others were still wondering why they didn't see Bai Ye today, but in a blink of an eye they saw the boy and Saten Renko walking in holding hands.

Saten Saten felt very embarrassed, but she didn't break free from the boy's hand.

Anyway, sooner or later, friends will know about the change in relationship. Instead of hiding it, it is better to admit it openly.

The three girls did notice their holding hands right away.

Look at each other.

I didn't feel surprised, because I had expected such a day for a long time.

Although they felt that Bai Ye was not very good, they were not prepared to object.

Who made Saten Ruiko like it?

And even if it is a close friend in the boudoir, there are some things that are hard to say and hard to do.

After Bai Ye took the initiative to let go of Saten Renko's hand, they pulled the girl aside and whispered something.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't follow them, but ran to Bai Ye's side.

Koresaki Kizuna had no choice but to follow.

"What did you have for breakfast?"

Asking like this, Bai Ye took out two breads out of nowhere and stuffed them into Chunshang Jinyi's hands.

"Anyway, let's have some bread and milk first."

After speaking, he took out two cartons of milk.

Whether it was before or now, she likes to feed Chunshang.

Chunshang Jinyi gave the bread and milk to Zhi Xianbanli, and then talked to Bai Ye while eating.

It didn't take long for Chuchun Shili to come to the classroom.

"Good morning everyone."

Say hello to familiar friends.

He walked to Bai Ye again, ready to talk about the computer.

The computer made from the gas of chaos has also been endowed with the concept of "infinity" in terms of computing power.

But she was worried about something wrong, so she had to ask Bai Ye for advice.

"...the computer."

Bai Ye didn't expect that she would use the Qi of Chaos like this.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she is happy.

"Bring it here and let me try it."


Chuchun Shili handed the Chaos Computer to Bai Ye, and then stayed by the side to discuss with him.

(End of this chapter)

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