boy of science

Chapter 251 "If there is nowhere to go, do you want to come to my place for a night?"

Chapter 251 "If you have nowhere to go, why don't you come to my place for a night?"

It is not easy to "see" the past and the future. Normal Qi practitioners can only make calculations, and only people like Bai Ye can "see with their own eyes".

Because he is about to cultivate supernatural powers.

Of course, this is not the result of more than ten years of hard work in this life, but the foundation brought from past lives.

And in the understanding of Qi practitioners, this "fast" is not three to five days, nor three to five years, but at least three to fifty years, or even three to five hundred years.

After all, the concept of time of Qi refiners is different from that of ordinary people.

Neither the past nor the future meant much in Bai Ye's eyes. He felt that what was important was the present and the present.

Only by grasping the present can we have a better future.

Although he seems to be wasting his time every day, that is just the surface. In fact, he is improving himself every moment.

It's not that difficult to split your mind.

He let Kanzaki Kaori take a quick look at what happened to her companions after she left, but she didn't let her see the recent situation related to the "Book of Law".

Kanzaki Kaori, who came back to his senses and was about to ask, saw the young man's pale face, exhausted expression, and precarious appearance, and immediately turned pale with fright, and quickly supported his shaking body.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

This kind of ability to see the past is really rare, and looking at it for such a long time naturally consumes a lot of money.

Kanzaki Kaori, who realized this, felt guilty and felt that he had done something wrong again.

Bai Ye's body was weak, and he leaned against her body, as if he was about to fall into her arms.

Even his voice was weak: "No, it's okay, it's just that the consumption is too high, just make up the magic."

"Repair the magic? What should I do?"



What kind of healing method is this?
Never heard of it.

Kanzaki Kaori glanced at the boy's face suspiciously and found that he seemed to be smiling.

After a second thought, she no longer supported him, but let go of her hand and stepped back to get out of the way.

The boy tilted his body and almost fell to the ground.

But it is easy to stabilize the figure.

Kanzaki Kaori took another closer look.

Where is there any pale, weak face, just like that is clearly pretending.

"You are too ruthless. I have helped you so much, but you didn't even help me."

The boy complained.

Kanzaki Kaori was too lazy to discuss such issues with him.

And did you want her to support you just now?
He clearly wanted to cheat her of her first kiss!

This boy is very hateful.

Of course, teenagers also have a good side.

For example, let her "see" what her former companions have experienced.

Although they still don't know why they got involved in the "Book of Law" incident, Kanzaki Kaori still decided to believe them.

Just like those partners still believe in her until now.

After all, she was the one who felt sorry for her former partner.

I abandoned them and failed them before, but now I have to fight side by side with them.

But the Puritans seemed to have sent Steele over.

In order to help the former comrades, is it necessary to draw swords against the current comrades?
Kanzaki Kaori frowned in thought.

Then he turned to look at Bai Ye: "I think..."

"No, you don't want to."

As soon as the words started, Bai Ye directly refused: "I don't want to get involved, and I am too lazy to help you. After all, there is no benefit every time I help you."


Bai Ye helped her just now, but she didn't even say "thank you".

Bai Ye also helped her take care of Index.


There seems to be nothing else.

But if she wanted to pay Bai Ye, she didn't know what to give.

The easiest thing to think about, of course, is money.

But will Bai Ye want it?

Although Bai Ye wanted to "settle accounts" with her just now, he actually didn't take the money into his heart at all.

This is the conclusion she got through observation.

If you don't care about money...

What would he care about?
This problem is really impossible to observe.

Kanzaki Kaori thought about it carefully, but gave up on asking for help.

"I'll figure it out myself."

State your intentions directly.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "Thank you."

"Thank you, no need."

Bai Ye waved his hand, indicating that these little things don't need to be taken care of.

Then he looked at Index in the distance, but unfortunately he couldn't see the little nun taking a bath.

"Are you going to stay here and watch the wind blow all night? If that doesn't work, just rush over and push the little nun down. I'll help you lead the hedgehog away. I'll make sure that no one will save the little nun even if she screams. "


Kanzaki Kaori was very confused: "What does 'push down' mean?"

"...Forget it, it's nothing."

The boy suddenly lost interest, after all playing the piano with cows is really not fun.

Yawn and stretch.

It's getting late, it's time to go back to bed.

"If you have no place to go, why don't you come to my place and stay the night?"

He casually extended an invitation to the girl.

After all, I didn't think the girl would agree.

The result was unexpected.

Kanzaki Kaori agreed after a little thought.


She needs to recharge her energy and adjust her state, because a big battle is likely to break out tomorrow.

The Amakusa-style Cross Church, Agnes' troops, Stiyl Magnus and other forces are almost all here, and the issue of the "Book of Law" cannot continue to be delayed.

And since they are all here, Academy City will definitely get involved.

The one who represents Academy City is probably the "Fantasy Killer" again.

Things are not easy.

"...then let's go."

Bai Ye didn't expect that she would accept the invitation.

But I don't bother to think about it too much, lending the bed to someone else to sleep in is just a small problem.

After all, she is a beautiful girl no matter what.

If it's a man...

Then roll as far as you can.


Kanzaki Kaori not only stayed overnight, but also had a full meal here, and even borrowed the bathroom to take a shower.

"This girl really doesn't understand anything."

Bai Ye couldn't help complaining.

Such behavior could be taken as a hint for any other girl.

It suggests that you can do something that everyone loves to do.

The problem is that Kanzaki Kaori is very naive.

Staying overnight is simply "staying at a friend's house", and taking a bath is simply "wanting to take a bath", there is no superfluous meaning at all.

Of course, Bai Ye didn't have any special thoughts about her.

So when Kanzaki Kaori came out of the shower, he pointed to the bed.

"Go to bed tonight."

"……how about you?"

"Don't worry about me, it doesn't matter if I sleep or not, I can just spend my time reading."

After speaking, he sat down at the desk and picked up the book to read.

Kanzaki Kaori stared at him for a few moments, then went straight to the bed and lay down without saying anything.

She was not polite at all, probably regarded Bai Ye as a reliable friend.

But Bai Ye only regarded her as an acquaintance.

I didn't pay attention to the magician, but when I was reading the book, I suddenly thought of Mitsuko after marriage.

These books were sent by Guangzi after marriage.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't had a date with Mitsuko-chan yet."

Dating doesn't have to be between couples, it can also be between friends.

"Agreed to meet".

Not only Guangzi after marriage, but also Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin in the bay.

Including Shokuho Misaki.

"Well, let's go on a date with Guangzi tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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