boy of science

Chapter 244 "Obviously I did it first."

Chapter 244 "Obviously I did it first."

It is very simple to prevent girls from gaining weight, and there are many ways, the most direct one is to put a buff (spell) on them, the permanent one.

By the way, you can also put a few anti-disease, anti-poison, full of energy, and increase the pleasure by a hundred times...

Such as buff (spell).

But this kind of thing will not be said directly, just raise both hands, let the fingers wriggle like ordinary tentacles.

"Do you also want a physique that won't gain weight? It's simple, let me rub it... No, just let me massage it for you."


Before Makoto could speak, Xiao Mu pouted Bai Ye's face first.

Then remind your friends: "Don't trust him, this guy is definitely trying to take advantage of you."

No wonder she didn't believe in Bai Ye.

Mainly referring to his usual performance, he can find that this guy is really not very trustworthy.

Makoto also had doubts, so he didn't say much.

Bai Ye could only put down his hand.

A boy and a few girls continued to talk about other topics, and when the class bell rang, they returned to their seats and sat down to prepare for class.


Hime Kami Akisa is a freshman in a certain high school. She doesn't know anyone except Tsukiyong Komoe and Huang Quanchuan Aiho. Everything here is very strange to her.

Fortunately, the students were very friendly and enthusiastic, and provided her with a lot of help.

Especially the girl Fukiyose.

At the beginning, Hime Kami Akisa thought she was the class monitor or a member of the student council or something.

The result is not.

The one called "Blue Hair Earring" is the squad leader.

Even though he is a member of the "Three Idiots", he became the class leader for some reason.

And he doesn't have the majesty of the squad leader, and he doesn't even see him doing anything, it looks like he has been emptied.

But this is irrelevant.

Jigami Akisa didn't care about the "idiot trio", and even had to stay away from them, because among them was a hedgehog named "Kamijo Touma".

In Bai Ye's words, "In short, the further away from him, the better."

Ji Shenqiusha was very obedient and strictly followed Bai Ye's orders. After all, she didn't want to be taken advantage of inexplicably.

Because Fukiyose Riji helped her a lot and got along very happily, so they became friends in this way.

The new friend who was in a good mood yesterday, is not in the right mood today.

During the recess, Himekami Akisa approached his new friend to ask why, but he didn't get an answer.

The main reason is that it is really hard to tell people about Fukiyose Riri's experience yesterday.

As for "I have a friend", she didn't organize the language well.

She didn't say anything, and Ji Shenqiusha didn't ask, and made a suggestion after thinking about it carefully.

"Why don't we go shopping together after school and change our mood?"


Fukiyose Seri agreed without thinking too long.

It's good to go out for a stroll, you can divert your attention, so that you don't always think about things related to that boy.

"Ask to see if anyone else is going."



The female students said they had other arrangements, and the male students seemed willing to accompany them, but they refused.

So only the two girls went shopping together.

There is nothing else to do today, so I packed up my things and left after school, talking and laughing and walking outside the school.

"Qiusha, Zhili, come together, just go on a date with me."


He suddenly heard a voice that was not unfamiliar but not very familiar, which startled Fukiyose Riri.

After the initial surprise, he looked suspiciously at the boys and girls who had already got together.

"You... know each other?"


Ji Kami Qiusha nodded slightly.

He glanced at Bai Ye beside him, and then at his new friend.

"Fukiyo-san, so you know Bai Ye too?"

"...I just met yesterday."

Fukiyose Riri explained, looking at the boy and girl with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Not only does this boy have a close relationship with Teacher Xiaomeng, but also with the newly transferred classmate Ji Shen?
Thinking about it makes me feel quite uncomfortable.

"I don't have anything else to do, so I'll go first."

Ready to leave.

Then just like yesterday, he was forcibly held by Bai Ye.

"Don't be in a hurry, didn't you tell me that you two have to go on a date with me today."


Fukiyose was annoyed for a while: "How can there be three people going on a date together?!"

"From what you said, you don't object to me going on a date with you?"

"I... I didn't say that."

Fukiyose Riri, who was asked back, tried to fill in the loopholes in his words.

But Bai Ye was too lazy to discuss this.

"Let's go, we're on a date."

"and many more……"


One of the two girls was reluctant and the other was happy.

But no matter what kind of thoughts they have, they have to walk hand in hand with Bai Ye anyway.

Although Fukiyose Riri kept expressing his reluctance through words and actions.

The other students looked at them strangely, but no one came over to meddle in their own business.

Even Kamijou Touma, who loves to be nosy, didn't jump out.

Looking at the two beautiful girls beside Bai Ye, and then at the two bad friends beside him, the hedgehog head couldn't help but sigh.

"Women's clothing or transgender, you choose one."

"...Ah, you actually have that kind of thought about us."

"Come to fencing!"



A certain high school is some distance away from the lively neighborhood, but not very far, so the boys and girls walked there.

On the way, because of Hime Kami Akisa's curiosity, Shiraya talked about how he met Fukiyose Sari yesterday, what he did when he went on a date, etc.

Everything else is fine.

The problem is that Bai Ye also told about the kiss, which made Fukiyose Riri next to him feel ashamed and angry.

Ji Shen Qiusha was slightly dazed at first, and then his face was full of resentment.

"Obviously I did it first."


"You never kissed me."


Bai Ye understood.

Looking at Hime Kami Akisa who was supposed to be jealous, the boy laughed "hehe".

"Want to kiss, this is simple, you can kiss one now."

After finishing speaking, he pulled the two girls to stop, let go of Fukiyose Riri's hand, and then directly kissed Himegami Ayusa's lips.


Seeing the boy and girl kissing like no one else, Fukiyose Riri felt astonished that his lungs were about to explode.

She didn't know why she was angry.

In short, it is very angry.

Furious, out of breath.

Without even thinking about it, he raised his foot and kicked the boy's ass twice with a "bang bang".

"You bastard! You idiot! You pervert!"

Scolded a few times like this.

After it was over, I still felt unrelieved, and tried to kick a few more times.

Bai Ye, whose kiss was interrupted, grabbed her raised leg with her backhand.

Fukiyose Riri, who was unprepared, lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground when he tilted his body, but in the end he fell into Bai Ye's arms.

"Are you jealous too? It's okay, we can kiss each other, come on."

"I didn't ugh~"

Before he finished speaking, the boy gagged his mouth.

Hime Kami Akisa next to him licked his lips and looked at them without saying anything or doing anything.

The boys and girls passing by all glanced at them curiously.

But no one cared.

In these days, it is not uncommon to kiss in the street.

Anyway, I can only say "Youth is so good".

(End of this chapter)

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