boy of science

Chapter 269 "That girl is not a human being."

Chapter 269 "That girl is not a human being."

Kanzaki Kaori came here to protect Alisa, the purpose is to identify whether this girl is a "saint".

Also coming with him were Stiyl Magnus and several of his apprentices.

Originally, Steele wanted to take action against Narugo Alisa, but was dissuaded by Kanzaki Kaori.

Because Narugo Alisa cooperates with Hatsune Miku, and Hatsune Miku has a relationship with Byakuya.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't want his companions to take risks before confirming the relationship between Nago Arisa and Bai Ye.

As a result, I saw Misaka Mikoto and Narugo Alisa together today.

When Narugo Alisa went to take promotional photos, Kaori Kanzaki took the opportunity to sneak in and run to Misaka Mikoto to talk to her about the matter.


Misaka Mikoto was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she realized something.

Bai Ye told her that a "sage" is similar to a "rough stone".

"Original Stone" is a natural ability user who can use abilities without undergoing ability development.

A "sage" is born with the ability to use the power of God.

Himegami Akisa is a user with raw stone abilities, and Kanzaki Kaori is a "saint".

Will Narugo Alisa be a "saint"?

Misaka Mikoto looked doubtfully at Narugo Alisa, who had already changed clothes and started shooting promotional posters.

It does feel a bit strange. It's hard to say whether he is a "saint" or not.

"Ask Bai Ye."

They are usually responsible for handling everything, but they will never refuse "providing information".

Kanzaki Kaori has no objection to this either.


Byakuya is dating Saten Ruiko.

After receiving the invitation from Narugo Alisa, Misaka Mikoto originally wanted to invite her friends to join her, but because she wanted to go on a date, Saten Ruiko refused.

Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri have some things to deal with and will go over to meet Misaka Mikoto later.

Bai Ye, as always, did not refuse to provide information.

"Narugo Alyssa? That girl is not a so-called 'saint'. She is not even a human being. If you insist on saying so, she is probably the incarnation of a miracle."

After providing this information, he didn't say much more and ended the call after a few words.

Or is dating more important?

After he put the phone away, Saten Ruiko asked, "Is it Misaka-senpai? Did she encounter another incident?"

"It's a small thing, don't worry about it."

Byakuya didn't elaborate. Anyway, Misaka Mikoto could handle it by herself.

Let’s change the topic directly: “You have already started practicing Qi refining, why not celebrate tonight and invite Xiao Mu and the others too.”


Saten Ruiko agreed without thinking, and then asked: "How should I tell them?"

Celebrate with a name too.

We can't end the trouble together and look back and not know what we were celebrating.

Bai Ye thought for a moment, and then gave a reason: "Celebrate that we are still alive."


"To celebrate that we are still alive, to celebrate our youth, just to have dinner with them, we don't need to find so many reasons."

"……All right."

Saten Ruiko is really young, so she still can't understand many things.

But there is no need to care.

In short, just enjoy it with your friends while you are young.


"not human?"

"The embodiment of miracles?"

Misaka Mikoto and Kanzaki Kaori looked at each other because they couldn't understand.

After thinking for a long time but unable to find a clue, Misaka Mikoto could only curl her lips: "Damn guy, you can't even speak clearly."

Kanzaki Kaori nodded in agreement.

After discussing with Misaka Mikoto for a long time, they still couldn't find an answer, so they could only say goodbye and leave.

"I'll leave it to you here, I'll find my companion to find out about the situation." "Okay."

Misaka Mikoto nodded, but didn't think anything would happen.

After Kanzaki Kaori left, she stood nearby and looked at Narugo Alisa who was shooting the promotional poster.

She put on gorgeous clothes and makeup, and she looked much more beautiful.

It's just a little less pure.

If it were Bai Ye, he would definitely express "dislike".

While thinking about it, he suddenly received a call from Shirai Heizi, asking where she was.

He replied to the address and asked Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri to come quickly. He put away his phone and continued to look at Narugo Alisa.

What is the true identity of this girl?


"Star Track Gate" Company.

This is the company that once launched the "Orion" space plane. It went bankrupt due to the accident of "Orion" and was eventually acquired by Retili Tanglod.

Then Retili spent three years combining magic and technology to quickly build the suicide space elevator "Endymion".

Nominally speaking, the space elevator will be commercially available soon, so it will need a lot of publicity.

Narugo Alyssa was chosen.

No one knows the reason, they only know that this is the choice made by Retili herself.

Satora Sekhwentsia could not accept this choice.

She is prejudiced against Narugo Alisa.

She's biased against "miracles."

What is the "miracle of 88 people"? It was obvious that her father died in the line of duty, but no one cared about it.

Many people know about the "Miracle of 88 People", but how many people know about the original captain of the Orion space plane?
Sateora doesn't want to see Narumi Alisa, because she can't help but want to beat her, or even kill her.

The result had to be seen.

As an employee of the "Star Gate" company and the captain of the "Black Crow Troop", I will definitely have to meet Narugo Alyssa.


Satora was very angry.

The anger made her unable to maintain calm, and she had already begun to think about how to kill the girl named "Narugo Alisa".


Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri came to the Star Gate Company to meet Misaka Mikoto.

Narugo Alisa, who had temporarily finished work to rest and adjust, visited the company building with the three of them.

By the way, I talked about some things about the Star Orbital Gate Company.

It was all the information collected by Uiharu Shiri.

"The current owner of the Star Trail Company is called Retiree Tangelod."

When I was introduced here, I happened to meet a little girl with blond hair and twin tails.

Uiharu Shili recognized her at a glance: "That's the little girl."


Misaka Mikoto and the others were very surprised.

Lei Dili looked at these girls, and her eyes stayed on Minghu Alisa for a long time.

But he didn't say much, just let her work hard and then turned and left.

A few girls discussed for a while.

Then go somewhere else.

It didn't take long before Minghu Alisa went back to continue her work.

Misaka Mikoto and the others were responsible for watching.

Then it happened.

The "booming" explosion made many people feel nervous, and then they became panicked.

Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiori quickly took out the disciplinary committee's armbands and put them on, and with the assistance of Misaka Mikoto, evacuated personnel to rescue the injured.

Misaka Mikoto sighed helplessly.

"Something happened after all!"

(End of this chapter)

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