boy of science

Chapter 241 It seems that the discipline committee has also become the umbrella of the evil forces

Chapter 241 It seems that the discipline committee has also become the umbrella of the evil forces (Bai Ye)

Fukiyose really doesn't want to go out with the boy he just met.

But she couldn't refuse at all.

What he said was ignored, and he couldn't break free from the boy's hand.

The boy named "Bai Ye" even planned to help her put on the shoes himself.

Originally, he thought that as long as he didn't cooperate, the boy would never let her go out wearing indoor shoes.

As a result, they could only cooperate obediently.

"It's a pity, I also want to lick your little feet a few times by the way."


From this sentence, it can be seen that the boy is probably a pervert.

The teenager who forcibly pulled her out of the school asked various questions, saying that he wanted to deepen their understanding.

Needless to say her name and age, she was also asked about her height and measurements. To her embarrassment, the teenager also asked her what kind of underwear she liked.

"I think blue and white stripes are nice."

The teenager also talked about his hobbies.

He felt it was a pity, except for those Misaka sisters, none of the girls he knew seemed to be wearing blue and white stripes.

"It's fine if it's not blue and white, as long as it's more elegant, I don't like it if it's too coquettish."


In this regard, Fukiyose Seri could only chuckle twice.

What does this boy like have anything to do with her?

Anyway, it's okay to listen to this kind of words.

Although she didn't want to hear it.

Far away from school, he came to the bustling street, talking and walking with the boy, and suddenly met an acquaintance, which made Fukiyose Ri's eyes shine.

"Teacher Huang Quanchuan..."

"Yo, Aiho-chan, Tsuri, we are really destined, we met again."

It was also a greeting, but the boy's tone was obviously more intimate than hers.

Even called the teacher's name directly, and added "sauce".

Fukiyose felt that the situation was not good.

Sure enough, the subsequent conversations and interactions showed that the boy and Huang Quanchuan Aiho were familiar, and even seemed to be very close.

"Don't hook up with so many girls, you kid, and be careful of being cut into pieces by them."

Leaving such advice, Huang Quanchuan Aiho continued to patrol with the iron suit, and did not say too much to Fukiyose.

The girl changed from "eyes bright" to dull-eyed, because she felt that she had discovered the truth: the security guard Mr. Huang Quanchuan is the umbrella of the evil forces (boy Bai Ye).

Now it was impossible to even ask the security guard for help, and the girl could only be coerced by the boy to continue the so-called "date".

To put it bluntly, it is to play, to play everywhere, to go wherever it is fun.

Living in this city for so many years, I have actually been to all the fun places I can play, and I have been to some places more than once or twice.

But never been to any of these places in the name of "dating".

I have longed for it.

I want to find a young man I like to go around to eat, drink, have fun, talk about love, and talk about life ideals by the way.

It's a pity that the long-awaited first date was given to a strange teenager.

This young man looks quite good-looking.


It seems that there are no other advantages.

Not right either.

Aside from being a bit domineering to drag her out for a date, she was also quite warm and gentle in other aspects.

According to incomplete statistics, the most important criterion for girls in this country to choose a spouse is: Asahi (gentle).

The survey samples for this statistic come from the female characters of various animations.

I don't want to mention whether what is said in the animation is true.

Anyway, Fukiyose Riri also thinks that the other half should be gentler.

The problem is that this boy is very unreasonable, and he is also a pervert, who dares to say no matter how strange it is.

Fukiyose wanted to end this date.

But she couldn't break free from the boy's hand.

It feels a bit wrong to ask the security guard or other people for help, after all, the boy didn't mean to hurt her.

Maybe you can find a discipline committee member.

Coincidentally, it didn't take long to meet a discipline committee member on patrol.

However, it was a young man who knew each other.

"Chairman, you are alone today, it's really hard work."

"...How many times have I said that I am not the chairman of the committee."

"Except for Heizi and Shili, why don't you ask other branch members to help?"

"Our 177th branch has very few members. There are only three members, including Shirai, there are four."

"How come there are so few? The other members were sent away by your micromanagement? Speaking of which, is there a school called 'Gongde Forest' in Academy City?"

"What a mess."

Gufa Meiwei rolled his eyes.

Chatted with Bai Ye for a few words, then glanced at Fukiyose Riri next to him, and then looked at Bai Ye with strange eyes.

This boy provokes beautiful girls everywhere, and he is afraid that he will be torn apart by them in the future.

Too lazy to say more, continue to patrol.

Seeing her leaving back, Fukiyose couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It seems that the Disciplinary Committee has also become the umbrella of the evil forces (Bai Ye).


In any case, dating still has to continue, mainly eating, drinking and having fun.

Because there is not much time left today, I didn't do too complicated and time-consuming things. Basically, I just walked around, looked around, had fun, and ate and drank.

Fukiyose Riri really didn't want to eat it.

But Bai Ye insisted on asking her to eat, even if he wanted to refuse, because the boy would directly stuff food into her mouth.

In addition, I bought her a lot of small gifts, such as hair cards, hair bands, bracelets and the like.

They are all things for girls, and it is impossible for teenagers to keep them for their own use. Throwing them away is pure waste.

return the goods?
The boy is unwilling.

Save it for another girl?

The boy still didn't want to.

In the end, Fukiyose Zhili could only be forced to accept it.

The teenager also tried to take her to buy clothes.

It's not normal clothes, just ask for maid clothes, or nurse clothes, etc. In short, they are all fancy clothes that are not easy to wear when going out.

Fukiyose Sori was really embarrassed to ask for this kind of thing, and instead forcibly pulled the boy out of the clothing store.

Then he was dragged by the teenager to a lingerie store.


Fukiyose didn't feel the sweetness of dating much, but felt physically and mentally exhausted.

After going around and around until night fell, he was led into a certain restaurant by the boy, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he sat down here.

In order to prevent the boy from continuing to say those strange words, Fukiyose Riri, who had adjusted slightly, took the initiative to provoke the topic.

topics related to learning.

Although it was a bit boring, but anyway, they were not very close, so maybe it could make the young man quit in spite of difficulties.

However, no matter what kind of questions she asked, the boy could answer them fluently.

Fukiyose Seri felt strange at first, and then took it for granted.

After all, this young man has a very close relationship with Teacher Xiaomeng.

As far as Teacher Xiaomeng's knowledge and knowledge reserve are concerned, it is naturally impossible for someone who can be recognized by her and develop a close relationship with her to be an incompetent person.

Sensing this, Fukiyose Riri has a little more admiration for the boy, and the atmosphere when getting along has become a little more harmonious.

A meal is finished quickly.

Fukiyose thought that the "date" was over, but was dragged by the boy and said that he wanted to go to the movies.

invalid objection.

So I can only accept my fate.

(End of this chapter)

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