boy of science

Chapter 282 "Don't think too much, just follow your inner feeling."

Chapter 282 "Don't think too much, just follow your inner feeling."

Don't worry about the magician.

The "Misaka Force" and the "Shouhou Faction" join forces to deal with the old guy Kihara Gensei without any problem.

So Bai Ye doesn't need to pay too much attention to these things.

After running around outside all day, I didn't go back to the dormitory at night. I watched the night parade with Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Shiri, Harugami Jinyi, Eda Sentori and Komu, and then ran to Fukiyose. In the dormitory room.

Having to participate in the competition and be responsible for the work of the operating committee, Fukiyoshi was so tired that he didn't even have time to watch the grand night parade.

Himegami Akisa didn't go either, so the two girls stayed in the room to enjoy dinner and wait for Byakuya.

She was dragged here by Fukiyoshi, maybe because she thought it would be more lively to have a meal with two people, or maybe because she thought it was safer.

But no one cared about this problem.

Bai Ye didn't come empty-handed, he also bought a lot of food, snacks and drinks.

The dinner prepared by Fukiyoshi, who pursues health, can be said to be nutritionally balanced and plentiful. It will definitely replenish today's consumption and meet the needs for growth.

So when he saw the food Bai Ye brought, he complained a little: "We can't eat that much, and eating snacks and drinks late at night is not good for the body."

"There is nothing wrong with pursuing health, but you can indulge in it occasionally."

"The bottom line is constantly being exceeded through this occasional indulgence."

"It doesn't matter. My bottom line is extremely low and I will definitely not be able to break through it."


Fukiyoshi rolled his eyes, not bothering to discuss this with him.

The three of them sat down around the dining table and continued to enjoy their dinner, chatting about various topics.

Soon Bai Ye asked about her parents: "Zuri-chan, will your parents come to see you?"

"They don't have time to come, why are you asking?"

"Of course I'm going to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law. What else can I do?"

"...Who are your father-in-law and mother-in-law? Shameless, huh~."

"I'm very sincere."

Bai Ye showed his sincerity with his eyes.

Fukiyose Jiri looked at him for a few times, probably feeling his sincerity, so she quickly looked away, looking a little embarrassed.

Then he changed the topic directly: "Are your parents back? Where are Himegami-san?"

Bai Ye: "Why haven't I told you? I have no father or mother, commonly known as an 'orphan'."

Himegami Akisa: "My parents have passed away."

Fukiyoshi: "..."

It’s hard to continue this topic.

After a moment of silence, he started talking about a topic that probably wouldn't involve his parents: "So, what happened today? You said you wanted to give me a reasonable explanation, right?"


Bai Ye nodded slightly.

While eating, he told the girl information about magicians, English Puritanism, Roman Orthodoxy, and "Fantasy Killer".

Himegami Qiusha has known about the existence of magicians for a long time. He has met members of the Knights when he was a child, so he can still remain calm even after hearing this.

However, Fukiyoshi stopped while eating and looked blankly at the young man sitting in front of him.

"Do magicians really exist?"

"Of course, not only do they exist, but some magicians are also very cruel. It's better for incompetent people like you to stay away, lest you lose your life accidentally."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye suddenly sighed: "This world is very dangerous."

Hearing this, Himegami Akisha nodded in agreement.

She has encountered many dangers.

When he was a child, he was targeted by a vampire, and then all the residents of the village died.

She was also targeted by the "Misawa School" before, and they directly captured her and imprisoned her.

Then she was targeted by the alchemist, who wanted to use her to lure out vampires.

Not to mention magicians and vampires, there are still many delinquents, various strange organizations, and researchers with evil intentions in this city.

Something could happen if you're not careful.

Having said this, Himegami Qiusha turned to look at Bai Ye: "Is it time to solve my problem?"

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Do you want me to be a miko, or do you want me to learn from you?"

"...Oh." This issue has indeed been discussed before.

Byakuya even went to her childhood home to retrieve the miko's training methods.

The Shinto shrine maiden's training method belongs to the category of "magic" in this world.

Himegami Akisa is a user with raw stone abilities.

Ability and magic conflict with each other.

But whether the original stone's ability will conflict with magic seems to be undecided.

"Rough stones" are mysterious.

It's so mysterious that even if you want to study it, you can't even begin to study it, so your understanding of this aspect is basically blank.

Information about Academy City cannot be counted on, so Byakuya can only do his own research.

However, the only person with raw stone abilities he knew was Himegami Qiusha. There were too few samples and insufficient information, and there was currently no way to give an accurate conclusion.

"You'd better learn from me."

Bai Ye expressed his decision.

Of course Himegami Qiusha would have no objection to this and nodded in agreement.

Fukiyoshi was confused: "What to study?"

"Refining Qi, I will tell you slowly after this. In short, this topic is over. You should stay away from that hedgehog head in the future, so there is basically no danger."

"……I see."

Fukiyose Rishi can't even deal with an esper, let alone a magician who has never been in contact with him.

There is an old saying next door, "A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall."

There is a saying next door, "If you are poor, you can live alone."

Therefore, she should make ensuring her own safety her first priority and try to stay away from dangerous things.

Now that the whole story has been clarified, there is no need to continue this topic.

The boys and girls soon started talking about other things.


no point?
Can you find the answer by following Bai Ye?
For most of the day, Jie Biao Danxi was thinking about this issue.

Unfortunately I can't find the answer.

She has been confused recently, and it is difficult to find answers to any questions.

Faced with such a choice, maybe someone needs to give her a push.

Yue Yong Xiaomeng is this person.

Although she didn't want Jiebiao Danxi to get too involved with Bai Ye, she still pointed the way for this confused girl.

"Many times, the choice has already been made, but you just haven't made up your mind yet, so don't think too much and just follow your inner feeling."

"...How you feel inside?"

Jiebiao Danxi nodded gently as if she had some realization, and put her hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat.

What kind of feeling do you have in your heart?

There's a lot to pack in the space elevator.

Retili didn't have time to clean up slowly, so she directly asked her subordinates to move the necessary things away, leaving the rest for "Endymion" to be buried with her.

After working until midnight, after making sure that there was nothing that needed to be taken away, Leitili called Bai Ye and asked him to come over and get rid of the space elevator.

After receiving the news, Bai Ye ran to Yue Yong Xiaomeng.

Teacher Loli was sleeping soundly.

Jiebiao Danxi hasn't slept yet because she has been thinking.

"Jie Biao, come with me."

The boy who suddenly appeared reached out to her lying on the ground.

Although the room was plunged into darkness, it seemed that he could see clearly.

The boy was like a beacon in the darkness, providing her with a way forward.

Is this the right direction?
Or a wrong path?

Jiebiao Danxi doesn’t know.

But this is the only option.

(End of this chapter)

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