boy of science

Chapter 283: That boy seems to only deal with beautiful girls?

Chapter 283: That boy seems to only deal with beautiful girls?

Can "ability" be lent to others?
Jiebiao Danxi has never considered this kind of problem, and has never heard of such a thing. Anyway, she thinks it is probably not possible.

Tonight she got the answer: there is indeed a way to lend "power" to others.

She "borrowed" super powers from Bai Ye.

First of all, its own "coordinate movement" has been increased, and various data have increased more than a thousand times, because it can directly transfer the entire "Endymion" to space.

How much does this space elevator weigh?

How far did it move again?
Jie Biao Danxi really can't explain clearly.

She only felt that she was extremely powerful at this moment, and she even had the illusion that she could transfer the entire earth.

Maybe it's not an illusion?
Transfer "Endymion" to space, and then directly disintegrate it to prevent it from becoming space junk.

The huge space elevator was broken down directly into its atomic state.

In fact, this can be done on earth.

The reason for this extra step is that Bai Ye wants to let Jiebiao Danxi experience more powerful spatial abilities.

To put it simply, draw a pie: as long as you follow me, your "coordinate movement" will become so strong sooner or later.

In fact, Jiebiao Danxi has decided to follow him.

But he is not working for Bai Ye, but wants to find an answer.

Want to find the meaning of life.

Bai Ye didn't need her to sacrifice her life for him. He just happened to meet her, so he just said it casually. It didn't matter whether the girl was with him or not.

But it seems good to think about being able to abduct the "guide".

Except for "coordinate movement" and "space movement", other space ability users cannot do things like leading people in and out of buildings without doors and windows.

In the next period of time, Aleister may only be able to receive guests through phone calls or video chats.

Although this doesn't make much sense.

"Life is meaningless, but you can encounter many interesting things in life, both in this world and in other worlds."

"...Another world?"

"After the Great Star Festival is over, Leitili will leave for other worlds. If you want to go, I can let you go with her. Otherwise, you can set off with me after a while."

Bai Ye will also go to other worlds.

There are so many "worlds", and all of them are quite exciting. Since you have the ability, you naturally have to go and see them, but you can't be trapped here forever like those demon gods.

I just have to do something before I leave.

Jie Biao Danxi didn't have to stay, and of course she didn't have to leave. Bai Ye just gave her a choice.

"There are still several days until the end of the Daiha Star Festival, so think about it yourself."

"……it is good."

Jiebiao Danxi nodded heavily, indicating that she would think about it seriously.

No more talking after that.

Bai Ye sent Jiebiao Danxi back to Yueyong Xiaomeng, and then turned back to find Lei Dili.

If Jiebiao Danxi wants to go together, he can be a bodyguard for Leitili.

If you don't go, you'll have to find another bodyguard.

Leitili cannot use magic and has no abilities, but she can live forever.

But others can suppress her and imprison her even if they can't kill her, so it is still necessary to bring a bodyguard.

She had made two magic puppets before.

It's just that one "died" in the magic she used to commit suicide, and the other was dismantled by Puritan magicians.

"You can help me figure this out. I have to deal with the rest as soon as possible."

Leitili didn't care about this.

She was just looking forward to it.

Full of expectations for the unknown and mysterious new world.

Not long ago she was looking forward to her own death, but now she is looking forward to a new world.

Suddenly I felt like I was really "alive".

"Okay, let me see if there is anything suitable first."

Bai Ye said no more.Then he directly picked up Leitili and said, "It's already so late, so let's go back to bed quickly."

"……Go to your home?"

"Otherwise? Do you still have a home?"


It really doesn't.

It disappeared as early as 800 years ago.

If he could still have a home and a spiritual sustenance, he probably wouldn't want to commit suicide.

He did not continue the topic of "home", but said with some emotion: "I didn't expect that I would sleep in the same bed with the opposite sex."

Why is "sleeping in the same bed" the default?
Because Bai Ye's so-called "home" is obviously a single dormitory.

Since it was a "single dormitory", there must be only one bed. Naturally, she would have to share the same bed with Bai Ye.

Leitili didn't think there was a problem.

She is already over 800 years old, and she is not a teenage girl, so naturally she won't worry so much.

But Bai Ye felt strange: "What do you mean by this, have you never slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex?"


"Isn't it possible? In more than 800 years, you haven't met someone of the opposite sex who made you fall in love?"

"...After all, I am different from ordinary people."

Speaking of this matter, Leitili couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly thinking of something, he turned his head and looked straight at Bai Ye.

The young man noticed her gaze, blinked and looked at her for a long time.

Then he laughed a few times and asked directly: "What, you want to try to pass on the family line with me?"


Retili shook her head.

The topic did not continue because Bai Ye used a spell and they had returned to the dormitory.

"Have a good rest, there are still a lot of things to do tomorrow."



The magician's conspiracy was foiled again.

This time, Byakuya and Misaka Mikoto had almost no connection with the magician, which surprised Aleister.

In the past, these two boys and girls were quite involved in the fun.

It's okay for Misaka Mikoto, after all, she is facing trouble with Gensei Kihara.

But Byakuya didn't care about anything other than preventing Fukiyose Riri and Himegami Akisa from approaching the magician, and didn't even pay attention to the progress of the matter.

It stands to reason that Byakuya will definitely be able to find out that there is a magician who is causing trouble, and it will affect the entire Academy City. He has to pay attention to it no matter what. After all, those little girlfriends who are not good to him will also be unlucky.

The result seems to be a lack of care from start to finish.

To be honest, this is a bit strange and abnormal.

But Aleister couldn't figure out the specific reason, so he only had a few guesses.

There is another problem: Bai Ye abducted the "leader" Jie Biao Danxi.

He didn't know this through "monitoring", but suddenly received a "resignation" from Jie Biao Danxi.

From now on, she will follow Bai Ye. Due to emotions and reasons, Jiubiao Danxi has to tell Aleister. After all, the chairman of the board is still her boss in name.

Being this "guide" is actually for the welfare.

After tonight, those benefits have nothing to do with her.

Jie Biao Danxi doesn't feel it's a pity.

Aleister also didn't feel it was a pity to lose a "leader".

Just a little "speechless" feeling.

That boy was really good at dealing with girls, and he abducted Jiebiao Danxi so quickly.

Speaking of which, that boy seems to only deal with beautiful girls?
(End of this chapter)

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