boy of science

Chapter 257 "So just get rid of the Agnes team, right?"

Chapter 257 "So just get rid of the Agnes team, right?"

Agnes Santis still has a bit of commanding ability, although not much, but at least she can beat Steele and Hedgehog.

After all, he can command more than 200 nuns to conduct coordinated operations.

As for Steele and Hedgehog, I'm afraid they can't even command them well.

Stiyl couldn't command Hedgehog and Index well.

Hedgehog couldn't command Index and Stiyl well either.

Hedgehog and Stiyl couldn't even coordinate well.

Index did not participate in the command, but only reminded her from time to time.

Faced with the siege of friends (Index) and companions (Steel) and Hedgehog, Kanzaki Kaori's mood is a little complicated.

It's not good for anyone to be hurt.

Therefore, the battle between the three of them was at a stalemate, with Index still cheering beside them.

The Amakusa style was completely suppressed by the superior number of Agnes' troops.

Frontal attack, outflanking on both wings.

With this simple and classic tactic, Agnes Santis almost had the fruits of victory in her hands.

The devious nun has approached Itsuwa and Orsola's location.

Itsuwa protected Orsola behind him, clenched the weapon in his hand, and thought about how to break the situation.

Suddenly, there was thunder.

Blue and white lightning flashed, and the sound of "crackling~" was endless.

Accompanied by the nuns' screams of "ahhh".

Soon it was calm again.


A series of footsteps came.

But no one appeared in her sight, because they stopped at the corner, probably to avoid a big fight to avoid misunderstanding.

"Be careful and protect the nun who is being hunted."

A girl's voice came over, and then she said no more.

Wuhe felt strange, and suddenly turned his head to look at the battlefield outside, because a girl suddenly joined the battle.

A game coin spun several times in the air.

Then fall.

Then it turned into a streak of orange light and shot out from the girl's hand at a speed exceeding three times the speed of sound.


The entire flame giant was instantly shattered under the bombardment of the girl's signature skill "Super Electromagnetic Cannon", which had not been used for a long time.


Stiyl paled in shock, then frowned.

Another strong enemy!

Hedgehog saw the girl with brown hair, and also saw the Tokiwadai school uniform that she was wearing.

Because Tokiwadai is famous, the school uniform is easy to identify.

As for this brown-haired girl...


But I did.

I saw it in the underground mall on the first day of school.

I didn't expect this girl to appear out of nowhere, and she came to help Kanzaki Kaori.

Isn't this helping the evildoers? !

Seeing that the brown-haired girl was about to attack Stiyl again, she tried to completely defeat the flame magician first.

The hedgehog head rushed towards the brown-haired girl to provide support to Stiyl, who was at least a partner, even though they didn't like each other.

Misaka Mikoto sensed his actions.

A purple light glows.

Hedgehog Head has sensed the danger and quickly raised his right hand.

For an instant.

The stream of light flashed across, and blood suddenly appeared.

The right hand that the hedgehog raised in front of him in an attempt to erase the opponent's ability was pierced through the palm.

Misaka Mikoto didn't want to kill him, but just wounded his right hand that he relied on.


The speed was too fast, and when it flew back to Misaka Mikoto's hand, the hedgehog screamed as if belatedly.

Misaka Mikoto looked at the bloody spiritual sword Purple Lightning in her hand.

She likes to use swords very much, and she has a skill called "Sword of Iron Sand", although the use of iron sand is not only to become the shape of a sword.

Over there, Stiyl has already set up a defensive posture.

Kanzaki Kaori retreated to Misaka Mikoto.

When the two of them get together, they will probably be able to carry out a "combination of swords and swords".

The hedgehog looked at Misaka Mikoto with fear. This was the first time he encountered an ability that "Fantasy Killer" couldn't deal with.

In fact, it wasn't the first time, it was just that he didn't remember the things before he lost his memory.

Anyway, "Fantasy Killer" was restrained, and Stiyl couldn't deal with the two girls with swords and swords.

As for the Agnes team...

The front and sides have been broken through, and the nuns are gathering here.

Steele decided to wait for the support of Agnes' troops.

It won't take long, probably just enough time to say a few words.

"Kanzaki, do you really want to do this?!"

Steele asked loudly.

He was about to continue angrily scolding his companion who had gone astray in order to delay time, but Misaka Mikoto instantly saw through this little calculation.

"Delay for time and wait for support, right? I don't think you should count on it."

After the words fell, the spiritual sword in the girl's hand turned into a stream of light and flew out again.

This time the target is the nun of Agnes's unit.

There is no need to kill people, just to stop them from moving forward.

So just cut their legs.

Although most of the nuns have not yet appeared in Misaka Mikoto's sight, it does not prevent her from doing such a thing.

Zidian with spirituality will complete the owner's thoughts unless it encounters force majeure.

It's a pity that Agnes's troops don't have that kind of thing.

In an instant, all the members of Agnes's unit felt pain in their thighs. Some immediately stopped to stabilize their bodies, while others fell directly to the ground.



"how so?!"


More than 200 nuns failed to complete the tactical arrangement of Agnes Santis, and all fell down halfway and could not move forward.

Even though some nuns gritted their teeth and wanted to move forward reluctantly, there was a "boom~" sound in the sky, and dark clouds gathered.

Then the light came on.

More than 200 currents formed a bright grid, each aimed at its own target: all members of Agnes's unit.

If they dare to continue to move, the current that is constantly twisting and swimming will land on them.

For a moment, all the nuns were stunned by the rolling thunder above.

Seeing that support could no longer arrive, Steele seemed to be gritting his teeth in hatred.

The hedgehog head was even more angry.

"You executioners, murderers!"

Misaka Mikoto ignored him and asked Kanzaki Kaori what she thought.

But before she could say anything, Orsola walked out under the protection of Itsuwa.

"Um, you misunderstood."

She finally figured out the situation, so she wanted to explain it to Hedgehog.

Mainly this hedgehog head seems to want to protect her.

"It's not the Amakusa-style people who are chasing and killing me. I asked them to protect me. The real chasing and killing me is the Roman Orthodox Church's Agnes troops."


The hedgehog head was dumbfounded.

Reversal of identity and position: I am the one who helps the evildoer? !

Stiyl also couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Kanzaki Kaori looked at Itsuwa standing beside Orsola, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Misaka Mikoto had already known the general situation from Bai Ye, so there was no fluctuation in her heart at the moment.

"So just take out the Agnes team, right?"


After speaking, there was a flash of lightning, as if preparing to do something.

Kamijou Touma's blood immediately surged over there: "Don't kill them!"

Misaka Mikoto let out a "huh" and didn't bother to care about him.

This hedgehog will only judge things based on the surface and decide his position.

Kanzaki Kaori said: "Let us solve it later. You don't need to get too involved in this matter."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

 There are not many readers left
  still being sprayed

  Maybe it's almost time to finish
(End of this chapter)

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