boy of science

Chapter 271 "All creatures in the northern hemisphere will die because of this magic circle.&qu

Chapter 271 "All creatures in the northern hemisphere will die because of this magic circle."

18 number.

The day before the Daihasei Festival.

Shokuhou Misaki was thinking about taking the oath as a student representative at the opening ceremony.

You also have to be prepared to trick that old guy Gensei Kihara into death.

Misaka Mikoto is saving the world.

Although this time it is not the whole world, it is at least the creatures in the entire northern hemisphere.

Many students have boarded the space elevator to go sightseeing above.

Narugo Alyssa is still preparing, she will sing on this important stage.

But the war has begun.

Steele, Kamijou Touma and others have roughly figured out what happened, and are now launching an operation against the Star Gate Company.

Shateora was deprived of the command of the Black Crow Troop, and the rest of the Black Crow Troop personnel under the order of their employer, Retily, surrounded and suppressed Stiyl and other magicians.

Kanzaki Kaori did not participate in the battle, she existed as the trump card of the Puritan side, and she would not make a move until the critical moment.

"Spy" Tsuchimikado Motoharu also participated in this operation, just trying to avoid being discovered by others.

The security guards are also taking action, but they don't know the specific situation yet.

Beyond that is the "Misaka force".

Misaka Mikoto and Uiharu Shili jointly launched an investigation. Although there was not much evidence yet, they generally knew that this was Leitiri's conspiracy.

The 177th Activity Branch of the Disciplinary Committee began to carry out operations without authorization again.

Uiharu Shiri stayed outside to coordinate.

Shirai Kuroko used space movement to lead Misaka Mikoto into "Endymion", preparing to confront Leitiri.

Hatsune Miku went to Narugo Alisa in the name of "friend" and "audience", and her main task was to protect this girl.

As a result, Kamijou Touma, Steele and others made a huge fuss.


Saten Ruiko went to see Uiharu Shiri.

Bai Ye didn't join in the fun, after all, he told Lei Dili that he would not make a move.

Moreover, there was no need for him to do anything that Misaka Mikoto and the others could do well.

You can't treat all girls as vases that look good but are not useful.

Another reason is to avoid taking too many shots and being analyzed by someone as his weakness.

Although in terms of "ability", Qi Refiners generally have no weaknesses.

Of course, this is mainly talking about the Qi refiners in the realm of Dacheng and Perfection.

To a certain extent, Wuqi Chaoyuan forms a closed loop in terms of ability. Even if a certain spell has a weakness, it can be immediately switched to another spell, so naturally there will be no weakness.

Let’s not talk too much about abilities.

Although he did not participate in the action, Bai Ye stayed by and watched the excitement.

He was waiting for Retili's failure.

When that time comes, he will take Leitili away and will not let her live like a zombie.

That's not even "alive", it's just not dead yet.

What's worse is: Leitili can't even wait for death, and can only be like a walking zombie forever.

As for why Bai Ye helped her...

She has blonde twintails and is a legal lolita. These two cute features are enough.

Run up to the space elevator and look at the scenery.

As long as you stand high enough, everything below you will seem small.

Compared with the earth, the space elevator is too small; compared with the sun, the earth is too small; compared with the universe, the entire solar system is too small.

"It's obviously just dust in the universe, but so many things have happened on this planet."


It is convenient to have "space to move around".

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko broke into "Endymion" without any obstruction.

While searching for Leitili, when they ran to the core area of ​​the space elevator, Misaka Mikoto suddenly asked Shirai Kuroko to stop.

He raised his head and looked up at the sky, frowning in thought.


Shirai Kuroko felt strange.

I also looked up and saw that there were glowing ones...

Magic circle?
"Sister, these are..."


Misaka Mikoto didn't answer because she didn't know much about magic.

Bai Ye knows magic very well.It's a pity that it's not the magic of this world. It can only be said that it is very similar, but essentially very different.

So Bai Ye didn't explain magic to her.

In fact, you can use magic to learn secretly. After all, you can see many things in the past.

But Bai Ye didn't do that.

There are many reasons, so I won’t go into details for now.

Misaka Mikoto didn't understand, let alone Shirai Kuroko, she hadn't even met a magician a few times.

Fortunately, someone who understands magic soon arrived.

Retiree Tangelod.

She cannot use magic directly because she cannot refine her life force into magic power.

But she can use magic indirectly.

I once tried to use magic knowledge to create props to commit suicide, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Recently, I hope to use various magic circles to achieve the goal.

Three years ago it was on the Orion space plane, now it is on the Endymion space elevator.

"This is a magic circle, a magic circle used to commit suicide."

Leitili was kind enough to explain to them the purpose of the magic circle.

By the way, the specific effect: "All creatures in the entire northern hemisphere will become extinct because of this magic circle."


Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko both raised their eyebrows, then frowned and stared at the little girl.

Before they could say anything, Leitili asked, "Do you know Bai Ye?"


The two girls raised their eyebrows again.

It's true that wherever I go, I can meet the girl Bai Ye knows.

The reason why Laidili asked this is because Misaka Mikoto is very similar to the last work, they seem to be sisters.

In addition, Bai Ye said that she would fail to commit suicide...

"Did Bai Ye ask you to stop me?"


Misaka Mikoto replied, and then looked at the little girl with blond hair and twin ponytails: "You also know Bai Ye? What is your relationship with him?"

"It doesn't matter."

He was just forcibly taken out by the teenager for a few "dates".

That's not what you should be concerned about now.

"Isn't it true that Bai Ye asked you to come?"

"...Really not."

"It seems he is very trustworthy."

Leitili smiled slightly.

Misaka Mikoto had many doubts in her heart.

However, he did not regard Leitili as an enemy for the time being, and planned to ask clearly first.

In the end, before she could say anything, another person came suddenly.

I used a dagger last night, and today I just used a pistol.

Shateora, who came here, said nothing, raised her pistol and pulled the trigger on Retili, and fired several shots "bang bang bang".

It happened so suddenly that Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko had no time to stop it.

The reason why she was so decisive was that Shateora already knew that the accident of the Orion space plane was related to Retili.

To put it bluntly: her father was killed by Retili.

This is the revenge of killing the father.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

"what are you doing?!"

Seeing several holes opened in Leitili's body, blood spurted out, and her whole body fell to the ground, like a broken and soiled doll.

Both Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko felt angry subconsciously.

Satora still didn't understand her hatred, so she continued to pull the trigger and fired all the bullets towards Rediri.

The purple light flashed, and the gun in her hand was cut into two pieces with a "swish".

Satora, who was about to change the magazine, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto raised her eyebrows slightly.

This girl looks very similar to Narugo Alisa, but her hair color is very different.

Is there any connection here?
(End of this chapter)

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