boy of science

Chapter 279 Chapter 1 Raw Chapter 2 Cooked

Chapter 279

Although he is Level 4, Mitsuko is not good at fighting with others after marriage, and there are many restrictions on the use of his abilities.

In addition, the enemy was from ANBU, and he usually engaged in killing and selling goods. After his marriage, Mitsuko's abilities and tactics were analyzed by him, so he was quickly defeated and injured.

Fortunately, girls such as Wanuchi Kinuho, Aofuki Manbin, and Saten Ruiko arrived at the scene in time.

Saten Ruiko, who is good at using wind characters, can move the post-marriage photon to the rear for treatment faster.

More importantly: Wanuchi Kinuho and Aofu Manbin, who had never known what "anger" meant, were really angry this time.

So the two of them chose to stay and suppress the enemy, and asked Saten Ruiko to help take Mitsuko after marriage away from the scene.

The key is that they don't know that Saten Ruiko has mastered the wind character script and has just started practicing Qi.

Only when he saw Saten Ruiko quickly leaving with the post-marriage Mitsuko in his arms did he realize: It turns out that this Saten classmate is also an esper.

But now is not the time to struggle with this.

They need to teach this fat guy in front of them a lesson for daring to hurt their friend!

Misaka Misuzu is a very good person and a very good mother.

It was the fact that he was treated as a child that made Bai Ye feel bad.

To be precise, I'm not used to it.

Not used to being cared about.

From his past life to this life, there were not many people who cared about him, and occasionally there were a few who were friends with him as his peers.

Those who work in child care facilities?
For those people, taking care of children is just a job. It lasts for more than ten years, and there is not much "care" left.

And it’s not just him who needs to be concerned, there are so many children.

If we divide it up, how much does each person get?

Although Bai Ye doesn’t need it either.

To him, most people are destined to be just passers-by in life. Whether they care or hate them, it will be meaningless after dozens or hundreds of years.

Of course, it feels good to have someone who cares about him, so he has a good relationship with Tie Zhuoli.

Misaka Misuzu is different from Tetsuori.

Tie Zhuozhui's concern is relatively restrained, as if he is silently supportive, and doesn't mind if he takes advantage of him.

Misaka Misuzu's concern seemed more enthusiastic.

As for taking advantage...

If he really wanted to do that, Misaka Mikoto would probably have to come over with a spiritual sword and chop him down.

Misaka Misuzu is a college student who has returned to school, and she obviously values ​​"knowledge" more.

So I also learned about Bai Ye's knowledge.

Bai Ye is a middle school student, and the questions she asked at first were middle school level questions, but Bai Ye was able to answer them fluently.

He soon started talking about high school and university knowledge, but Bai Ye still answered fluently.

Then Misaka Misuzu became even more satisfied.

Until Bai Ye, who was excited to talk, started talking to her about various super topics, which made her look confused.

The teenager even discussed with her how to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

But he didn't say much because Misaka Mikoto came over.

The girl leaned directly into the boy's ear and whispered: "My classmate seems to be injured after marriage. Please go over and take a look."

With Bai Ye here, any injury can be healed.

In fact, she can also use "Thunder Palm" to help treat illnesses and injuries.

But she rarely does this kind of thing and is not skilled enough, so it is better to let Bai Ye pass.

"I see."

Bai Ye is responsible for telling the truth.

Helping one's team members to treat their illnesses and injuries was also a covert act, so he didn't refuse. He said goodbye to Misaka Misuzu and left.

Misaka Misuzu expressed doubts: "What is he going to do?"

"Go do something. Mom, don't worry about this. Just keep eating. I have to rush to the competition later."



The enemy controls machines to fight and is not a person with abilities.

Those machines were very powerful, and the operators were experienced, so Wanuchi Siluho and Aofu Wanbin were once at a disadvantage.They are not good at fighting with others.

This is even their first time fighting with others.

Before, they were fighting unmanned driving armors, and they were still the kind with seriously insufficient combat effectiveness.

Even so, they won in the end.

But in the end, she was a simple and kind-hearted little girl, and she did not kill the enemy. It was basically equivalent to letting the enemy go after giving him a lesson.

This fat guy named Yoshiro Baba is not that kind.

And it seemed that he would retaliate, and he was filled with resentment towards the two little girls. He ran back to his "base" to regroup and prepare to seek revenge on the two girls again.

Unfortunately, there is no chance.

Wanuchi Kinuho and Aofuki Manbin will not kill people, and Misaka Mikoto will not kill them easily.

But the girls at Item don't have so many worries.

This time the opponent is Kihara Gensheng and the ANBU organization that he is using. It is obviously not suitable for Shirai Kuroko and the others to help.

Shirai Kuroko and the others will not kill anyone, but ANBU personnel will not show mercy.

Even if Byakuya could resurrect people, Misaka Mikoto didn't want her friends to die once.

Use ANBU to deal with ANBU.

So Misaka Mikoto asked several girls from Item to come over from Byakuya.

The first time is raw, the second time is cooked.

Mugino Shenri felt uncomfortable having to listen to Misaka Mikoto's orders before.

Now that he has to listen to Misaka Mikoto's orders, Mugino Shimri...

Still feel bad.

She is also at Level 5, but Misaka Mikoto can command her.

Even Shokuhou Misaki was able to get her to do things this time.

So she was in a bad mood.

Yoshiro Baba bumped into the muzzle, just enough to let her vent.

So a cat-and-mouse killing spree began.


Here Wanuchi Kinuho and Aofu Wanbin returned to their friends, and at a glance they saw Bai Ye giving post-marriage photon treatment.

There seemed to be a strange feeling on their chests, causing them to subconsciously fold their hands across their chests, but when they realized that nothing happened, they could only put their hands down and stand beside them with red faces.

After a moment of silence, he asked: "Um, classmate Bai Ye, is there no problem with classmate Bai Ye after marriage?"

"Don't worry, it's okay. I promise it won't affect the next game."

"That's good."

Both girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said no more and continued to stand aside and wait.

Saten Ruiko left Mitsuko after marriage to Byakuya because she had to prepare for the competition.

Under Bai Ye's treatment, Mitsuko recovered quickly after the marriage. She couldn't help but say "um" as if she felt very comfortable, and her face immediately turned red.

He quickly opened the folding fan to partially cover his face, and changed the subject in a panic: "Um, by the way, sister, Misaka-san's sister, she..."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. Just leave it to us. We will ensure that the sister can come back safely."

They just met Misaka sister and participated in the competition together.

Then the sister disappeared.

They didn't know it was a clone, they just thought it was Misaka Mikoto's sister, after all, they looked so similar.

After the marriage, Mitsuko fought with Yoshiro Baba because he wanted to track down the whereabouts of his sister.

This is unexpected.

Originally, Misaka Mikoto wanted to be caught by the opponent in person, find the opponent's hiding place, and then join forces with Shokuhou Misaki and Mugino Shinri to kill them all.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki was also included in the plan to get rid of the cumbersome project of "external replacement brain".

The result was so many surprises.

Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

(End of this chapter)

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