boy of science

Chapter 246 "Maybe Academy City will be destroyed one day."

Chapter 246 "Maybe Academy City will be destroyed one day."

Jenny and Feibli had nothing to do all day long, just play.

go to school?

Not to mention whether it is necessary.

In terms of "setting" alone, they have not yet reached the age of school.

At most, go to kindergarten.

There are all kinds of schools here in Academy City, but there is no kindergarten, and the only places where preschool children can stay are those child care facilities.

Because the students who can come to study are basically school-age children.

It is not necessary to have several kindergartens for children in child care facilities.

You need someone in a kindergarten, you need someone in a childcare facility, and you learn the basics, so it's actually pretty much the same.

That being the case, why bother to spend that wronged money?

As for sending two young blonde girls to childcare...

If you want to send it long ago, why wait until now?
And as far as the security of child care facilities is concerned, keeping two artificial humans there can't guarantee safety, and they might be taken away for research at some point.

In addition, you need to adjust your body.

Jenny and Phoebe don't know that they are artificial, although they can more or less find that they are a bit special.

Mainly because of the care the girls took for their sisters.

Even Bai Ye took care of them.

Misaka Mikoto went to the City of Arts and couldn't adjust their bodies for the time being, so Bai Ye came here.

After spending a long time alone with Dolly next door, Bai Ye ran here to start working.

With previous experience, Bushu Toxin prepared everything that should be prepared.

As a result, Bai Ye waved his hand.

"No, I'm not Mikoto, and I don't have her weak ability."

Looking at Zidian alone, Misaka Mikoto is not weak, but rather strong.

But from the aspect of qi refining, it's just an introduction to qi refining, which is naturally weak compared to the perfection of qi refining.

If he really wanted to, Bai Ye could casually make the bodies of these two little girls normal.

But anyway, there won't be any major problems, so I will leave it to Misaka Mikoto to practice.

Tonight, I just helped Misaka Mikoto complete some minor tasks.

Needless to say the specific details.

Bai Ye didn't get along with these two blond girls much, but their attitude towards Bai Ye was quite close.

As man-made creatures, they probably sensed that Bai Ye was different.

"Will Oni-chan stay with us tonight?"

Phoebe looked at Bai Ye with wide eyes, those beautiful purple eyes were full of anticipation.

The girls like Misaka Mikoto played with them and did various things with them.

But Bai Ye didn't.

It was rare to see them in Baiye, so I hoped that he could stay.

There was something special about this young man that made them feel close.

"Well, yes."

Gently touching the little head of the blond girl, Bai Ye smiled and agreed.

Going back is also to stay alone in the vacant room, it is better to stay here to play with the two young girls.

And there are beautiful girls.

For example, Fusu Toshin standing next to him, such as Dolly and Hatsune Miku next door.

"Before that, let brother check your health first."



The years in Bai Ye are quiet and peaceful, but Misaka Mikoto and the others encountered an incident again.

Basically, it was involved in the battle between Academy City and the magical association "Return of the Winged Ones".

It was the magic association that Azali belonged to.

Misaka Mikoto also has a little impression of this because she has heard of it.

Not much, just a little bit.

Think about it and find that there is no more and more specific information, so I don't bother to care.

The battle between Academy City and Return of the Winged Ones has been going on for a long time, but this time it is a bit big, as if it is going to tear down Academy City.

As the leader of the "Misaka faction" and also a psychic in Academy City, Misaka Mikoto is forced to get involved.

There are also Shirai Kuroko, Saten Reiko, Married Mitsuko, Uiharu Shiri, etc.

In a way, this is indeed the "Misaka Force".

But the girl still felt very resentful.

Bai Ye spent her days leisurely hiding behind the scenes, pushing her to the front of the stage to attract firepower.

Simply too much!
Misaka Mikoto is in a bad mood, and some people are probably going to be unlucky.


The next two days are weekends, and Shiraiya persists in going on a date with Fukiyose Riri.

You can't hide, you can't escape.

Fukiyose Riri probably resigned to his fate, so the two-day date has been quite honest, and it seems that he is also trying to enjoy the date.

Misaka Mikoto encountered many things.

Of course it was finally resolved.

9 month 6 day.

The battle between Academy City and the magical association "Return of the Winged Ones" has come to an end.

The city of learning and art was also solved together, and this unlucky artificial island was about to be demolished.

But this has nothing to do with Misaka Mikoto and the others.

The girls just finished their "wide-area social visit" journey and took a special plane to leave Academy City and return to Academy City.

"School City, Academy City, I suddenly feel a little bad."

Saten Ruiko thought about it carefully, and then raised a possibility: "Maybe Academy City will be destroyed one day."

"No way."

"It should be fine."


Girls such as Shili in early spring, Kuroko Shirai, and Mitsuko after marriage expressed their opinions one after another.

They find it unlikely.

Misaka Mikoto didn't speak, but she thought it was very possible.

There are many people in the world who want to destroy Academy City, and she has prevented several such conspiracies, not to mention others who have stopped them.

If one day it's too late to stop it, Academy City may turn into ruins.

To be honest, Misaka Mikoto does not want Academy City to be destroyed, because this is the "home" of capable people.

If you really want to leave Academy City, you will probably be treated as a different kind?
Or as a guinea pig...

Well, regardless of whether they are outside Academy City or inside Academy City, ability users like them are guinea pigs.

Because most researchers think so.

Without thinking too much about the future, I turned to chatting with my friends.

He turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

No matter when, the blue sky and white clouds give people the feeling of healing.


Bai Ye didn't see the girls who came back that day. They had a lot of things to do after a journey, and they could relax in their comfort zone.

Time soon came to the next day, September 9th, which happened to be Monday.

The school, which had been quiet for two days, resumed its bustle.

Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiori were surrounded by Komu, Mako, and Akemi, asking them about their experiences in the Academy City.

Zhixian tripper also went to join in the fun.

When they heard that the Academy City was about to be demolished, the girls were very surprised.

Chunshang Jinyi doesn't care about such things.

But today he didn't just focus on eating, but asked Bai Ye some questions.

It's all a matter of physical health.

She took care of her friend very carefully, so she was able to find out those problems, instead of going to ask the doctor, she asked Bai Ye for advice.

In Chunshang Jinyi's heart, Bai Ye was much better than those doctors.

After listening to the description, Bai Ye patted her head.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. I just need to adjust my daily exercise methods."

"That's good."

She believed whatever Bai Ye said, so she felt relieved immediately.

He just called Edasaki Tanri, who was joining in the fun, over to accept Shiraya's instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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