boy of science

Chapter 253 "I heard that you often go out with girls you know?"

Chapter 253 "I heard that you often go out with girls you know?"

In the afternoon, after school time.

The students who escaped from the cage of "school" were full of smiles, chatting about where to go to play, or discussing various topics.

Ji Shen Qiusha was called to the office by Yueyong Xiaomeng.

Fukiyose Riri, who packed up her things, did not wait for her, left the classroom, changed her shoes, walked out of the teaching building, and stopped at the school gate.

But no white night was seen.

He looked around suspiciously, but there was no sign of the boy anywhere.

Maybe there was a delay?
Fukiyose Saori thought to himself, and walked to the school gate silently, so as not to hinder the normal entry and exit of the students.

Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, he just stood there and waited for a long time.

The classmates who should leave have all left, and occasionally one or two will walk out of the school.

In fact, there are many students in the school, all of whom participate in club activities.

Himegami Akisa, who was called away by Tsukiyong Komoe, also came out, and saw Fukiyose Riri waiting by the school gate at a glance.

This is waiting for her?

It's waiting for that boy.

"Blow and send classmate."

Himekami Ayusa walked up to the girl and called softly.

Fukiyose first turned to look at her in a daze before realizing it.

"Ji, Jishen, are you done with Teacher Xiaomeng?"


Ji Shen Qiusha nodded slightly, and then asked, "You are waiting for Bai Ye."


Fukiyose was a little flustered, but quickly found an excuse.

"What am I waiting for him to do? It would be better if he doesn't come. I'm waiting for you. Well, it's still early. Let's go shopping together."

"……it is good."

See through, don’t say through.

Fukiyose Sari didn't bother to wait, and left with Hime Kami Akisa.


While others were in class, Index, who had nothing to do, was chatting with Maika Tsuchimikado.

Index also raised a question: Everyone else has to take classes, why doesn’t Maika Tsuchimikado have to take classes?

Answer: "Because I am a trainee maid."

So the little nun said again: "Then if I also become a maid, can I go to school to play with Madam?"

The answer: "No."

The little nun had an idea: "Then let Touma become a maid!"

Tsuchimikado Maika: "..."

We couldn't continue the discussion after that.

Because a tall, redheaded, earringed, smoking teen with a barcode on his face apparently for sale took Index away.

The daring robber also frantically left a letter for Maiko Tsuchimikado to forward to Touma Kamijou.

After school, Maika Tsuchimikado, who waited downstairs in the dormitory until Kamijou Touma, handed the letter to him directly, and described the appearance and characteristics of the robber by the way.

"...It doesn't matter, that prisoner is an acquaintance of Index and I."

Kamijou Touma explained and quickly read the contents of the letter.

It's nothing more than asking him to meet when and where.

Along with it is an outgoing permit.

Needless to say, something troublesome must have come to our door again.



"Lucky" and "unlucky" are always relative.

There are unfortunate people and there are lucky people.

Kanzaki Kaori felt that she was always lucky.

If nothing else, just say that in the past two days, when I was still worried, I was lucky enough to get help from Bai Ye.

Although that boy sometimes speaks in a harsh way.

But that doesn't matter.

Kanzaki Kaori has made the decision to fight alongside his former companions.

So I can only beat up my current companion.

The first unlucky ones were the members of the Puritan Knights who had just set foot on the island country after traveling across the ocean.

Before they could do anything, Kanzaki Kaori rushed out and beat them all to the ground, preventing them from participating in the ensuing battle.

Next up is the Amakusa-style Cross Church versus the Roman Orthodox Church's Agnes troops.

And Steele.

And "Fantasy Killer" Touma Kamijou.


Kanzaki Kaori sighed and adjusted his mentality, then clenched the long knife in his hand.

There is no way but to chop them all off!


Some people seem to be born to work hard, while others can live a leisurely life with nothing to do.

Kanzaki Kaori is sharpening his knife and rushing to Zhu Yang, but Bai Ye is dating a girl.

A date between friends.

Not kissing, not doing anything else, not even holding hands.

Just walking around together, just tasting some snacks together, just chatting about some interesting things.

After the marriage, Mitsuko was still a little nervous and a little complicated at first, but he slowly returned to his innocent and innocent appearance, and no longer thought about those messy things.

"By the way, how about the books I sent people before, are you satisfied?"

"They're all pretty good, and I've already finished them all. You can ask someone to take them all back sometime."

"All, have you finished watching?"

"Yes, I read books very quickly and I have a photographic memory."


After the marriage, Mitsuko believed it easily and did not suspect Bai Ye's bragging.

I didn't discuss too much about books, I just said something casually when I thought of it, and it soon became another topic.


In general, Mitsuko is very satisfied with this "date" after marriage, and nothing embarrassing or embarrassing happened during the whole process, and she just felt relaxed and happy.

Happy time is always short.

I feel like I haven't done anything yet, and the time has come to the evening.

Maybe because of the access control of the Tokiwadai dormitory, or maybe because of other things to do, Bai Ye didn't go to dinner with her, and sent her back to the school garden when it was almost dark.

After marriage, Guangzi felt that this was very good, but she couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed.

Saying goodbye and leaving in an ordinary way, and by the way, I will go on a "date" when I have time. After marriage, Mitsuko turned and entered the garden of the school.

Bai Ye was not in a hurry to leave.

Because this girl Shokuhou Misaki appeared out of nowhere.

"Just got back from a date?"

Asked like an old friend.

Then he looked at Bai Ye with inexplicable eyes: "I heard that you often go out with girls you know, and now it seems that this is indeed the case."

"Why, you want to go on a date too, then let's go on a date next time."


The girl snorted arrogantly, without agreeing or refusing, said, "The access control time is coming soon", and then walked towards the garden of the school house.

Bai Ye looked at her back, thoughtfully.


Shokuhou Misaki just came back from the apartment.

The apartment is not far from the garden of the school house, Bai Ye decided to go and have a look after thinking about it.

One doll, one clone, two artificial humans.

Bu Shu Texin, a normal human girl, seems a bit out of place here.

Although she was wearing a maid outfit, she was obviously not as professional as Hatsune Miku.

I can't compare to housework, cooking skills, or even to please little girls.

Of course, the blonde sisters had a good relationship with her.

The relationship between Bai Ye and her...

Can't say how good it is, but it's certainly not bad.

Overall it's pretty close.

Bai Ye just dropped by to see them, so he didn't say much, played around with a few "non-humans" and left.

(End of this chapter)

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