boy of science

Chapter 274 "It's really rare that you are so merciless to a beautiful girl."

Chapter 274 "It's really rare that you are so merciless to a beautiful girl."


Still sleeping?

I thought I was going to die, but in the end I didn't die because my consciousness was restored again.

As for whether he becomes a ghost...

Leitili has lived for more than 800 years and has never seen such things as "ghosts" or "ghosts".

Not that it doesn't exist.

Just a few days ago when chatting on a "date", Bai Ye told her by the way: Under normal circumstances, the soul will only dissipate after death and will not turn into a ghost or ghost.

Leitili didn't think she had a chance of becoming a ghost.

She didn't want to either.

Because you have lived long enough, if you want to die, it is better to die completely.

It's a pity that he still didn't die.

The super powerful magic circle that could exterminate all living things in the northern hemisphere still failed to wipe her out...

"The effects of those fairy fruits are really powerful."

Leitili sighed secretly.

It was already night in Academy City on the ground.

There isn't much difference in space.

The space elevator "Endymion" has been declared closed for business, all tourists and staff have left, and magicians and security guards have also evacuated.

But Byakuya, Misaka Mikoto, Hatsune Miku, Satora, Narugo Alisa and others are still here.

Aiho Yomikawa received an order from her superiors and was dealing with the aftermath of the riot in the name of a security guard.

The Puritans didn't want to take care of Retili, so the magicians had already evacuated.

Shateora's face was full of confusion, and she looked like she had lost the direction of her life.

Narugo Alyssa couldn't figure out the specific situation because no one told her more.

When Leitili woke up, Byakuya was talking to Hatsune Miku about preparing for the concert.

This is Hatsune Miku's idea.

Just now, in order to appease people's hearts, she sang and danced on the stage. The live broadcast on the TV station also received good ratings, and it was also hotly discussed on the Internet.

Hatsune Miku didn't care about the ratings, she just thought it might be time to hold a formal concert.

"If you want to open it, then open it."

Byakuya said she had no objection, but looked at Hatsune Miku strangely.

She actually has her own ideas...

Is it going to give birth to intelligence and soul? !

After receiving permission, Hatsune Miku nodded slightly, then raised the green onion in his hand and shook it a few times.

"And this, I want to get a new one, preferably a divine weapon."

Artifacts have spirit.

Misaka Mikoto's spiritual sword Purple Lightning corresponds to the divine weapon.

"I see."

After realizing that Leitili had woken up, Bai Ye did not continue to say anything more. He just nodded and agreed, then walked to Leitili and squatted down.

The girl was still lying on the ground.

She wouldn't get sick anyway, and she would be fine wherever she lay, so the boys and girls didn't move her to another place.

"You're awake, Retili, did you sleep comfortably? Do you want me to give you a massage?"

After saying this, he raised his hand again, as if kneading something.

Misaka Mikoto, who was watching them from the side, immediately said "poof".

Leitili moved her eyes, looked at him blankly, and then sighed softly, looking very helpless and a little bit self-deprecating.

"It failed again."

"Yes, it failed, so according to the agreement, don't think about committing suicide next, just live your life honestly with me."


Leitili didn't speak, just silent.

She wants to die.

Because there is nothing left to live for.

But I can't die.

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but sigh.

"You can't die if you want to die, and you can't live if you want to live. Why is this?"

"Because it is accidental, it is inevitable; if you had not cured the soldier, he would not have given you the fairy fruit; if you had not eaten the fairy fruit, you would not have become an immortal; if you had not been immortal, you would not have thought of committing suicide; if you had If you don’t think about suicide, you won’t experience so many failures.

Bai Ye said a lot, but Leitili probably didn't listen.But it doesn’t matter.

Bai Ye suddenly changed the topic: "You want to commit suicide because you feel bored after living for too long. As long as you change your mentality and do more interesting things, you will naturally be able to live well."

"...Can I still find, interesting things?"

"Of course, if you can't find it in this world, then go to other worlds. There are so many new things in the new world waiting for you to discover."

"...Another world?"

After hearing this, Leitili's eyes finally became a little brighter.

"Is there really another world?"

She is tired of this world.

If she could really go to another world and see new things, it would indeed be a reason for her to choose to continue living.

Bai Ye nodded firmly: "Of course there is, I can send you there, but not now. You have to adjust your mentality first, and make a plan by the way."


Leitili was silent again.

But this time it didn't last long. He quickly got up from the ground hard and looked at Bai Ye firmly.

"I'll listen to you."

"That's good."

Bai Ye raised his hand, smiled and touched her head.

Then he directly helped her up.

"Do what you should do first. If there is such a big noise this time, at least the aftermath must be dealt with."


Leitili responded and began to think about what she should do and how she should do it.

Bai Ye touched her head again.

Misaka Mikoto came close to her and looked at him curiously with wide eyes: "You want to send this girl to another world?"

"This is the best option for her."

"...It's true."

Misaka Mikoto could only agree after thinking about it.

She didn’t say anything more about Leitili, but looked at Satora, whose eyes had also lost their luster.

"Then, what should this girl do?"


Bai Ye didn't care about Satora's affairs.

But it’s all here anyway, so maybe it’s better to deal with it.

So I directly made a suggestion: "It seems that she doesn't want to live anymore, why don't we dig a hole and bury her."

"...It's really rare that you treat a beautiful girl so ruthlessly."

"She and I don't have much friendship to begin with, so I'd better talk to her first."

Bai Ye shook his head and walked towards Satora again.

By the way, he waved to Minghu Alyssa: "Come here too, what I want to say has something to do with you."

"……I am."

Narugo Alisa and Bai Ye are not familiar with each other.

But Misaka Mikoto and Hatsune Miku are both very familiar with Byakuya, so she is not wary of Byakuya.

Although it felt strange for Hatsune Miku to call Byakuya "master".

Without thinking much, he approached the boy obediently.

Here, Leitili tugged on Misaka Mikoto's clothes.


Misaka Mikoto looked at the girl in confusion: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Leitili looked at her: "I will give you the Star Track Gate Company and all my properties. Do you want it?"


this girl...

Really generous.

Although you are going to another world, you can't take your company or property with you at all, but you can sell it for cash and then exchange it for hard currency such as gold and take it with you.

No matter which world you are in, gold should be quite valuable, right?
"Give it to me..."

To be honest, Misaka Mikoto was really moved.

She has more than 1 sisters to support. It would be much easier if she could take over Leitili's assets.

But should we really accept this gift?
(End of this chapter)

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