boy of science

Chapter 275: Yue Yong Xiaomeng picks up Zhang’s kitten

Chapter 275 The kitten picked up by Yue Yong Xiaomeng
How to cheer up Shateora?

The most effective way is to let her reach an understanding with herself.

Life is hard.

For certain people and certain things, if you can't even forgive yourself, the only option left is "suicide".

If we want to solve Shateora's problem, Minghu Alyssa is also the key.

Narugo Alisa was separated from Satora's body, and now it's time to return to her original place.

They want to reintegrate.

If Bai Ye wanted to, he could let them live their lives as two independent individuals.

But that doesn't make much sense.

And it’s the same sentence: Life is hard, it’s better to go back.

Minghu Alyssa has no ability to protect herself, and now she is being targeted by those magicians again.

Although Kanzaki Kaori won't mess around, what about the others?

And this guy Aleister.

Byakuya also has no time to protect Narugo Alisa, so the best outcome for her is to reunite with Satora.

When Narugo Alisa understood the origin of her identity, the fusion was irreversible.


Hatsune Miku seemed to feel it was a pity because she had a good relationship with Narigo Alisa and recognized Narigo Alisa's love for music.

But she didn't say anything because she knew in her heart that this was the best outcome.

Just apply to leave.

It was getting dark, and there were several young and old girls at home waiting for her to go back and cook.

Although Bu Shu Toi believes they can do it.

Misaka Mikoto, who rejected Retili's proposal, also said goodbye and left.

The current Star Orbit Gate Company is in a mess, and it may not be a good thing to take over other assets.

The sisters have no worries about food and clothing for the time being.

Coupled with other reasons, Misaka Mikoto refused.

"Heizi and the others must be impatient, and they have to participate in the competition tomorrow, so I will go back first."

Watching her leave, Retili quickly set her sights on Satora.

"You are very familiar with everything about the company. Why don't I leave it to you to take over? At the same time, you can continue to work hard for your father's dream. What do you think?"


After hearing this, Satora was silent for a long time, and finally chose to agree.

"it is good!"

Father is dead.

But dreams never die.

Next, she will inherit her father's dream and work hard towards the stars and the sea!

"Endymion" is to be demolished.

This is a combination of magic and technology, and it is designed to commit suicide. It is not a good thing to stay.

The handover of assets takes time, and Leitili needs to deal with this first.

All is well, at least she has to wait until the Daiha Star Festival is over before she can officially consider going to another world.

Tomorrow is the official day of the Daiha Star Festival.

Baiye left Endymion and looked up at the space elevator that shot straight into the sky.

Suddenly someone ran to him.

"Why are you still here, kid?"

"Huh? Oh, Aiho-chan, aren't you going to take a bath and drink tonight?"

"I'd like to, but there's a big mess waiting for me to clean up."

Aiho Yomikawa seemed to feel very unhappy when she said this.

Bai Ye didn't feel any consolation for this, but seemed to take pleasure in his misfortune.

"Then you take your time to clean up. I'm going to play with Xiaomeng. She will be alone tonight. She must feel very empty and lonely."



However, Yueyong Xiaomeng is not "keeping an empty house alone".

After entering the apartment where Teacher Loli lived, Bai Ye discovered that there was another guest here.

It was a kitten that had lost its direction in life and was picked up by Yueyong Xiaomeng: Jiebiao Danxi.

This girl fell into confusion after being beaten by Misaka Mikoto.

To be precise, she has always been confused, but now she is even more confused.Bai Ye knows her.

But she didn't know Bai Ye and seemed to have never met him.

When they suddenly met at Yueyong Xiaomeng's place, the young girl and the young girl felt like they were "speechless" about each other.

It’s a pity that there is no “A Thousand Lines of Tears”.

"This is Jie Biao classmate; this is Bai Ye."

Yue Yong Xiaomeng made a brief introduction, and then fell into distress: Should Bai Ye stay or should Jubiao Danxi stay?

Leave Bai Ye alone, it seems very unfriendly to Jiubiao Danxi, a confused girl, and it might even "aggravate the condition".

Just leave Jiebiao Danxi behind...

That way all the boys and girls would stay.

After all, Bai Ye is so thick-skinned that he can't even drive him away.

He even does some shameful things.

At that time, it will become an intimate contact in front of Jubiao Danxi...


Feel ashamed just thinking about it.

Anyway, there will be a lot of time in the future, so there is no need to rush.

So Yue Yong Xiaomeng decided to let Bai Ye leave first and come back after she had completed the psychological counseling for Jie Biao Danxi.

But before she could express her thoughts, Bai Ye had already begun teasing Yubiao Danxi.

It's not quite right to say it was teasing, because it was just small talk.

At first, Jie Biao Danxi was just being polite.

Slowly, we started to really chat, and even talked about our own affairs and confided our troubles.

Yue Yong Xiaomeng, who was wearing bunny pajamas, drinking beer and eating snacks, looked at them blankly.

Why did this girl Jie Biao Danxi start talking so easily?
She had spent a lot of effort before this girl was willing to speak.

Does Bai Ye have unique conversation skills?
Or did you secretly use your ability?

Jie Biao Danxi's troubles are very simple, it's just that she can't figure out the value of her existence and what she wants.

She wasn't lost, she just couldn't find her way.

What is the meaning of life?

"Life has no meaning."


Bai Ye's answer made Yue Yong Xiaomeng spit out a mouthful of wine.

How can anyone do this kind of psychological counseling? !

Bai Ye took out two tissues and handed them to her, and continued to talk to Jiebiao Danxi.

"Everyone has to die in the end. Death will make everything meaningless, so the most meaningful thing is to live, live well, and live for a long time."

He paused and seemed to adopt a seductive tone: "I have a way to make you live better and longer, so Jie Biao, why don't you just follow me?"

Although he doesn't need it.

The girls in Item basically have nothing to do.

But an extra salary is nothing.

And as a beautiful girl, it would be nice even if you take it home and use it as a vase.

"...Fuck you?"

Jie Biao Danxi felt very surprised and started thinking subconsciously.

After cleaning up, Yue Yong Xiaomeng quickly said: "No, no, classmate Jie Biao, don't listen to his nonsense."

Bai Ye is already close to so many girls, how can he have one more?
Although it seems that there is not much difference now that there is one more and one less.

But why need one more if you can have one less?

"What's wrong? Life has no meaning in the first place. It's nothing more than eating, drinking, and littering to reproduce. To put it bluntly, you are a tool for genes. What's the point of this?"

"...Anyway, it's just not right!"

Yue Yong Xiaomeng has never thought about this kind of question, so she has no way to refute it for the time being.

In order to prevent Jie Biao Danxi from being deceived, she simply got up and chased the people away.

"You should go back first. It's not suitable to be here tonight."

"How can you know if it's suitable if you don't try it? Maybe the concave and convex shapes are just right..."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't talk nonsense, let's go quickly!"


In the end, he was driven away.

(End of this chapter)

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