boy of science

Chapter 286 "Suzuki zygote"

Chapter 286 "Suzuko Yuriko..."

The hedgehog always encounters various incidents, and always tries to intervene in various incidents. Sometimes he will help whoever is at a disadvantage without even asking the reason, highlighting the idea of ​​"whoever is weak is justified."

This time he also realized that something was wrong, so he tried to get close to Misaka Mikoto who was "evolving".

But he was stopped before he could get close.

Mugino Shenri and others who were standing nearby were about to take action, but were stopped by Hatsune Miku.

Hatsune Miku has dealt with Hedgehog Head and knows how to deal with this "Fantasy Killer".

The hedgehog head who was heading towards the "site of the incident" saw Hatsune Miku and immediately stopped and looked wary, saying in his heart that something bad was going on.

Mr. Kamijou is in trouble again.

"Get out of here, or..."

Hatsune Miku shook the green onions in her hand.

This was the one from before. After all, it had only been two days and Bai Ye hadn't had time to make a new one for her.

The hedgehog looked at the green onions in Hatsune Miku's hand and felt that there was no way to break through the blockade this time.

"Fantasy Killer" can erase abilities and magic, but there's really nothing that can be done about this kind of physical attack.

"...Can I ask what's going on over there?"

After thinking about it, the hedgehog tried to reason.

Hatsune Miku didn't mind saying a word.

"If you want to help others, you can leave now. There is no one who needs your help over there; if you want to harm others, then you'd better turn around and leave now, otherwise Miku will start killing mode."


The hedgehog didn't speak, but was thinking.

In the end, I chose to force a breakthrough because I wanted to know what was going on over there.

Realizing the choice he made, Hatsune Miku seemed to sigh and clenched the green onions in her hand.

There is no other way, so just give this hedgehog a good beating.

Kill mode?
That cannot be turned on casually.

Unless there is a fatal threat to yourself or the person you want to protect, you have to get permission from Bai Ye.

Anyway, just beat him up and prevent him from passing by.


"Evolution" does not happen overnight, but slowly improves.

If the normal Level 5 is the "5.0" version, then it is now slowly improving to 5.1 and 5.2.

Misaka Mikoto in the original work has lost consciousness now.

But it was different now, she was conscious.

Clearly feel the changes in yourself and the changes in your abilities.

She is getting stronger.


The purple current and the blue-white current kept twisting and flickering, seeming to interfere with each other, and also seem to be merging and devouring each other.

Misaka Mikoto's eyes seemed to sparkle with electricity.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky and thunder rolled, and they continued to spread in all directions, seeming to cover the entire Academy City, the entire island country, and even the entire world.

Mugino Shinri, who was in charge of guarding the surroundings, looked at the constantly evolving Misaka Mikoto, and suddenly felt that he might not be as good as this girl.

But he quickly shook his head and shook this thought away, replaced by the determination to "compete for the top".

The other girls didn't think much about it.

The police officer's decision to "get back together" with Dory seems a little scary, after all, she was still plotting against Misaka Mikoto before.

Shokuhou Misaki didn't care about rankings.

But I suddenly realized: Whether it is Misaka Mikoto or Mugino Shiri, their abilities are gradually increasing, and there seems to be help from Byakuya.

Bai Ye never dated her, nor did he help her in any capacity.

"...Am I excluded?"

Shokuhou Misaki frowned when he realized this problem.


Misaka Mikoto is getting stronger.

Even though Aleister discovered it, he still didn't take any action.

There is also Bai Ye watching from the side. If he takes action, Bai Ye will also take action, and then it will develop into a "war" between the two sides.

To be honest, it doesn't have to be this way. …

As Misaka Mikoto becomes stronger, her body is also undergoing strange changes, and she looks like she is transforming into a non-human being.

Although she really wanted to reach Level 6 and see the "high scenery", because it would be very dangerous, Misaka Mikoto took the initiative to leave the "evolution" state at about the same time.

Umimi and Last Order, who had received the mission in advance, had already been waiting beside the captured Misaka sister, and cooperated here after receiving the signal from Misaka Mikoto.

But it was not them who did the work, but Yuriko Suzuko who followed.

Disconnect Misaka Mikoto from the "Misaka Network" and wake up Misaka sister from her "coma".

There is nothing wrong with Sister Misaka, everything is normal.


Misaka Mikoto seems to have returned to normal, but her abilities have not been enhanced.

In fact, she has found a way to become stronger. After a while, her strength will naturally reach a higher level.

And she has actually learned a lot of new spells (skills).

After breaking away from "evolution" and returning to her normal state, the girl raised her head and looked in the direction of Misaka's sister.

"Suzuko Yuriko..."

I'm connected to the Misaka network, so I know a lot of things.

Among them was the girl with white hair and red eyes.

It feels like I've seen it somewhere before.

The last one and his sisters also felt that the girl looked familiar.

What should I say...


Misaka Mikoto thought carefully, but did not get an accurate answer.

After all, the other party came here to help voluntarily. If he couldn't find the answer, he stopped thinking about it and turned his attention back to the business.

It’s time to get rid of this old guy, Gensei Kihara!

The thunder and dark clouds gradually dissipated.

The hedgehog who was beaten up by Hatsune Miku again didn't know whether he gave up or felt that there was really no problem. He turned and left without saying anything more.

The various competitions of the Daihasei Festival have not been suspended because of this, and the boys and girls are still sweating the sweat of their youth.

Misaka Misuzu didn't know what was going on with her daughter, so she still followed Bai Ye everywhere, either to places she was interested in or to places recommended by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye will also take her to watch games.

Then she discovered: Bai Ye seemed to be very familiar and close to certain girls.

And it seems that I only know girls, not boys.

It feels like something is wrong.

It seems not.

The key is that those girls know her daughter, and some of them are even familiar with her.

For example, Saten Ruiko.

Yesterday, she saw this girl chatting with her daughter.

If there was a real problem, the atmosphere probably wouldn't be so friendly.

"……never mind."

Misaka couldn't figure it out and simply gave up thinking.

It would be better to ask about the situation when you see your daughter. Guessing here is just a waste of effort.

After watching Saten Ruiko's game, Byakuya took Misaka Misuzu to another place.

By the way, he asked, "Do you need me to accompany you when you go drinking tonight?"

"What, you have something you need to do?"

"Adults have adult gatherings, and young people have young people's gatherings."


Misaka Misuzu nodded slightly, indicating that she generally understood.

Then he waved his hand directly: "It doesn't matter, I can just go by myself. You can go and play with your friends."


(End of this chapter)

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