boy of science

Chapter 280 "Isn't it boring? Why don't we do something interesting?"

Chapter 280 "Isn't it boring? Why don't we do something interesting?"

Things that Misaka Mikoto and the others did not expect were all within Byakuya's "expectations".

Because this is the plot of the original work.

Byakuya didn't tell them all the details related to the incident before, but only briefly talked about Kihara Gensei's conspiracy, so they didn't take many things into consideration.

But Bai Ye also found it quite magical. The development of events was almost the same as in the original work. I thought there would be many changes.

Of course, it doesn't make much difference whether it changes or not, so he doesn't need to care.

And even though it was unexpected, it was actually just returning to the normal plan of the other party.

Kihara Gensei himself also needs to use the "Misaka Network" through Misaka's sister.

Things have changed, and now the top priority is to find the Misaka sister and ensure her safety.

It won't be a problem for the time being.

If Kihara Gensei wants to use the "Misaka Network", he must first ensure the life safety of Misaka's sister.

After all, the dead Misaka sister has no way to connect to the "Misaka Network" again.

Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki didn't go looking for it themselves. Their targets were too big, and even the slightest movement would be noticed.

You don't even need to send people to keep an eye on them, just pay attention to the competition events they participate in.

If an item doesn't appear, there must be something wrong.

But Item can help.

There are also Hatsune Miku, Dory, Umi Aya, Last Work and those sisters who have nothing to do.

Even Yuriko Suzuko helped.

She made excuses to get permission not to compete because she wanted to be around Last Order more.

Maybe you want to atone for your sins?
He used to kill his sisters, but now he wants to protect them?

"Okay, you can continue to participate in the game, I have to go somewhere else."

Without thinking much about Yuriko Suzuka, she said goodbye to the three girls after finishing the treatment.

The three girls did have to participate in the competition, so they didn't say much.


Why do you have abilities?
What is the meaning of life?

Bai Ye said: Life is meaningless, because you will eventually die and return to nothingness.

Jiebiao Danxi has been thinking.

Today was the beginning of the Daiba Xing Festival. She was kicked out of her home by Yue Yong Xiaomeng, saying that she wanted to watch the game to change her mind and relax.

Those competitions seemed boring to her, so she was still thinking about them.

Can you find the meaning of life by following that boy?

He seems to have said that the most meaningful thing is "living".


Are you alive?
Maybe not.

Just not dead yet.

"It's really boring."

Jiebiao Danxi sighed with complicated emotions.

A young man passing by suddenly came over and said, "Isn't it boring? Why don't we do something interesting?"


Jiubiao Danxi, who was instantly alert, quickly turned her head and relaxed after seeing clearly that it was a white night.

Then he asked curiously: "What's something interesting?"

She really needs to relax now, so she is willing to listen to Bai Ye's advice.

Bai Ye raised his hand and pointed at the space elevator that went straight into the sky in the distance: "For example, blow this thing up."

"...Do you want to destroy Academy City?"

If the space elevator really collapses, it will definitely destroy the entire Academy City.

Jiebiao Danxi did not want to destroy the city.

Many high-level ability users understand that Academy City is their only place to stay. If this place is destroyed, their situation will become even more difficult.

"Don't worry, it will definitely not affect Academy City. In fact, that thing was going to be demolished. I just wanted you to have fun doing it yourself."

"... Do you really want to demolish it? Why?"

"Don't worry about the reasons. Anyway, I won't lie to you. How about it? Do you want to blow it up? These days, there are not many opportunities to blow up the space elevator yourself." This is the only chance at the moment, because there are only a few in the world. Such a space elevator.

Jie Biao Danxi actually doesn't have that much desire for destruction, but thinking about this "only chance" does make her a little excited.

There's just one question: "How to dismantle it? I don't have that powerful ability."

"It doesn't matter, I can lend you my ability."


Can something like ability be lent to others?

Jiebiao Danxi had never heard of such a thing.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Bai Ye thought she had agreed, so he patted her shoulder and said, "That's it, I'll come find you when the demolition starts."

Ready to leave.

It was just an accidental encounter with Jubiao Danxi, and there was nothing much to say. After all, the relationship was not very close.

But the girl suddenly stopped him: "That..."


"If I follow you, can I really find the meaning of life?"

"...It's hard to say."

Bai Ye shook his head lightly.

Unexpectedly, the girl was actually thinking about this issue.

He just happened to meet her last night, so he just casually fooled her around. He didn't really want this girl to do anything with him.

As soon as I woke up I forgot about this.

Of course, if Jie Biao Danxi really wanted to follow him, he wouldn't mind accepting it.

It's nothing more than an extra salary.

As for whether to teach her how to practice Qi...

The topic of longevity seemed to be mentioned last night?

"Whether many things are meaningful or not, the key lies in your own thoughts. If you think they are, then even just lying at home for a day is meaningful; if you think they are not, then there is no point in doing anything."


Jie Biao Danxi didn't speak, but nodded with understanding.

Bai Ye patted her shoulder again: "Let's be honest, it doesn't matter whether you follow me or not. If you figure it out, you can find the answer without following me. If you don't figure it out, it's useless even if you follow me. "


The girl still didn't speak, but was thinking.

Bai Ye didn't say much to her, and left with the words "Just think about it yourself".


There seems to be no free time in the white night today. From morning to now, I have been running around everywhere.

Here I have to have lunch with Misaka Misuzu, there I have to prevent Fukiyose Riri and Himegami Akisa from being accidentally injured by the magician, and I have to pay attention to the situation of each girl.

Right now I am going to watch Junko Hokaze play.

This was what was promised before. Bai Ye couldn't break the promise, so he ran over.

When we got here, we discovered that Shokuhou Misaki was also there.

Byakuya came here specially to watch Junko Hokaze's game, and it seemed that the two of them were very familiar with each other, which surprised Shokuhou Misaki.

"Do Baiye-san and Fanfeng-san know each other?"

Junko Hokaze seems to have a good relationship with someone lately.

Because they were friends, Shokuhou Misaki did not conduct an investigation, and did not ask any questions when they usually got along.

Unexpectedly, this person would be Bai Ye.

Thinking about it, the expression on his face turned into a half-smile: "Byakuya-san does indeed often call the girls he knows out on dates."

But he never called her.

go to beach?
That wasn't really a date.

That doesn't mean she has to go out on a date with Bai Ye.

But there is an old saying next door: Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality.

They are both acquaintances and have a close relationship.

So why are you looking for other girls instead of her?
(End of this chapter)

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