boy of science

Chapter 238 I'm afraid there is something inside

Chapter 238 I'm afraid there is something inside

The rain kept falling, and the atmosphere was not very harmonious.

Teens and girls are not even communicating and are doing their own thing.

Bai Ye was reading and drinking tea.

Shirai Kuroko was watching the rain scene.

The heavy rain "cracked" without stopping, showing no sign of stopping.

I took out my phone to check the weather forecast, only to find that it no longer provided information accurate to the second as before, but only gave an approximate time range.

This reminded Shirai Kuroko of a certain rumor: the supercomputer "tree graph designer" seemed to be destroyed.

One night not long after the summer vacation started, a beam of light rose into the sky.

Since then there have been rumors of the "treemap designer" being busted.

Shirai Kuroko has always paid no attention to such rumors, after all, there is no evidence, just heard about Saten Leizi.

Now I suddenly have doubts.

And looking at this inaccurate forecast time, it seems that the rain will really fall until the middle of the night.

Obviously it was such a heavy rain.

Occasionally, a gust of wind blows, carrying the coolness of the rain.

Do you really want to stay here tonight?
The girl who put away her mobile phone glanced at the boy who was drinking tea and reading a book comfortably.

This is a single dormitory, with only one bedroom and one bed.

Wouldn't it be...

The girl suddenly felt that she had dug a hole for herself.

Why don't you just ignore the bet and rush back to the dormitory in the rain?
But tomorrow I have to go to the Art City, so if something goes wrong with my health, it's really not good.

Which is more serious, "lonely men and widows living together" or "possible illness"?
Definitely the former.

And things are not that simple, and it also involves issues such as one's own reputation and ability improvement.

"It's not good to stay up late, Hei Zijiang, you'd better go to bed early, or you will get airsick on the plane tomorrow."

"...the winner hasn't been decided yet."

"There's no need to wait, anyway, I must win."

Take a sip from the white night short-term teacup.

He temporarily stopped reading, but looked up at Shirai Heizi: "I can control the weather. It rains when I want, how big I want, and as long as I want. How can you win?"


Baijing Heizi didn't answer, but looked at the continuous heavy rain outside, and then looked at Baiye suspiciously.

Could this rain be the fault of this boy?
"Don't look at me like that, I'm not cheating."

No need to cheat.

Shirai Kuroko thought about it carefully, and finally chose to believe him.

Looking at the pouring rain outside, he sighed helplessly, turned around, walked to the bed and sat down.

She probably gave up struggling.

Bai Ye no longer sat by the bed, but sat at the desk.

He glanced at the girl with twin ponytails, and then looked away: "Go to bed early, we will talk about improving your abilities when you come back from the city of learning and arts."

It's only a few days anyway.

It's not suitable for teaching at night, so Shirai Kuroko has no objection.

He raised his hand and untied his twin ponytails with a "swish".

Suddenly, he found a set of pajamas on the bed, which seemed to be for her.

Turning to look at Bai Ye.

The boy smiled at her and continued to read the book.

This was sent by Guangzi after marriage. I have saved a lot and put it away for a long time. Now I just took the time to read it and return it to that simple rich lady.

Shirai Heizi hesitated, but got up to change clothes.

I quickly went back to the bedroom and climbed into bed to lie down. Because I was really tired, I went to bed early to prepare for a new day.

Pulling the quilt over her body, she suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

Grab the quilt and sniff carefully.

The mood is a little complicated.

"Sister, have you ever stayed here?"

"Oh, yes."


Shirai Heizi didn't speak, but struggled for a long time.

As a result, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Good night."

After saying this, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Bai Ye turned off the lights so as not to affect the girl's sleep.

He didn't need lighting anyway.


Silent all night.

The boy did not disappoint the girl's trust, he didn't do anything strange, he just read the book all night.

Except for flirting and occasional upskirts, the boy didn't do anything strange to the girls.

After Shirai Heizi finished washing and changing, Bai Ye had already prepared breakfast.

The heavy rain did not know when it had stopped.

The sun is shining throughout Academy City, and today is probably another good day.

But the outside is still wet, and some sunken places are still covered with stagnant water.

Shirai Kuroko didn't need to go to class today, so after breakfast, he returned to the dormitory to pick up the luggage he had packed yesterday, and headed to the City of Arts as planned.

Accompanying her are Misaka Mikoto, Saten Reiko, Uiharu Shiri, and Married Mitsuko.

Of the twenty places, they accounted for five, one quarter.

I'm afraid there is no inside story here.

Looking at these Level 5, Level 4, young lady and disciplinary committee members, Saten Ruiko suddenly felt that she was just making up the numbers.

After all, she is Level 0, and her family background is ordinary, and she is not a disciplinary committee member.

Why on earth can I stand here?

Misaka Mikoto didn't think too much, just asked where Shirai Kuroko went last night.

Baijing Heizi answered truthfully: "Because it was raining heavily and it was difficult to go out, so I stayed overnight with classmate Bai Ye."

As soon as these words came out, Misaka Mikoto, Saten Renko, and Uiharu Shiori didn't react too much, but their eyes were a little strange.

On the contrary, it was Mitsuko who said "Nani (what)" after the marriage, and looked at Shirai Kuroko with wide eyes in surprise.

"Staying overnight with classmate Bai Ye... What's going on?!"


The girls still didn't speak, but looked at the married photon in unison, their eyes were still so strange.

Mitsuko, who was stared at by them, quickly reacted and opened the folding fan with a "snap" to cover her reddened cheeks.

"That... this... I just... that... yes, I just think this is very bad, and it's not a relationship, right?"

The girls looked at each other and ended the topic tacitly.

After the marriage, Photon breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the mood became complicated.


Saten Reiko and Chuharu Shili are going to the city of arts, and Xiao Mu expresses her envy.

It's not easy to get in Academy City, and it's even harder to get out. Even those Level 5 students can't get out just by thinking about it. Most of the students never go out after they come in.

Several years have passed in a blink of an eye, and now I have the urge to go out and have a look.

They are not hedgehog heads and little nuns, but there is no way to go through the back door.

Bai Ye, who was feeding Chunshang, turned to look at them: "It's easy to go out, come and kiss me, and I'll take you out to play."


Xiao Mu didn't say a word, just poked his face.

Minmei made no comment.

Makoto was a little curious: "Student Bai Ye, can you really take us out?"

"I've said it all, come and kiss me and I'll take you out."


 Other authors drive casually

  I have to review and modify if I get a little bit involved

(End of this chapter)

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