boy of science

Chapter 265 It would be nice to experience something like this before dying

Chapter 265 It would be nice to experience something like this before dying

The "Daha Star Festival" is approaching, the discipline committee and security officers are in short supply, and there are still many newcomers who are not familiar with the relevant work, so they now adopt the "old to lead the new" model to patrol, and teach various precautions by the way.

Aiho Yomikawa took the newly recruited security officer on patrol and told her how to deal with various situations.

Although it was taught during training.

But "what you get on paper is always superficial, and you never know that you have to do it yourself."

Just as he was talking, suddenly a young man appeared not far in front of him, carrying a little girl with blond hair and twin ponytails on his shoulders.


Yomikawa Aiho was very angry.

This guy Bai Ye is always doing the work for her.

The new guard raised his hand and asked: "Teacher Huangquanchuan, how should we handle this situation?"


Aiho Yomikawa walked directly towards the boy.

Without further ado, let’s first rescue the blond loli who was being held by the boy on his shoulders.

"Huh? Oh, Aiho-chan, and... Huh? Why isn't Tsuri today?"


Aiho Yomikawa didn't answer.

Put Retiri aside first, then clenched his fists and aimed at the boy's stomach.


"Bang bang bang~"


The young man who abducted an [-]-year-old old woman was beaten up like this, without any chance of making excuses.

Aiho Yomikawa even laughed at him.

Then he said to the new guard: "If you see this guy in the future, just beat him up. Don't think so much."


The new guard responded.

Bai Ye who got up from the ground patted the clothes on his body and rubbed his face.

"What? Why don't you give me a quibble... No, give me a chance to explain. Why would you just beat me up without asking?"

"Oh, really?"

Aiho Yomikawa moved her wrist, as if she was ready to beat him.

"Then I'll give you a chance. Tell me, who is this little girl?"

"Retili Tanglod."

"How old are you?"


"...If you want to say that you are the same as Xiaomeng, it's fine. I'm over 800 years old. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"I see you have big breasts, you must be very stupid..."


"Bang bang bang~"


So he was beaten again.

But Byakuya was not arrested in the end, mainly because Aiho Yomikawa suddenly remembered this guy's age: this boy has only started middle school this year.

Theoretically speaking, even if he attacks elementary school students, it won't be a problem.

So just ignore it.

The unlucky Bai Ye was beaten twice like this.

Fortunately, it can't hurt him at all.

I just felt resentful in my heart and muttered something to the back of Aiho Yomikawa, but I didn't know what he was talking about.

Leitili had no time to care about such trivial matters.

Bai Ye also quickly reached out to her: "Let's go, let's go play, oh, go on a date."


Dating or not, for a rich Lolita who is over 800 years old, there is actually not much difference.

So I thought about it and went with it.

Since he was going to die soon, it would be nice to experience something like this before he died.


Bai Ye goes on a date with a legal loli who is over 800 years old.

The main reason is that the other girls are too busy and have things to do, including preparations for the upcoming "Daha Star Festival".

No matter teachers or students, no one has time to play with Bai Ye.

Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki also have to prepare to deal with Kihara Gensei's conspiracy.Kuroko Shirai, who said she wanted to learn to improve her abilities, had no time to look for Byakuya.

They are all very busy.

Misaka Mikoto also met an elementary school girl named Hiiramoto Hibiki, who seemed to be planning some conspiracy.

One day, after a long absence, I called a few bad guys and rescued a girl. The girl was called "Ninghu Alisa", and Misaka Mikoto even exchanged contact information with her.

Because I know this girl knows Hatsune Miku.

And she thought this girl was a little strange.

I can’t tell you specifically, it’s just weird.

It is also said that someone is going to take the remains of the "Designer of the Tree Diagram".

She didn't care at first.

But the rumors said it was related to the "Absolute Ability User Evolution Plan", so an investigation had to be launched.

So I started to deal with Academy City's strongest spatial ability user, "Coordinate Shift".

Tamaki's ability data is many times higher than that of Kuroko Shirai, and she is basically at Level 5.

It was just her mental state that was dragging her down.

She once got her feet stuck in a wall while moving, which caused a serious psychological shadow on her and affected the performance of her abilities.

If possible, she would rather not use her ability.

Even if it really needs to be used, there is no way to output it at full power.

When it comes to your own movement, you have to stop and make adjustments after using it two or three times, otherwise there will definitely be problems with your mental state.

Misaka Mikoto didn't kill her because she hadn't figured out the situation yet.

So Jiebiao Danxi escaped from her hands again and again.

Soon Shirai Kuroko was also involved in this incident.

In this way, the two strongest space users in Academy City started a duel.

The two girls soon engaged in a showdown at night.

In the end, it was Jiebiao Danxi who was superior, and Shirai Heizi was at a disadvantage, and even suffered a serious injury, with his leg broken.

Fortunately, Misaka Mikoto, who has been tracking Yubi Danxi, arrived in time.

She roughly understood the "conspiracy" behind this, and seeing that Shirai Kuroko was injured, she no longer showed mercy and punished Yubi Danxi severely.

"Don't worry, there's no big problem and you'll recover soon."

Misaka Mikoto used the healing power of the palm thunder for the first time to help Shirai Kuroko heal her broken leg.

Shirai Kuroko gritted his teeth and remained silent.

I just made up my mind in my heart: after all, I still have to let that classmate Bai Ye help me improve my abilities!


The world is a good place.

Human society is terrible.

Retili, who has lived for more than 800 years, has seen too many bad things, so she feels that this world is not worth cherishing at all.

On the contrary to her, Bai Ye felt that there were too many things worthy of nostalgia.

Such as food, beautiful girls, animation, comics, games, novels, movies, etc.

For example, let’s see what the world will look like in the future.

Although there is no way to be sure, Leitili is willing to regard him as an "immortal".

First day, second day, third day...

I didn't talk too much at first, but slowly I started to say something from my heart.

Talk about the past, talk about now, talk about the things you have experienced.

There are many words and things that are hard to talk to others, but I don’t have many worries with Bai Ye, my “companion”.

Bai Ye didn't do much, just took her to wander around, eat, drink and have fun.

But her heart, which had been closed for many years, seemed to be opened because of her "companions".

Regardless of whether it is true or false, it feels really good to have a "companion" to accompany you on your final journey of life.

But this could not shake her suicidal mood.

The suicide plan is progressing steadily, and the time to commit suicide again will soon come.

Hope it goes well this time.

Just looking at the young man beside him, he finally felt a little compassion.

"You should leave Academy City quickly."


"Leave here and run to the southern hemisphere. It's best to start today."

If he ran over there, he probably wouldn't be affected by her suicide attempt.

(End of this chapter)

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