boy of science

Chapter 237 "Heizi doesn't think our relationship is so close."

Chapter 237 "...Heizi doesn't think our relationship is so close."

There is no moon or star tonight.

There are dark clouds in the night sky, and there will probably be a rain.

A cold autumn rain.

Now it is autumn, and the heat of midsummer will gradually dissipate.

Because I'm going to Xueyi City tomorrow, Misaka Mikoto can't go to Bai Ye's place again, so I honestly take it to my dormitory to eat, take a bath, and prepare to rest.

Lying on the bed in pajamas, chatting with Bai Ye via email, and asking side-by-side if the girl Jigami Qiusha will stay overnight tonight.

The answer is naturally "no".

Bai Ye didn't even see that girl Ji Shen Qiusha today.

Shirai Kuroko had also taken a shower, sat in front of the dresser to dry her hair, and then put on her school uniform again.

"My lord, Heizi has something to do and needs to go out. If the dormitory supervisor comes to make rounds, please help me cover up."

"Well, I see."

Misaka Mikoto agreed without thinking.

This junior and friend often helps her, and now it is not a problem to do the other party a favor.

After Shirai Kuroko used "space movement" to leave, Misaka Mikoto turned her head and looked suspiciously at where she was just now.

"What are you doing going out at night? Could it be that another big incident happened?"

Normally, Shirai Kuroko would not go out at night, unless something big happened and she, the disciplinary committee member, would be required to help.

But that rarely happens.

Moreover, Shirai Kuroko didn't seem to have received the call just now.

"……never mind."

Misaka Mikoto shook her head, was too lazy to think about it, and continued chatting with Bai Ye through email.

Tonight we won't meet in a dream, because she needs to get a good night's sleep to welcome the trip to the city of learning and arts starting tomorrow.


Bai Ye, who bid farewell to Saten Saten, returned to his dormitory, and Shirai Kuroko came here at the appointed time.

Without much gossip, the teenager and girl went directly into the dormitory room.

Naturally, the small single dormitory does not have such things as a reception sofa, and Bai Ye didn't bother to set out the dining table, she just pointed to the bed and the chair in front of the desk.

"Where do you want to sit?"


"Then please sit down."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, she turned to make tea.

Shirai Heizi went to the desk and sat down, looked at the clean and tidy room, and then turned his attention to those books.

Books of all kinds are piled up on the table.

There is also a scroll.

Shirai Heizi just glanced curiously, but didn't move.

Just look away and continue to look at the room.

Bai Ye quickly came over with tea and snacks, put them directly on the desk, took a cup and sat down beside the bed.

Looking at Heizi Shirai again, he asked, "So, Heizijiang, what do you want to ask me for?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shirai Heizi to reply, he suddenly laughed "hehehe".

"I also know how to reproduce."

"...I won't bother you with this."

Everything you should know has been taught in physiology class, and you don't have to know what you shouldn't know.

After politely declining Bai Ye's kindness, Bai Jing Heizi made his own request: "Heizi wants to improve his abilities, Bai Ye, can you guide me in this regard?"

"Improve your ability."

Bai Ye nodded in understanding.

It's no surprise that many people want to improve their abilities.

Why Baijing Heizi wanted to improve his abilities, Bai Ye could guess to some extent.

The first is to help Misaka Mikoto, and the second is to become stronger in order to better deal with those lawbreakers.

"Of course there's no problem with that."

Bai Ye is quite happy to help with this.

Heizi Shirai, who was sitting in front of the desk, asked directly before he agreed, "So, what's the condition?"


"What does Heizi have to pay for you to teach me?"

If you want to get something, you have to give something first.

Shirai Heizi knew this truth very well, so he was going to explain this clearly first.

Although Bai Ye was very kind to her, it was also a way to help her heal her body and optimize her abilities.

But today is different.

In any case, there is no reason to take the initiative to ask others to help you for free.

Bai Ye who heard this was silent for a while.

Smelling the aroma of tea and taking a sip of hot tea, he looked at Heizi Shirai with calm eyes.

The girl did not flinch, her eyes open.

"……I understand."

After a long time, Bai Ye opened his mouth to break the silence.

He didn't want to ask for payment.

Shirai Kuroko is Misaka Mikoto's right-hand man, helping this girl improve her abilities will be of great benefit to Misaka Mikoto.

The key is that he also likes this girl very much.

It's just that Shirai Heizi's attitude of "talking about business in business" and "settling accounts clearly between brothers" made him a little unhappy.

"Hei Zijiang, if you want to say that, it's boring. With our relationship, do we need to be paid for doing a favor?"

"...Heizi doesn't think our relationship is so close."

The interaction between the two of them is indeed rare.

But sometimes, these aspects don't have much impact on whether you are close or not.

After all, besides love over time, there is also love at first sight.

Or just for sex?
Bai Ye did not continue this topic for the time being, but looked out of the balcony.

"It's raining, you can't go back tonight."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of "cracking" rain broke the silence of the night.

Rain is heavy.

It rained heavily.

The outside world was instantly drenched by rain, and the residual heat of midsummer seemed to have been diluted a lot.

Such a rain curtain can turn a person into a drowned chicken in just one second.

Bai Ye took the teacup and walked to the balcony door, smelling the fragrance of the tea and looking at the rain scene.

Shirai Heizi also got up and walked to his side, feeling the coolness brought by the rain, with a slightly sad brow.

But it quickly unfolded.

"Such heavy rain can't last long."

Normally, heavy rain will pass quickly, ranging from a few minutes to an hour or two at most.

Only the drizzle will continue, and sometimes it will not stop for a few days.

Bai Ye glanced at the girl beside him, then continued to look at Yujing.

"How about we make a bet?"


"If the rain stops before twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, then do as you say, I will help you improve your ability, and you will pay me."

"...What if it doesn't stop?"

"If you don't stop, you have to follow my idea. By the way, you have to stay here tonight."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye took a sip of tea and continued: "It's better to stay here, otherwise it will be bad if you get wet in the rain and catch a cold. After all, you have to go to the City of Arts."


Shirai Heizi didn't speak, but looked at him strangely, then frowned deeply.

Decision soon.

"it is good."

It is not yet ten o'clock, and there are more than two hours before midnight.

She believed in her own judgment, such a downpour would not last long.

And such a rainy night is really not suitable for traveling, unless her ability is improved to the point where she can run directly from the Baiye dormitory to her own dormitory.

If so, she would be Level 5.

(End of this chapter)

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