boy of science

Chapter 245 "You are slowly becoming proficient."

Chapter 245 "You are slowly becoming proficient."

Yesterday was the first date with a boy I met for the first time, and today is a three-person date with a boy I met again and a new friend.

something wrong.

But Fukiyose Riri didn't know whether he had a problem or Bai Ye had a problem.

Or maybe they both have problems.

Think about it carefully, maybe there is something wrong with this world?
Anyway, it is very problematic.

He wanted to leave, but he couldn't; he wanted to downplay his presence, but the boy kept teasing her.

Fukiyose felt that he had been trapped in a cage from which he could not extricate himself.

He sighed helplessly.

Turning to look at his new friend Hime Kami Akisa, he found that the other person's expression did not fluctuate, as if he was used to it.

Taking advantage of Bai Ye's shopping for snacks and ignoring them, he asked, "Student Jishen, do you often do this with her?"


"A date for three people."


Hime Kami Akisa didn't answer right away, but thought about what happened on the first day of school.

She and Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto, is that a date for three people?

Probably not.

Because we just watched a show together.

The scene where the hedgehog fights the magician.

What happened later couldn't be considered a date, it was simply that she and Misaka Mikoto were jealous.

Thinking of this, I finally gave the answer: "No, today is the first time."

"Then how can you be so calm?"

"Because I'm already mentally prepared."

Himegami Akisa was indeed mentally prepared. The jealousy with Misaka Mikoto that day was completely subconscious. In fact, he didn't care about Misaka Mikoto's relationship with Shiraya.

Fukiyose Riri only met Bai Ye yesterday, and he doesn't know the boy well enough.

So Jigami Akisa kindly reminded: "Fukiyo-san, you should also prepare mentally early, there are many beautiful girls who have a close relationship with Bai Ye."

"What psychological preparations do I make, what does it matter to me who he gets close to, and I haven't dated him."

Fukiyose Riri immediately denied his relationship with Bai Ye.

But after speaking, he fell into deep thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

Hime Kami Akisa didn't bother.

Bai Ye seemed to have bought a lot of snacks, and when Fukiyose Riri finished thinking, he was still talking nonsense with the clerk.

In fact, I just left a few addresses: "Send the snacks to these places."

Clerk: "Sorry, student, we are just an ordinary convenience store here, and we don't provide such services."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ye took out maybe six or seven, or maybe ten thousand yuan bills, and slapped them directly on the table.

"I'll add money."

"……Glad to serve you."


When he was busy choosing snacks, he ignored the two girls, but Fukiyose Riri didn't take the opportunity to run away, which surprised Bai Ye, but he didn't think too much about it.

He just held the hands of the two girls and continued dating, attracting a lot of strange or envious eyes.

Bai Ye and Ji Shen Qiusha didn't care, their mentality was very stable.

In the beginning, Fukiyose Riri was very concerned about it, but now he doesn't bother to care about it.

Just curious: "Where do you buy so many snacks?"

"Give it to some little girls."

"Little girl?"

"Well, the little girl I know."

Harukami, The Last Work, Kazuya Kaga, Jenny, Phoebe, Dory, and the Misaka sisters in the hospital.

Bai Ye would occasionally buy a lot of snacks for them to send over.

Miss Misaka, who is far away, has no choice.

But two days ago, they also won the benefits of increasing living expenses for them, and they can probably buy any snacks they want by themselves.

For these Misaka sisters, Bai Ye can't say how much he likes them, but Aiya and Wu are more.

Who made him have such a close relationship with Misaka Mikoto?

Bai Ye also won a lot of funding for the childcare facilities that he had stayed in before.

This is a matter of convenience, needless to say.

Fukiyose Zhili didn't know much about Bai Ye, and she didn't know who the little girls he was referring to were, anyway, she could only think of Yueyong Xiaomeng.

Although she is a teacher, she is indeed a little girl on the surface.

Bai Ye didn't tell her too much about the little girl, but brought the topic back to the real thing.

What is business?
Of course it's a date.

"I will introduce you to those little girls when I have time later. For now, just go on dates with me honestly."


No matter what he thinks in his heart, he will date with Bai Ye to the end anyway.

And it's a date with three people.

I didn't play very late today, and I sent them back to the dormitory after dinner and white night.

In order to deepen the relationship, parting kisses are naturally indispensable.

First Hime Kami Akisa, then Fukiyose Riri.

After sending the girl back to the dormitory downstairs, after a deep kiss, the girl gasped slightly.

Bai Ye chuckled: "You have gradually become more proficient, and you know how to respond and cooperate."


Fukiyose Riri didn't speak, but just ground his teeth, as if he wanted to bite the boy to death.

Bai Ye smiled and waved to her.

"I'll go first, you should go to bed earlier, good night."



Bai Ye didn't go back to the dormitory, nor went to Yueyong Xiaomeng's place, but came to Hatsune Miku's residence.

He rarely comes at night.

So Dolly who saw him seemed very surprised: "Bai Ye, you are here, why are you here at this time today?"

"I'm here to adjust Jenny and Feibuli's body, and I'll take a look at you by the way."

Misaka Mikoto went to the Academy City, but Jenny and Phoebe couldn't stop adjusting their bodies, so Bai Ye came to help her with some work.

The two little girls are next door, and only Dory and Hatsune Miku are here.

Shokuhou Misaki occasionally stays here, but unfortunately today, the girl has already gone back.

"Have you received all the snacks you sent me just now?"

"Well, thank you."

Snacks are not important, what is important is Bai Ye's affection for her.

Although she didn't know exactly what kind of emotion Bai Ye had towards her.

But there's no need to overthink it.

When Bai Ye sat down, she moved her body directly and stuck tightly to the boy.

She likes to be with friends.

But they are also friends, Bai Ye and Shokuhou Misaki are different.

Dolly couldn't tell the specific difference.

It's different anyway.

There are many things in the world that cannot be clearly expressed in words, it can only be a feeling.

Hatsune Miku was staying in the room, discussing with Arisa Naruto about collaborating on a single.

The one named Minghu Alisa didn't come here, but discussed it through video chat.

Dolly doesn't know much about music, so she happened to chat with Bai Ye.

By the way, he used his nose to sniff Bai Ye's body.

"You smell of other women."

"Really? Then come and hug one, let me also be stained with your smell."


Dolly would not be embarrassed, and directly adjusted her posture and threw herself into Bai Ye's arms.

Take a deep breath.

Both mind and body seem to relax.

"A reassuring smell."

"is it?"


After a simple conversation, they fell into silence again, enjoying the feeling of peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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