boy of science

Chapter 270 Some people want to die, some want to live

Chapter 270 Some people want to die, some want to live

Starting from the explosion, the situation suddenly became complicated.

Take Minghu Alisa as the center of the incident.

Misaka Mikoto, Leitiri, Steele, Satora, Kamijou Touma, security officers, disciplinary committee and other forces began to take action to investigate the "explosive attack".

Retili ordered the Black Crow Troops headed by Shateora to protect Narita Alyssa.

The security guards and the disciplinary committee are conducting normal case investigations.

Kamijou Touma and Steele started fighting again, as if there was some misunderstanding.

Kanzaki Kaori couldn't stop them, so he simply hid aside and watched.

The Black Crow Troops were obviously more professional and well-equipped. They were sent by their employer Leitili, so Minghu Alyssa did not refuse their protection.

Misaka Mikoto, who was not clear about the situation, thought there would probably be no problem, so she did not express an opinion.

Just assisting Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri in their investigation.

Busy from day to night.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and began to investigate the matter of Retiree Tangelod.

After this investigation, I found that this little girl's file seemed a little abnormal.


Because he said he would not interfere, Bai Ye didn't even pay attention to what was happening on Leitili's side.

He was just preparing dinner for Saten Ruiko.

Xiaomu, Mako, and Mingmei watched him busy in the kitchen with surprise and curiosity in their eyes.

After the meal was ready, Xiao Mu reached out and pinched his face.

Then he asked, "How are you doing? Does it hurt?"

"...what are you doing?"

"Look, are you dreaming? You actually know how to cook. Is this a dream world?"

"...Is it any wonder that I can cook?"

"Because you give people the impression that you are 'uneducated and incompetent'."


Bai Ye raised his hand and slapped away the little girl's hand that was still pinching his face.

By the way, I would like to explain a few sentences: "I always get No. 1 in every exam. How come I am not good at learning?"

"...Huh? Really?"

"You can find out if you go to the teacher and ask."


Xiao Mu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, so he turned to look at his friends.

Mako nodded to indicate that this was true.

Baiye's grades were very good.

It's a pity that this is Academy City, and few people care about academic performance, only the level of ability.

So every time Bai Ye takes first place, not many people notice.

But Mako noticed.

There is no other meaning, just to be more careful.

Xiao Mu, who received his friend's approval, once again opened his eyes wide and looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

"I didn't expect that your grades are so good, and you also know how to cook. I get to know you again."

Bai Ye was too lazy to discuss this topic with her, so he picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started to cook.

Xiao Mu said while eating: "You are so powerful, why do you look like you are not doing your job all day long?"

"Zhengye? What is Zhengye?"

"...Study hard, develop your abilities, and so on."

"That's the real business in your eyes, what does it have to do with me?"

Bai Ye does not need to accept ability development.

study well……

This is still needed.

As the saying goes: Learning is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

But this "learning" is not the same thing as learning in the eyes of girls.

The two parties have different identities, different cognitions, and different perspectives. They are very different in all aspects.

Saten Ruiko didn't quite understand it before.

Now she can roughly understand it, because she has also become a Qi practitioner.

So instead of letting his friend continue the discussion with Bai Ye, he quietly changed the topic and said something to keep the atmosphere relaxed and happy.

The naive Xiao Mu didn't think much and was easily led around.


Eat, drink, play and be noisy.

When the time was almost up, Xiaomu, Makoto, and Mingmei got up to say goodbye and leave.Bai Ye was still sitting there, just waving at them: "Walk slowly."

As soon as he heard him speak, Xiao Mu couldn't help but complain: "Is it your turn to give it away? You are not the owner of this room."

"As far as my relationship with Leizi is concerned, we can be considered half masters, right, Leizi?"

"Eh? Ah, um."

Saten Ruiko felt quite embarrassed to say such words suddenly, but she did not deny it.

Xiao Mu opened his mouth, but in the end he could only hum.

Without saying anything else, the three girls all said their goodbyes and left honestly.

Saten Ruiko sent them outside the room, muttered a few more words, and then returned to the room with a blushing face.

Bai Ye patted the bed with his hands.

Just when the girl's heart was beating fast, she suddenly heard him say: "Come and sit down, I will teach you a few small spells. They are very practical small spells that are often used in daily life. I will also teach you a little spell by the way." It’s awesome, just like Mikoto’s Shiden.”


Learning spells is also very important, so Saten Ruiko threw away his distracting thoughts and climbed onto the bed.

Bai Ye didn't waste any time and started teaching directly.


Misaka Mikoto here investigated something very interesting: Retili Tanglod seems to be an old monster that has survived for many years.

300 years? 500 years?
Much more than that.

Although there is not enough evidence yet, judging from the clues currently available, it is basically certain.

Without taking a break, he directly contacted Uiharu Shiri and asked her to investigate the matter together.

On the security guard's side, Aiho Yomikawa and Tie Zhuori couldn't rest at all.


Leitili didn't care so much, just waiting for tomorrow to come.

But Satora didn't want to wait, so she took the dagger and went to find Alyssa.

She wanted to kill this girl who represented "miracle".

Unfortunately it didn't work.

Just stabbed Retili once.

Then he was beaten up by the two puppets made by Lei Dili with magic technology.

There was nothing wrong with Leitili, she just felt a little pain and lost a lot of blood.

She didn't care anyway.

Just feeling.

"Tonight is really long. Can't tomorrow come earlier?"


Some people want to die, some want to live.

Those who want to die cannot die, and those who want to live cannot survive.

Things in the world are always so interesting and helpless.

Some people say this: Life is wonderful because of its limitations.

This statement makes a lot of sense.

But human lifespan is still too short after all. A mere few tens to hundreds of years is simply not enough.

It would be great if it could be more than tens of hundreds of years.

Or several hundreds of years.

Isn't there a song, "I really want to live another 500 years."

How many years she can live, Minghu Alyssa has not yet thought about.

She didn't know what happened last night. When she woke up comfortably, the first thing she saw was her employer: Retili Tanglod.

Leitili looked at her, her eyes seemed calm, but also seemed to contain very complicated emotions.

"It's almost time to start, Narugo Alyssa, don't let me down."


Narugo Alyssa thought she was talking about the concert, but it didn't seem like she was talking about it.

If you don’t understand, just stop thinking about it.

Prepare seriously for going on stage.


Kamijou Touma, Steele, Tsuchimikado Motoharu, Kanzaki Kaori and others are also preparing to take the stage.

Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Uiharu Shiri are also preparing.

Perhaps feeling that there was not enough manpower, Misaka Mikoto also contacted Hatsune Miku.

The main reason is that Hatsune Miku is more powerful, and she still has some free time, so she can help out with some things.

(End of this chapter)

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