boy of science

Chapter 243 In short, that boy is a pervert!

Chapter 243 In short, that boy is a pervert!
Bai Ye and Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't do anything strange, they just had a nice kiss, and then they hugged each other and slept soundly.

Fukiyose Riri here is tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

She went to Yueyong Xiaomeng to talk about something, but broke through the "adultery" between her homeroom teacher and that boy, and was dragged by that boy on a so-called "date".

The long-awaited first date began and ended inexplicably like this.

That's not the point.

The problem was that there wasn't even a first kiss.

Obviously it's just the first time we met, obviously we don't know each other well enough, we obviously haven't dated, we've already met Teacher Xiaomeng...


Yes, Teacher Xiaomeng.

He obviously already has that kind of close relationship with Teacher Xiaomeng, but he still wants to date and kiss him...

That boy is a scumbag.

It's definitely the kind of playboy who provokes girls everywhere, right? !

Thinking of this, Fukiyose suddenly felt his teeth itch.

Grinding his teeth "creaking and creaking", he snorted unhappily, turned over and changed his position to lie on his side, wanting to forget about the boy and fall asleep early.

But the figure of the boy is still full of thoughts in his mind.

I don't know how long it took to toss and turn, but I couldn't stop the attack of the Sandman, and fell into the world of dreams in a daze.

Thinking every day, dreaming at night.

Even in a dream, he couldn't get rid of the teenager's harassment, and it was even more extreme than what he did in reality, not only kissing, but also doing...

Actually didn't do anything.

Without that kind of experience, naturally, the specific process cannot be dreamed of.

Just like many people dream that they can fly, but they can't fly no matter how hard they try.

Because you actually know how to hammer.

So the dream can be said to be anticlimactic, and I woke up without doing anything.

The girl sweated a lot, her face was flushed, and she was panting slightly while sitting on the bed.

After a long time, he couldn't help but cursed.



One of the few good things about White Nights is that they are honest in some respects.

He didn't hide what he said and did to Fukiyose Zhili yesterday, and he basically told Yueyong Xiaomoe.

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who already knew who he was, didn't think much about it.

But standing on the podium and seeing Fukiyose sitting there obediently, the loli teacher suddenly felt very embarrassed.

So the relationship between the two of them has changed from "teacher-student" to "sister"?

Yueyong Xiaomeng has always regarded students as her own children.

There is an old saying next door: a teacher for a day, a father for life.

Based on the actual situation, she is equivalent to the mother of the students.

So this is mother and daughter...

"Cough cough cough~"

Yueyong Xiaomeng couldn't help coughing a few times.

They were all brought up by Bai Ye, to think so wildly.

"Mr. Xiaomeng, are you okay?"

"are you sick?"


"It's all right, don't worry, teacher, I'm in good health."

Yueyong Xiaomeng shook her little hand to signal the students to be calm.

Although she is called a "human ashtray" by Huang Quanchuan Aiho, and although she drinks a lot of alcohol almost every day, her body is indeed very healthy.

It's just that I feel that there is something wrong with my psychology, otherwise I wouldn't have such a close relationship with Bai Ye.

As a psychologist, she couldn't give herself psychological counseling.

It is difficult for a doctor to heal himself.

As for finding other psychologists to treat me...

No need.

And it's not a "disease" that must be treated.

Furthermore, in life, who can live without mental illness.

I didn't talk nonsense, and didn't continue to look at Fukiyose Riri, but started today's lesson.

Suddenly, he glanced at Ji Shen Qiusha again.

Facing Hime Kami Akisa, there was no embarrassment, mainly because the situation was different.

Hime Kami Akisa had already had a close relationship with Bai Ye before she became her student.

The point is that Miss Miko didn't see her kissing Bai Ye either.

Thinking of this, I feel a little strange.


Cough again to make adjustments, and then earnestly carry out my teaching work.

In comparison, Fukiyose Riri didn't feel embarrassed, but just scolded a certain scumbag in his heart.

Such a cute and young teacher Xiaomeng, it's a good thing that young man can do it.

Is he a lolicon? !
Although considering Yueyong Xiaomeng's actual age, the accusation of "lolicon" cannot be established.

Anyway, that boy is a pervert!

There are many people who scold Bai Ye, Fukiyose Ri is not the first, nor will he be the last.

Xiao Mu would often complain about some of Bai Ye's words and actions, and even dared to fight Bai Ye directly.

When Bai Ye lifted Saten Reiko's skirt, she used her small fist to punch Bai Ye.

It's a pity that it can't do any harm to Bai Ye at all.

Up to now, I occasionally punch him and kick him, but I still complain more.

After all, they have become acquaintances.

Although it's not the kind of level where you know my depth and I know your length.

Today, the two are also talking and fighting with each other.

They even showed off to each other.

Xiao Mu: "This is the email that Satenko sent me. The thing in the picture says that it is going to be bought as a gift for me."

Bai Ye: "Coincidentally, Renzi also sent me an email, and there are more pictures than you."

Xiao Mu: "This is early spring..."

Bai Ye: "I also have Shili, and there are more than you; besides, I also have Mikoto's Mitsuko, and even Heizi's. Speaking of which, you don't seem to know them?"

Xiao Mu: "..."

The talk of teenagers and girls is still going on.

Mako looked at them with a smile.

Mingmei yawned boredly, and then complained, "Are you still primary school students?"

Xiao Mu: "We have only graduated from primary school for half a year."


I graduated at the end of February, and now it is September, which is indeed about half a year.

So it's understandable that it's a little childish.

In comparison, Tsubasa Edari is more like a primary school student, because she has been in a coma for a year, and her thinking and memory are still stuck at that time.

Xiaomu, Mako, and Mingmei have all heard about this matter, so they are very considerate of this new friend.

Bai Ye propped his head on his hands, his eyes swept across the girls.

"Actually, you all look like elementary school students."

Saying this, he put his eyes on Mako's breasts: "Except for Mako, look at her breasts. They are getting bigger day by day."

Mumu, Akemi, and Tsubasa Edari all looked at Mako's breasts, and then looked down at their own breasts.

It's rare that he didn't complain about Bai Ye, and he probably agrees with his words this time.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't care about her breasts, but silently ate the snacks Bai Ye gave her.

Makoto, whose breasts were being discussed, took the initiative to change the subject, lest these people say more strange things.

Although I always complain about Bai Ye.

But she knows that her friends have been misled by Bai Ye to some extent, and occasionally she will say something surprising.

"Student Chunshang, you eat so many snacks every day, aren't you afraid of gaining weight?"

"Don't be afraid, Bai Ye will help me."

"... help you lose weight?"

"Help me not gain weight."


Mako was actually a little fat before, and she lost weight with great difficulty.

Although the two lumps of fat on the chest could not be lost.

Anyway, now even the daily diet has to consider things like calories, lest I become "mellow" again.

Hearing Chunshang Jinyi's words, he looked at Bai Ye in surprise: "Is it really possible to prevent gaining weight? What is the method?"


(End of this chapter)

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