boy of science

Chapter 273 "miku! miku! miku!"

Chapter 273 "miku! miku! miku!"

Birth, old age, sickness, and death.

Theoretically speaking, everyone has to experience several of these things.

This can be said to be a major event in life.

Leitili remembers her "birth".

But she didn't age.

I don’t remember getting sick when I was a child. After eating the fairy fruit, I never got sick again.

I don’t know when I will be able to welcome death.

A magic circle capable of exterminating the entire northern hemisphere...

Still failed.

It wasn't that Misaka Mikoto stopped her.

Originally, Misaka Mikoto wanted to destroy the magic circle, but she suddenly received an email from Byakuya, so she tied up Index and went to help prevent those Puritan magicians from destroying it.

Although Shirai Kuroko and other girls were unclear about the situation, they strictly followed Misaka Mikoto's instructions.

After all, he is a core member of the "Misaka Force".

Hatsune Miku shook the green onion in her hand and knocked Satora unconscious on the spot.

Then confront the hedgehog.

Misaka Mikoto starts a battle with the Puritan's Steel, Kanzaki Kaori and other magicians.

A few days ago, Misaka Mikoto teamed up with Kanzaki Kaori to fight Steele and others. Today, Kanzaki Kaori and Steele teamed up to deal with Misaka Mikoto.

The development of worldly affairs is really wonderful.

Shirai Kuroko, with the help of Uiharu Shiori, chased and intercepted a spy.

The security guards are still fighting against the Black Crow Troops.

They all make up the numbers.

The "Misaka Force" suddenly turned back and this change was quickly known to Aleister.

But he took no action.

Bai Ye didn't take action, so naturally he wouldn't take action either.

If Bai Ye takes action...

That's no problem, it has nothing to do with his plan anyway.

Even though there was no audience left, Hatsune Miku asked Narugo Alisa to continue singing there.

This alerted the hedgehog.

He tried to negotiate with Hatsune Miku and Narigo Alisa, but was ignored by the two singers.

There is no option but to take violent action.

In the end, he couldn't beat Hatsune Miku.

Lady Scallion didn't use any abilities, just pure physical attacks. Scallions kept hitting him, but the guy was still looking for hits.

This hedgehog head may have some special hobbies.


Hatsune Miku feels very unlucky.

This green onion is dirty, so I can’t have it anymore.

When the matter is over, let the master make himself a more powerful green onion.

40 meters long is not enough.

It would be best if it was four light years long, the kind that could directly split the solar system in half.

But let's not talk about that.

Anyway, let’s make sure Narugo Alisa can sing with peace of mind.


People from the Puritan Church and Academy City were stopped, and Naruto Alyssa also sang as Redtiri imagined.

The carefully prepared magic circle was launched smoothly.

From the increasingly brighter magic circle, Leitili felt the threat of death.

"I'll probably die this time."

While waiting for death to come, I suddenly thought of Bai Ye.

The brown-haired girl suddenly came to help her, maybe because of Bai Ye?

After all, he seemed to have received the email before he defected.

"white night……"

Why did that boy do this?

Do you simply want her to get what she wants?
Or is she confident that the magic circle can't kill her at all, so let her experience it for herself and then give up completely?
Retili wanted to figure this out.

He took out his cell phone and prepared to call Bai Ye.

But it was too late.

The power of the magic circle completely exploded in this small room.

But it can only be confined to this room.


The magic circle is working.

But the scope of the impact is not limited.In the building with no doors or windows, Aleister was lost in thought.

Still couldn't tell what kind of ability Bai Ye used. There seemed to be no trace of his moves, making it impossible to find any clues even if you wanted to analyze them.

In the end, I could only give up, close my eyes again and stop thinking.

Anyway, it's like this, there's no point in getting entangled, just continue to implement your plan steadily.


Thunder, little rain.

The Puritan magician, Kamijou Touma, the security guards, the Black Crow Troops, Satora, etc. made a big fuss, but in the end nothing seemed to happen.

Index goes to Kamijou Touma and tells him that the matter has been resolved.

The confused hedgehog was dragged away from the scene by the little nun.

Kanzaki Kaori and Steele failed to defeat Misaka Mikoto.

Of course he didn't lose, only Steele got beaten up.

Because Kanzaki Kaori didn't take the fight seriously with Misaka Mikoto at all.

Misaka Mikoto didn't really take action against her.

In the three-person battle, only Steele was the most serious. If not him, who could he beat?

A certain spy was chased by Uiharu Shiori and Shirai Kuroko. Although he tried his best to avoid and escape, he was eventually caught by Shirai Kuroko and handed over to the security guards.

In the end, the Black Crow Troops were suppressed by the security guards.

After being knocked unconscious, Satora inexplicably recalled what happened three years ago.

It was she who was praying at that time.

He said that he would exchange the most precious things for the safe landing of the "Orion" space plane.

In this case, her father's life was probably exchanged for her?

I am the one who killed my father?

Narugo Alisa was separated from her body.


Not quite.

Satora had no intention of worrying about this. She just woke up from her coma and sat on the ground looking at Narugo Alisa blankly.

The latter did not understand his identity as shown in the theatrical version.

Naturally, they are not integrated again like in the theatrical version.

After driving the hedgehog away, Hatsune Miku looked at the messy stage and the audience that had run away.

Think for a moment and then make a decision.

"A lot of bad things happened today. Fortunately, they have been resolved now. Why don't we let miku sing a few songs to help everyone change their mood."

As soon as this sentence came out, the rest of the audience immediately became energetic.

They had already seen Hatsune Miku.

It's just that the protagonist of today's stage is Narugo Alisa, not Hatsune Miku, so it's useless to see it.

Now he actually says he wants to sing...


“What a great day today!”

"miku! miku! miku!"


The staff who were still at the scene reacted and quickly asked if they could broadcast it.

Start working as soon as you get permission.

This is the stage.

And it’s a concert stage.

Hatsune Miku has released her works online before, but this is her first time performing on stage.

If this were to be broadcast live, how much traffic would there be!

Hatsune Miku is singing to comfort people.

Bai Ye, who was eating snacks, walked into the room where Retili was.

Leitili is not dead.

The magic puppet was completely scrapped.

Although she is not dead, Leitili is still in a coma, and she doesn't know when she will wake up.

Bai Ye was not in a hurry, just eating snacks and looking at the dark and deep space.

Fortunately, the star is shining.

Unfortunately, except for the sun, all other stars are too far away from here, and their light appears too weak.

Not long after, Misaka Mikoto also returned to this room.

Also coming with Kanzaki Kaori.

As the representative of the Discipline Committee, Shirai Kuroko also rushed here with the security guard Aiho Yomikawa.

It's over.

Next, we have to discuss how to deal with Retili, the "mastermind".

(End of this chapter)

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