boy of science

Chapter 258 "Don't make trouble, I'm ticklish."

Chapter 258 "Don't make trouble, I'm ticklish."

It's better to leave it to the magician.

Misaka Mikoto's action just now can be regarded as doing a favor to a friend, but if she participates in the subsequent processing, it will be quite aggro.

Now that the conspiracy of Agnes' troops and the Roman Orthodox Church behind it has been revealed, it is enough to hand over the Amakusa-style Cross Church and the British Puritan Church to negotiate with the Roman Orthodox Church. It is really difficult for the "Misaka forces" to participate in it.

"...What is 'Misaka Force'?!"

Every time I mentioned this, Misaka Mikoto felt a little itchy, and really wanted to give Bai Ye a set of electric shock therapy.

Disperse the thunderclouds above, and return control of the battlefield to Kanzaki Kaori.

Then said no more, turned and left.


The roof of the adjacent building.

Saten Saten looked at the peaceful night sky and felt envious: "When will I be able to use my abilities like Misaka-senpai?"

"Don't worry, take your time, in short, try to get started with Qi refining as soon as possible."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he "pinched his fingers" and patted the girl on the shoulder: "Don't worry, it will be ready soon."

Saten Ruiko was confused.

But before she could ask, Bai Ye grabbed her hand.

"Let's go, meet Mikoto."



The rest are all about the magic side and have nothing to do with the science side.

It's just that the nuns in Agnes's unit were all injured in their thighs, and the Puritans and the Amakusa began to unite, and the conspiracy had been exposed again, so it would be no good to continue fighting.

So the fighting here is temporarily suspended, and the next step is the high-level game.

The key is that after Index communicated with Orsola, she discovered that the answer she got from interpreting the "Book of Laws" was actually a false answer.

So the Roman Orthodox Church had no reason to pursue Orsola.

Finally, after "friendly" negotiations, Ossola quit the Roman Orthodox Church and joined the Anglican Puritan Church.

Agnes's troops withdrew from the island country, and they were expected to face punishment when they returned.

The Amakusa style did not join Puritanism like the original work.

Mainly the situation is different.

This "communication" with Qingjiao was not a friendly one. Although the misunderstanding was finally resolved, Amakusa Shiki did not want to have too much interaction with the other party.

They themselves had resentment against Puritanism, after all, they abducted their Pope.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't force it either.

The incident happened suddenly this time, and she hadn't considered whether to return to the Amakusa style, so she didn't discuss it for the time being.

After thinking for a long time, Kanzaki Kaori found Misaka Mikoto and Byakuya that afternoon.

The location is a restaurant.

Just like last time, Bai Ye sat with Misaka Mikoto, and she sat alone on the other side.

Misaka Mikoto was drinking a drink.

Kanzaki Kaori expressed his thoughts: "I want Amakusa Shiki to join the 'Misaka Force'."

"Pfft~gulu~cough cough cough~"

Misaka Mikoto almost squirted out in an unladylike manner.

He put down the cup and took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, then glared at Bai Ye angrily.

The boy pretended nothing happened.

But Kanzaki Kaori let Amakusa Shiki join the "Misaka Force", which was actually aimed at him.

Kanzaki Kaori is one of the few beings who can see who the core of the "Misaka faction" is.

Of course, she won't talk nonsense, after all, the boys and girls have helped her a lot.

After adjusting, Misaka Mikoto quickly said, "This is not appropriate."

While speaking, he put his hand under the table and poked Bai Ye's waist with his fingers.

Bai Ye laughed "huhu" a few times.

"Don't make trouble, I'm ticklish."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the girl's hand and clasped it tightly, no matter how the girl "struggled" she did not let go.

Misaka Mikoto snorted softly, but said nothing.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't know, and even if he knew, he didn't bother to pay attention to their flirting in private, and just continued to express his thoughts.

"I think it's quite appropriate. Nowadays, the 'Misaka Force' is very famous and powerful on the magic side. I just hope you can help protect Amakusa Shiki."

"It's fine to help, but it's okay to 'join the Misaka faction'. The combination of capable people and magicians will only attract hatred."


The truth is indeed the truth.

But Kanzaki Kaori doesn't think that Shiraiya is a capable person, and it's actually quite appropriate for Amakusa Shiki to follow Shiraiya.

Just looking back and thinking about it, the magicians outside basically didn't know about Bai Ye, and they all thought that Misaka Mikoto was the leader of the "Misaka faction".

In this way, it is indeed inappropriate for Amakusa Shiki to join the "Misaka faction".

Kanzaki Kaori only realized this, but she soon found a solution.

"That's not joining, but cooperation, how?"

It is impossible for the magic side and the science side to cooperate.

But the Amakusa style can cooperate with the Misaka forces, just like Puritan is also cooperating with Academy City.

"Whether you join or cooperate, I mainly hope that you can help protect my companions. I will return to Puritanism soon, and it is too far away from here."

The distance is too far to reach.

So we need to find a backer for our companions.

When it comes to this level, Misaka Mikoto is also very embarrassed.

Turning to look at Bai Ye for his opinion.

Bai Ye pretended to be innocent: "Look at what I do, you are the boss, and the 'Misaka forces' have to listen to you."

"...Believe it or not, Sister Miqin, I'll just shock you into a dead frog?!"

Bai Ye didn't speak, but just showed a cute smile, which made the girl want to punch his hateful face a few times.

Averting his eyes and returning to Kanzaki Kaori, he organized his words and said, "It's okay to help your friends, but don't say 'join', 'cooperate' and other words."


Kanzaki Kaori understood what she meant.

After fighting side by side, they became friends, and they will definitely help when there is something.

But whether it's "Amakusa-style joining the Misaka faction" or "Amakusa-style cooperating with the Misaka faction" are too much to attract the attention of others, so we don't engage in such nominal things.

It is indeed in name, because there is no "Misaka power" at all.

If there really was one, it would be the "White Night Power".

This young man was safe hiding behind the scenes, but she had to face a lot of trouble.

Although there is no trouble coming to the door yet.

But what about later?

As long as Misaka Mikoto and Shiraya are willing to protect Amakusa Shiki, Kanzaki Kaori doesn't have too many demands.

He stood up and bowed to them, continued to say a few words and then left.

Before Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto continued to flirt, a girl came in soon.

A girl named "Five Harmonies".

It was the first time she saw Shiraya, and Kanzaki Kaori didn't tell her too much about Shiraya, so she basically ignored the boy, and instead had full respect for Misaka Mikoto.

"The Pope asked me to stay with you and take charge of communication."

The members of the Amakusa style can't all stay in Academy City, they have to stay outside.

If there is anything, please contact Misaka Mikoto through Itsuwa.

There are quite a few magicians here, and they are basically "spies" sent by various forces, so it doesn't matter if there is one more Wuhe.

Aleister wouldn't care about it unless it interfered with his plan.

Now that she has promised to help protect them, Misaka Mikoto will naturally not say anything more, but just asked, "Is there a place to live?"

"not yet."

Not easy to find either.

The main reason is that there is no legal identity here in Academy City.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Bai Ye after thinking about it: "Let her live with Toshin and the others?"

"You are the boss, you have the final say."


(End of this chapter)

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