boy of science

Chapter 240 The Girl Called "Fukiyose Riri"

Chapter 240 The Girl Called "Fukiyose Riri"
In addition to entertainment works such as film and television dramas and animated manga, this is the first time Fukiyose has seen other people's kisses.

To be honest, it looks a little irritating.

But the person involved was her class teacher.

The boy had never been seen before, and he seemed to be a student, and a student from another school.

It looks pretty good...

This is not the key.

The problem is that they are teachers and students.

This is teacher-student love!

Whether it's ancient or modern, whether it's Academy City or anywhere else, this kind of romance won't work...

Well, it seems possible.

A certain French president, who asked not to be named, seems to have married his teacher.

But that was after leaving school, so it probably couldn't be regarded as a teacher-student relationship in name.

Her head teacher and that boy...

It seems that it is not a teacher-student relationship in name, after all, they are not from the same school.

So it's okay for them to be in love?

Fukiyose Rito was confused and couldn't figure it out.

He just quickly left the teacher's office, turned around the corner and hid behind the wall, leaning his back against the wall and letting out a long sigh of relief.

I was still thinking about the head teacher and the boy in my mind.

Forbidden love...

And the kiss just now...

I couldn't help but blush thinking about it.

Feeling puzzled and curious again: Is love really that good?Is kissing really that comfortable?
Even people like Teacher Xiaomeng are addicted to it...

The girl raised her hand to touch her lips.

Then suddenly woke up, shaking his head vigorously to get rid of distracting thoughts, forcing himself not to think so much.

"Anyway, just pretend you haven't seen anything."

Yueyong Xiaomeng is a good teacher.

Although she seems to have made a mistake in the matter of "love", Fukiyose still doesn't want her to be dismissed from the school...

No no no.

There are even more serious questions: which school is that boy a student?
Or to be more precise: How old is that boy?
If the age is too young, it's not just a matter of being dismissed from the school, or even going to jail.

"Yes, it should be fine."

Fukiyose Riri was very troubled.

If it's just teachers and students, she can pretend not to know.

But if age is a problem, it's a really big problem.

In the end how to do?
Go back to the office and ask the teenager's age?

Report it directly?
Fukiyose Saori frowned and thought, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the boy suddenly appeared in her line of sight, like a ghost popping out of nowhere, and the sound of "yo" scared her so much that her heart skipped a few beats.

After confirming that the person who appeared was not a ghost, the heart resumed beating, but it was beating very fast.


She wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

The young man saw how she was standing with her back against the wall, put his hand next to her head, and gave her a wall dong.

"Fukiyose-san, right? I have something to discuss with you."

"What, what's the matter?"

Fukiyose Riri and the boy looked at each other, then quickly looked away, as if he was very guilty.

Obviously, it wasn't her who should feel guilty.

Suddenly realizing that he was being thumped by the boy, he quickly raised his hands to protect his chest.

At the same time, he was thinking about whether he should push the boy away directly or slip away from the side.

Bai Ye didn't want to spy on the girl, but asked directly: "Student Fuiji, you don't want to tell what you saw just now, do you?"


The girl really wanted to speak out.

Of course, it’s not talking nonsense, but going to relevant people to organize it.

Although Yueyong Xiaomeng treats them very well.

But some things are about principles, right is right, wrong is wrong, and she cannot cover up those principled mistakes.

Of course, saying so, is actually still hesitating.

After all, that is the teacher Xiaomeng who treats them very well and is respected by many students!
"You and I……"

I thought a lot in my heart, but I didn't say a complete sentence from my mouth.

Because I had no idea what to say.

And her faltering appearance made the young man come to a conclusion: "It seems that you want to report us, then you can't blame me."

"You, what do you want?"

Fukiyose Suri had a wary face, clenched his fists, and tensed the muscles in his legs, ready to confront the boy.

One-on-one, she felt that she might win.

Because on weekdays, I always use the "idiot trio" in the class to practice.

Kamijou Touma, Tsuchimikado Motoharu, and Lanfa Earring, these three people have been beaten by her many times.

In addition, I also insist on exercising.

Unless the boy in front of him is a high-level ability user suitable for fighting, otherwise...

Otherwise, if she can't fight, can't she still run?

And now this posture is just right for her to sneak attack.

In short, one knee hits the opponent's head first...

Fukiyose Seri moved his gaze down to the position between the boy's legs.

It didn't feel good here, so I moved it up and put it on the opponent's stomach.

A knee hit the top here, and then another punch knocked the boy down.

Then turn around and run.

There is probably no problem with this battle plan.

"Go on a date with me."


Fukiyose made up a lot of words that teenagers would say in his brain, but he just didn't think of this.

"A date, a date?!"

Why are you talking about dating?

Does dating or not have anything to do with the situation at hand?

Fukiyose didn't understand his ideals, his thinking became confused, and the "resistance" he wanted to do was also subconsciously cancelled.

Bai Ye took this opportunity to end the wall, directly grabbed her hand and pulled her away from here.

"Let's go, we're on a date."

"wait wait wait!"

"Why, you don't want to go?"

"No... no!"

Fukiyose Riri tried to stop, but was pulled forward by the boy.

He wanted to break free from the young man's hand, but found that the young man was so strong that he couldn't break free at all.

"Resistance" is temporarily forgotten.

I just want to reason with the boy: "Why should I date you? I can..."

"Because you saw what Xiaomeng and I did."

"...So what? Is there any connection here?"

"Of course I have. I'll go on a date with you and turn you into one of my own. My own people won't report on my own people, right?"



Fukiyose felt that he had no way to understand the brain circuit in front of him.

And become my own...

Can you become your own person after just one meeting?Where did this boy get his confidence?

And they all have that kind of relationship with Teacher Xiaomeng, and they still want to take her on a date...

Is this the so-called scumbag?

Pedal two boats?
very messy.

Fukiyose Seri felt that he needed to calm down and sort out the current situation.

It's a pity that the boy didn't give her a chance, so he dragged her down the stairs.

In this kind of place, girls don't dare to resist. If they accidentally fall down, they might die.

"Wait, let me go first, let's talk slowly if you have something to say..."

"It's useless to say more, anyway, just go on a date."


It is really difficult to communicate with this boy!
(End of this chapter)

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