boy of science

Chapter 264 "Are you also an immortal? Have you ever eaten fairy fruit?"

Chapter 264 "Are you also an immortal? Have you ever eaten fairy fruit?"


What does it feel like to die?

What is the world after death like?

Retili Tanglod, an immortal, a legal lolita who wants to embrace death.

In order to commit suicide and meet death, she thought of many ways.

Now is a new attempt.

A magic formula capable of killing all creatures in the entire northern hemisphere is engraved on the space elevator.

But that's not enough.

So she needs to induce a miracle.

Let the incarnation of the miracle "Narugo Alyssa" trigger the miracle of her (Raitili's) death.


A few more days, a week at most will be fine.

You can welcome death like a normal person.

Since there is magic, it seems that angels and demons can also be summoned, so heaven and hell also exist.

Are you going to heaven?Or go to hell?
Stand on a high place and look down.

"Up is heaven, and down is hell. In 1000 years, the world has really changed a lot."

Thousands of years ago, there were not so many people, nor such tall buildings.

People at that time probably never imagined that the world would become what it is now.

A lot has changed.

A lot hasn't changed.

There isn't much new under the sun.

"Up is not heaven, and down is not hell."

Suddenly a boy's voice came out.

Lei Dili turned her head and saw that a young man with unknown name and origin had appeared beside her at some point, and was accompanying her overlooking this cruel and beautiful world.

"Death is like a lamp being extinguished. The body and soul will only gradually dissipate. You can neither go to heaven nor go to hell."

The boy said again.

Lei Dili looked at the boy a few times.

He is good looking.

But this is nothing, after all, after living for thousands of years, I don't know how many good-looking boys and girls I have seen.

So he quickly retracted his gaze and continued to look down at Academy City below.

"Are you trying to declare war on the Church?"

Heaven and hell, six realms of reincarnation, etc. are the teachings of various religions, and denying these is indeed tantamount to "declaring war."

The teenager who heard this just curled his lips: "There are too many people who say this, and I haven't seen those churches fighting with people everywhere."

"...It's true."

Now it is not 1000 years ago, it is not so easy for the church to crusade against heretics.

Times have changed.

"So, who are you?"

No longer entangled in church affairs, but asked about the origin of the boy.

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that the boy had stretched out his hands and was playing with her twin ponytails.

"You really have a lot of hair volume, these two ponytails are so thick."


Ridley was silent for a while.

Then she glanced at the teenager who was playing with her twin ponytails behind her.

"Are you coming after me? Lolicon?"

"You know Lolicon, it seems that you are still keeping pace with the times."


These words made Lei Dili vigilant.

Putting "advancing with the times" on her, maybe this young man knows her identity?

Speaking of lolicon, this is also one of the changes in human society.

What used to be the normal age for marriage is now illegal.

Well, it is illegal in some countries and regions, and it is still legal in some countries and regions.

"Even if I'm a lolicon, what does it have to do with you? Although you do look like a loli."

Born in 1182, that is, more than 800 years old, she can't be regarded as a loli.

Although it does look small.

"...That's right."

Retiree sighed lightly.

Saying this sentence shows that the young man really knows her identity.

It didn't matter how the boy knew, he just repeated the question: "Who the hell are you? What do you want to do here?"

"Me? I'm about the same as you, right?" "...about the same?"

"I can live forever, too."


Retiri, who didn't even care about being played with her hair, immediately showed a surprised expression when she heard this, and suddenly turned to look at the boy behind her.

The boy grabbed her hair in his hand, turned around suddenly and was pulled.


Although there will be no illness or death, there will still be pain.

It's just that it's nothing, so Laitili didn't care, but looked at the boy with surprised and puzzled eyes.

"Are you an immortal too? Have you ever eaten fairy fruit?"

Gujing's calm state of mind changed, and there was even a little eagerness in his tone.

Lonely, she probably wants a partner.

a real partner.

Not the kind of partner who can only accompany her for tens or hundreds of years, but a partner who can accompany her for thousands, tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

At this time, she felt a little uneasy.

I haven't experienced this feeling in many years.

"I haven't eaten the so-called fairy fruit, and I can't talk about eternal life for the time being."


Lei Dili didn't speak, but her eyes and expression gradually returned to calm.

Probably feel very disappointed.

Now that they are face to face, Bai Ye no longer plays with her hair, but pinches her face.

Sure enough, the touch of Lolita's face is the most comfortable.

"Although I haven't eaten fairy fruit and I'm not an immortal, I can indeed live forever."


Even if her face was pinched, Laidili didn't care.

They are already more than 800 years old, and she is not an eight-year-old girl, so she will not be shy at all because of such trivial things.

The young man nodded slightly, and replaced the answer with a rhetorical question: "Haven't you heard of the Taoist cultivator next door?"

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it."

Lei Dili replied, with a little curiosity in her eyes again: "Could it be that you are a Taoist priest?"

"It's not, but it's pretty much the same. I'm indeed a Qi-cultivating immortal. It's just that my 'immortal' is not the same as a Taoist 'immortal'."

"...That's it."

To be honest, Retiree didn't quite understand.

Although she has lived for more than 800 years, she has little contact with the country next door, and she doesn't know all kinds of things there.

It is precisely because I don't understand that I can't really trust the boy in front of me.

But the boy seemed to have no reason to lie to her?

The teenager could see her mistrust.

But he didn't care about it, and just sent out an invitation: "How about it, we two immortals go out for a date together, how about it?"

shopping date...

There must have been shopping.

Do you have a date?

I've lived so long that I can't remember what happened in the past.

Anyway, definitely not in the last few hundred years, because I have been thinking about suicide.

Now too.

So he didn't agree, turned around and continued to overlook Academy City.

"I don't want to date. If you have nothing else to do, then go away."


The young man nodded lightly.

Just when Laidili thought that he would leave honestly, the boy directly picked her up and carried her on his shoulders.

"It's none of my business whether you want to date or not? Anyway, I want to date you, just be honest and come with me."


Living for over 800 years, something like this...

Lei Dili recalled it carefully, and after a long time came to the conclusion: it was indeed her first experience.

Shaking his head helplessly.

Just as he was about to call someone in to stop the boy and rescue himself, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he heard noisy voices.

After taking a closer look, I realized that I had followed the boy on the street.

Is this an ability like "space movement"?

No wonder the boy suddenly appeared beside her, but the security personnel did not respond. It turned out that the boy had such a cheating ability.

(End of this chapter)

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