boy of science

Chapter 252 "At most, Mikoto-chan just kicked me a few times in anger."

Chapter 252 "At most, Mikoto-chan just kicked me a few times in anger."

"A date, a date?!"

Received a call from Bai Ye early in the morning, which surprised Guangzi after marriage.

She was even more surprised when she heard the date invitation from the boy.

"On a date..."

"What, you don't have time today?"

"No, it's not because of the problem, I'm because of that..."

Time is not a problem because there is usually nothing else to do except study.

Even if there is, unless it is something that has to be dealt with immediately, it can be adjusted.

The problem lies in Bai Ye's relationship with other girls.

She didn't notice it before, but she just thought that those girls had a good relationship with Bai Ye.

It's different now.

Knowing that Shirai Kuroko stayed at Shirao's house overnight, she re-examined the relationship between Misaka Mikoto and the others.

In fact, she hasn't seen too many scenes of Bai Ye getting along with other girls.

But through a limited number of times, it can be analyzed: Bai Ye and the girls are not "on a good relationship", but on a "very good relationship", or even "close", but "intimate".

To be honest, the relationship between Shirai Kuroko and Byakuya is not that close.

Of course, this is relative.

In fact, they are very close, otherwise they would not stay at the opposite sex's home.

At night, lonely men and widows live in the same room, and may even sleep in the same bed and embrace each other.

Every time I think about this in the past few days, Mitsuko can't help but sigh.

Originally, she was thinking of marrying Bai Ye back home.

Now I think it's impossible, because a girl attacked Bai Ye first.

In addition, there is a more serious problem: there is more than one girl who attacked Bai Ye.

Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko are even closer to Byakuya.

Uiharu Shiri's words...

After marriage, Photon couldn't see it.

But her intuition told her: Chuchun Shili and Bai Ye are also very close.

This will not work.

She and the girls are friends, if she takes action against Bai Ye, the rare friendship will probably be broken and disappear.

Love and friendship...

To be honest, Photon wants everything after marriage.

But after all, Misaka Mikoto and the others took the lead, so she could only choose to abandon love and maintain friendship.

But today's Bai Ye suddenly said that he wanted to date her.


After struggling for a long time, I still asked cautiously: "Is this not good?"

"Not so good? Why?"

"that is……"

After marriage, Guangzi also has a straightforward personality, and usually says what she has.

just this thing...

After struggling again, I still said the words: "If Misaka-san or Saten-san Shirai-san find out, things will get very bad."

"They, don't worry, it's fine, they're all used to it, at most it's just Mikoto-chan kicking me a few times in anger."


After the marriage, Mitsuko looked confused because he thought this sentence contained a lot of information.

And "they're used to it"...

So it’s not any girl who is dating Bai Ye, but all the girls?
Bai Ye not only dated them, but also dated other girls?
They even tacitly agreed that Bai Ye maintained an intimate relationship with multiple girls?
Photon after marriage who quickly analyzed these in her mind was stunned, feeling that her outlook on the world, outlook on life, and values ​​had all been strongly impacted.

My mind was in chaos and I didn't dare to continue talking to Bai Ye.

"Well, I'm going to school. I'll reply to your invitation after I think about it. I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he quickly hung up the call and sat on the bed in his dormitory to organize his thoughts.


Bai Ye, who heard the "beep" sound, looked at his mobile phone.

But he didn't think much about it and just put the phone back in his pocket.

He turned to look at his guests.

Kanzaki Kaori probably slept well last night and looked radiant, but unfortunately there was no smile on his face, otherwise it would have looked good.

At this time, the girl is having breakfast.

"You eat slowly, I'm going to school first."

Without saying anything to her, Bai Ye got up and left, leaving her alone in the dormitory.

Anyway, this girl won't spoil it.

After leaving the dormitory, I walked and thought.

"I don't know if Guangzi will go on a date with me, if not, then I have to find another girl."

Bay Nei Shi Bao is very good.

You can also soak Wanbin.

But both girls are very shy, and Wanuchi Kinho even has "male phobia", so there is little hope of dating them alone.

Why don't you just make an appointment with the two?

A date for three is still pretty good.

"If Photon doesn't come, then try to find them."

As for the bee-eater...

Well, definitely next time.


Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin are both good boys. Although they are in adolescence, they have not considered the matter of "love".

Study, participate in club activities, and play with friends.

This is roughly what they do every day.

Both of them are first graders, and Mitsuko is a second grader after marriage.

The dormitory is the same building.

There must have been some delays this morning, so we couldn't come to school together.

I couldn't see each other all morning.

It was not until they met here at the restaurant at lunch time that Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin discovered that Guangzi seemed to have something on his mind after marriage.

"Students after marriage, do you have any troubles?"

"If you don't mind, just tell us."

After finding a place to sit down, the two good children tried to talk to Mitsuko after marriage.

After marriage, Guangzi looked at her two friends, hesitated, and finally spoke out her troubles.

It just mentioned Bai Ye, but didn't mention Misaka Mikoto and the others' names.

"Baku Ye-san wants to go on a date with you?"

"That's right, the problem is: he seems to have a girlfriend, and there are more than one."

Even if Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto were not a couple, they might not be much different.

Just like this, I still want to date her...

To be honest, she is willing to date Bai Ye, otherwise she wouldn't be troubled by it.

If you don't like it, just refuse.

"This one……"

Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin glanced at each other, and roughly understood Guangzi's troubles after marriage.

I wanted to agree to a date, but I felt that I shouldn’t go on a date with Bai Ye.

In a way, it is a conflict between sensibility and rationality.

Both of them don't know much about "love", so there is no way to solve this trouble.

After thinking for a long time, Wan Bin still made a suggestion: "How about simply treating it as a friend and going out to play?"

That's a great proposition.

After hearing this, Mitsuko thought about it carefully, and then nodded if she realized something.

Even if you can't marry Bai Ye home, you can still be friends.

Going out to play with friends is also a normal thing, there is no need to think so much, it will only increase troubles.

"I understand."

After figuring it out, Mitsuko finally had a smile on her face.

"Thank you, classmate Paofu."

"you are welcome."

The two girls exchanged polite words.

Then we started to enjoy lunch and talk about some light and pleasant topics by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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