boy of science

Chapter 242 "How did you convince Fukiyose-chan?"

Chapter 242 "How did you convince Fukiyose-chan?"

Movies have a rating system.

Eighty percent of the residents of Academy City are students, and primary and middle school students make up the vast majority.

If the grading system is strictly followed, many movies will not get much box office if they are released here.

When the accounts are shared among the various stakeholders, the movie theater may not even be able to earn back the electricity bill.

Therefore, the rating system of movies should also be adjusted according to local conditions. All theaters in Academy City have decided to...

Strictly follow the hierarchy.

Of course, this is only in name and cannot be caught.

In fact, who cares so much.

Although many movies have signs such as "R12", "R16", and "R18", there are too many students in the screening hall who do not meet the age.

Girls like Kinuhata's favorite, who are obviously girls, often swagger to watch various B-level and C-level movies.

Some people follow the rules in name, and some people really follow the rules.

When Fukiyose entered the screening hall, he felt that this movie was not something he could watch.

But Bai Ye insisted on pulling her in.

Because the objection was invalid and he couldn't escape, Fukiyose Riri could only sit down beside Bai Ye obediently.

Movies are ordinary commercial films, basically the kind that make audiences enjoy watching.

There are many big scenes, all kinds of explosions and various chase scenes look very cool, but some scenes are too bloody.

There are also various welfare shots, which make innocent girls like Fukiyose Riri blush.

When it comes to scenes that are not suitable for children, they even shift their eyes to their own legs, or pretend to look to the side.

But the heroine's "um, ah" voice is not something she can hide if she wants to.

Suddenly curious about Bai Ye's state, he turned to look at the boy beside him.

Only to find that he yawned boredly.

Doesn't he like this kind of plot?

Probably sensing her gaze, or even her thoughts, the boy suddenly turned to look at her and gave an explanation.

"I prefer beautiful girls like you. I don't like aunts like movie heroines, so I find it boring."


Fukiyose Seri didn't speak, but just looked away.

don't like aunt...

Where does the movie heroine look like an aunt?

She is obviously a sexy goddess, and is liked and welcomed by many people.

Speaking of which, there seem to be quite a few "sexy goddesses" in the entertainment industry.

But this is not important.

Fukiyose didn't want to discuss this plot with the boy, so he just kept silent and waited for the end of the movie.


Unexpectedly, there was a big scene at the end of the movie, and then it ended with the hug of the hero and heroine.

The audience got up and left, generally feeling that the movie was neither good nor bad.

Anyway, just watched it for fun.

Fukiyose also left the theater holding hands with the boy.

After holding it for a long time, she was almost used to it.

"Do you want supper?"

"No, it's not advisable to eat too much at night."

Facing the boy's question, Fukiyose Riri chose to bluntly refuse.

Although she didn't get along for a long time and didn't know much about it yet, she had roughly figured it out: talking to a boy doesn't need to beat around the bush.

By the way, I also discovered one thing: the boy said those strange words without any malice, but just said what was in his heart truthfully.

This is good and bad.

The advantage is that at least it appears to be sincere.

The downside is that it's not likable.

Most people want to see a modest gentleman who behaves well and speaks politely, and doesn't want to see vulgar and vulgar people.

Sooner or later, a boy like this will be arrested for a moral trial.

But the boy didn't care at all.

"Are you really not going to eat it? I know that some night food stalls are very good."

"Thank you, I really don't need it."

Fukiyose Riri is a relatively self-disciplined person who pays great attention to physical health and has his own standards in terms of diet.

She loves mail order items in the health category.

Even lunches to take to school are mail-order health foods.

She was very troubled by the juvenile stuffed with so many "junk foods" high in sugar and oil today.

Since she really didn't want to eat, Bai Ye didn't force it, but sent her back to the dormitory.


Talk while walking, and take a look at the night scene by the way.

Nothing fancy though.

There are a lot of things to talk about, mainly about learning.

Fukiyose Riri studies hard on weekdays, and his grades are considered good, so he is willing to talk about this topic.

And it's best to only talk about the topic of study with this boy, otherwise the ghost knows what strange words will come out of him.

No matter how far the road is, it will come to an end.

Indulging in the topic of study, she walked a long way without knowing it. When the girl came back to her senses, she found that she had returned to the dormitory where she lived.

This inexplicable date was finally over, Fukiyose Ri could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the boy still hasn't let go of her hand.

"Well, I'm already here."

A word of caution from Fukiyose.

Suddenly recalling what he saw in the office, he hesitated for a while before making up his mind.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you and Teacher Xiaomeng, let alone gossip around, so can you let go?"

"No, because when it comes to dating, there's something we haven't done yet."

"……whats the matter?"

"Kiss, or whatever."

"Eh, eh?!"

"Being a person and doing things must have a beginning and an end, so let's finish this last thing, are you ready?"

"I'm, I'm um~"

Before the girl had time to express her refusal and objection, her small mouth was directly kissed by the boy.


For a long time, the lips are divided.

Fukiyose Seri panted "hu~hu~", feeling his heart beating faster than ever before.

Came back from the blur of kissing, biting his lip and staring at the boy in front of him.

His ears were hot, and his face should be red too.

"Now we're on our own."

The boy said that.

Fukiyose Riri still bit his lip, thinking whether he should be arrested and beaten up.

Or ask the teacher, the security guard, and the disciplinary committee to come and give him justice?
Before she could come up with an answer, the boy touched her head again and brought it closer to her ear.

"It's very late, go back and take a shower and rest, good night."

As he spoke, he kissed the girl on the cheek again, then turned and left.

Fukiyose Suri raised his hand to touch the kissed cheek, and stared at the figure of the boy who was gradually going away.

In the end, he didn't say anything, and he didn't do anything. He just stomped his feet in annoyance, then turned and walked into the dormitory where he lived.


Bai Ye didn't go back to his dormitory, but went to find Yueyong Xiaomeng.

At this time, the supper of the trio in the classroom was over, so I went directly to Yueyong Xiaomeng's house.

Teacher Loli is also waiting for him.

"Don't worry, that Fukiyo-san won't tell others."

"That's good."

As soon as Bai Ye entered the door, he asked Yueyong Xiaomeng's worried question, and the answer made the loli teacher heave a long sigh of relief.

Then expressed doubts: "How did you convince Fukiyose-chan?"

"Bring her over by eating, drinking and having fun."


"Well, by the way, I even kissed one, and now I'm really my own."


Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't speak, but her face was full of resentment.

This boy is really...

It's really impossible for people to take him.

(End of this chapter)

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