boy of science

Chapter 285 "A white rat will bite back when cornered, let alone humans."

Chapter 285 "A white rat will bite back when cornered, let alone humans."

Dolly is dead.

It is not Dolly who is alive now.

If anything, she should be considered Dolly's sister.

no name.

There's not even a code name.

But she can be Dolly because she has and only the memory of being "Dolly".

To her, previous deaths were nothing more than sleeping and waking up.

For Shokuhou Misaki and Police Kantori, this girl is also Dolly, because feelings cannot be faked.

For Byakuya, it doesn't matter who Dolly is, the key is who Dolly is.

There is no doubt that this girl is Dolly.

Seeing Dolly appear in front of him, the police inspector immediately forgot about his mission and the purpose of attacking the chairman, and instead hugged Dolly and cried loudly.

Not important anymore.

Nothing else matters.

What matters is that Dolly is alive.

"Mi-chan! Mi-chan!"

"Wow wow~"

In the end, I didn't say anything, I just cried.

Weeping with joy.

Hatsune Miku has never shed tears, so she doesn't quite understand this emotion.

"Tears" are a magical thing.

If Hatsune Miku sheds tears one day, it will probably mean that she truly has her own soul.

She just watched from the side and remembered this scene deeply.

At the same time, it enters an alert state to prevent anyone from causing trouble.


Members did not come to cause trouble.

He did not continue to fight against the Item, and left the battlefield after a brief contact.

Because their leader has discovered that the "contact person" is fake.

He got involved out of nowhere, got a mission out of nowhere, and lost Yoshiro Baba because of it.

The loss of manpower is nothing, as it can be replenished quickly.

The problem is that this thing is too baffling.

But they don't know the specific situation yet, so they can only retreat first and wait until they figure out the conspiracy behind it.

There is no pursuit on the Item side.


Shokuhou Misaki has her own ideas.

The "external brain substitute" was made to replace her, and could theoretically reach Level 5.


She couldn't explain this clearly.

After the researchers of the Talented Research Institute were "killed" by her, the related training and development work was stopped, and only routine maintenance was carried out to maintain the status.

At the beginning, the "external brain substitute" had a great impact on her.

It's different now. Compared to those amplifying effects and uses, the negative impact on her is more serious.

Shokuhou Misaki has long wanted to throw away this useless "external brain", but he just couldn't think of a good way.

Kihara Gensei wants to seize the "external substitute brain" so that she can use it in reverse.


Misaka Mikoto also has her own ideas.

After the ability reaches Level 5, progress is slow, and there is probably not much hope of reaching Level 6.

Refining Qi takes too long.

Kihara Gensei wants to force her to be promoted to Level 6, which is also an opportunity for her to enhance her abilities.

Even just experiencing it would be good for her.

Therefore, the two girls did not stop Kihara Gensei in advance, but used tricks to allow the other party's plan to be implemented smoothly.


Aleister would still know most of the things in this city even if he didn't care about them. After all, everything was under his control.

Except Bai Ye and those girls who are close to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's "weakness" was too obvious, but it was a pity that he couldn't take advantage of it.

Although he also has confidants, those strange beings are not suitable for "sexy seduction".

Start cultivating now...

It seems too late.

Kihara Gensei was his chess piece, his subordinate in name only.But it's of no use anymore.

So even though he knew that several Level 5 girls were plotting against Kihara Gensei, Aleister was not prepared to take any more care, and he didn't even bother to warn them.

As long as it doesn't affect his plan, that's fine.

The problem lies in the rapid expansion of "Misaka's power".

In fact, they are the "White Night Forces", and Aleister knows this very well.

Three Level 5s, several Level 4s, and some Level 3s as well.

A doll with high combat power (Hatsune Miku).

The Amakusa Cross Sect also has a good relationship with the "Misaka Force".

Even the first one showed signs of getting closer to the "Misaka Force".

Plus the white night.

Although the scale is not large enough and the influence is not high enough, the high-end combat power is basically on par with the major forces.

"It is indeed enough to affect the world situation."


Bai Ye doesn't care what the world's situation will be like. The Qi Refiner's pursuit of immortality is basically for "enjoyment".

Life is short, and there are only a few years when you can truly enjoy it.

And either too young or too old.

When I was young, I didn’t know how to enjoy, I only knew how to play around. After I retired, I wanted to enjoy, but I no longer had the energy.

It's just right when you're young.

But how many young people can enjoy life?

What most people have to face is study and work.

Needless to say this.

Anyway, Qi Refiners are not interested in power struggles and dynasty changes in human society, and they have no time to get involved, as long as it does not affect themselves.

Qi masters pursue a simple and happy life.

Either watch other people's fun, or have fun yourself.

Walking around Academy City with Misaka Misuzu, we did encounter many interesting things.

As we were heading somewhere, we suddenly found dark clouds gathering in the sky, as if it was about to rain.

There were also thunderous sounds of "rumbling~".

Clearly, it has already begun.


Kihara Gensei snatched control of the "Exterior Brain" from Shokuhou Misaki.

The captured Misaka sister controlled the "Misaka Network" to connect to Misaka Mikoto, and forced the girl to evolve towards Level 6 according to the predetermined plan.

The process is a bit slow, but it doesn't take too long.

Everything is going smooth.

It was so smooth that it felt like something was wrong.

Especially Misaka Mikoto, it seems that there was no "resistance" in the whole process.

Shokuhou Misaki was very normal, and it took him a lot of effort to get the "Exterior Substitute Brain".

There is also the fact that the police officer lost contact with him.

Not right.

It's not right.

Kihara Gensei suddenly felt: There might be a conspiracy in this.

"You are too conceited. You treat us as guinea pigs for experiments. You think you can play with us, but you forget that we are not guinea pigs, but human beings."

Shokuhou Misaki felt very uncomfortable after successfully throwing away the "Exterior Brain".

But after a short rest, there was basically no problem.

Kihara Gensei stared at Misaka Mikoto who was "evolving" outside, while Shokuhou Misaki stared at this damn old guy.

"Even a little white mouse will bite back when cornered, let alone us humans."


Kihara Gensei turned to look at Shokuhou Misaki, but said nothing.

He was not in the mood to talk, because the backlash against him from the "external brain substitute" had already begun.

He didn't panic or yell, his eyes were just dull, and then he fell to the ground as if he lost all his strength.

Shokuhou Misaki ignored her and looked at Misaka Mikoto outside.

Suddenly he moved his eyes again and looked at the hedgehog head that seemed to be approaching this way in the distance.

After a few glances, he directly used his ability to notify the girl waiting nearby.

"Someone is approaching Misaka-san uninvited. Go and ask him to stay away."


(End of this chapter)

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