boy of science

Chapter 288 "Good morning, Miku-chan, the weather is really nice today."

Chapter 288 "Good morning, Miku-chan, the weather is really nice today."

After the bustle, it's quiet again.

All the girls who should leave left, and Toshin Busu took Jenny and Feibli back to the next door to take a shower and sleep. Only Hatsune Miku and Dolly were left here.

Whether it's lively or quiet, it seems to have nothing to do with Hatsune Miku.

After all, she is just a doll.

I don't even understand "lively" and "quiet". I only know that more people means liveliness and less people means quietness.

Dolly is a clone.

Clones can still be considered "human beings" after all.

Can a doll be considered a "person"?

Hatsune Miku doesn't know.

She had thought about this question but had no answer.

Put everything away, clean the living room, and let Dolly go to rest early after taking a bath.

After doing all this, Hatsune Miku returned to her room.

She doesn't need sleep.

But basically every night I will enter the "sleep" state.

It was Bai Ye who asked her to do this, saying that she should try to maintain a normal human routine.

What is a "human"?
What is a "normal human being"?
To be honest, Hatsune Miku doesn't really understand.

As a reference, Byakuya seems unusual.

Anyway, all the girls I know think Bai Ye is weird.

Most of the other girls don't seem to be normal either.

Then there are clones and artificial humans.

Being in contact with these people all day long made Hatsune Miku unable to understand the situation of ordinary humans.

Just confirm one thing: people with abilities are somewhat strange, and the stronger the ability, the weirder the personality.

Bu Shu Dixin next door is not a person with abilities, but she is very smart and has made considerable achievements in scientific research, but she still cannot be used as an ordinary reference object.

The only suitable one is probably Narugo Alyssa.

In addition to having some musical talent and being pretty and cute, that girl basically falls into the "ordinary" category in other aspects.

However, that girl is not a normal human being, and has already returned to her original form.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt the urge to sigh.

But she didn't sigh, but felt confused: "Is this probably the emotion of 'pity'?"

Don't know, don't know, don't understand.

Just stand by the window and look at the night sky. After a long time, I go back to bed and lie down, close my eyes and enter sleep mode.


The night passed quickly, and the sun rose as usual.

Academy City is gradually becoming lively again.

Hatsune Miku, who woke up on time, first turned on her phone to check if there was any important information.

It turned out to be true: Narugo Alyssa sent her an email.


Hatsune Miku tilted her head, puzzled.

There is a lot of content in the email, but it can be summed up in one sentence: With Bai Ye's help, she can continue to live.

As for whether there will be trouble from the science side and the magic side...

Since Bai Ye helped, there would be no problem.

Hatsune Miku stared at the phone screen for a long time.

Put away your phone.

Arrange your hair and clothes.

Then he left the room and appeared in the living room.

Dolly was up too.

"Good morning, Miku-chan, the weather is very nice today."

"Good morning."

Hatsune Miku responded.

He walked over and opened the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony, and his green hair was blowing in the cool morning breeze.

Hatsune Miku looked at the world outside and said with emotion: "The weather is indeed very good."


Narugo Alisa was separated from Satora's body again.

This time it was not because of a "miracle", but with the help of White Night's magic.

Shateora's consent has been obtained in advance.

Separating Narugo Alisa would not have much impact on Satora, but it would give her one more "sister", so she agreed decisively and happily.

I just have a small problem with Bai Ye: this boy broke into her bedroom without knocking and saw her wearing only underwear.

She was changing into pajamas and getting ready to rest.But don’t worry too much about it.


Leitili still wanted to continue dealing with the assets, so she said goodbye and left after breakfast.

Bai Ye took Frenda to School District No. 13.

Fremea went to school in School District No. 13, so her dormitory was naturally there.

In the past two days, many classmates' parents came here. Seeing their families reunited, Fremea felt a little depressed.

There was no way for her to reunite with her parents.

Fortunately, she has a dearest sister and a "brother".

Although it should actually be "master".

But she didn't think much about it and just called Bai Ye to act coquettishly. As a result, this "brother" easily agreed to come and watch her compete.

There is still time, today's game has not started yet.

Fremea was not looking forward to the competition, but to her older brothers and sisters.

I thought it would take a long time, but Bai Ye directly used magic to bring Frenda over.

"Sister! Onii-chan!"

Judging from the names she blurted out subconsciously, it was obvious that sister was more important than brother in her heart.

After all, they are biological sisters, blood is thicker than water.

If Bai Ye...

To them, Bai Ye is actually the bad guy who deprived the sisters of their freedom.

But there is no need to worry about this.

Fremea ran towards the boy and girl and threw herself into her sister's arms.

Frenda hugged her sister.

Everything she does is basically for her sister, and her relationship is naturally excellent.

Byakuya looked at the blond sisters hugging each other, and then at Fremea's classmates.

Mainly looking at those little girls.

Of course, he is not a lolicon.

It's just that compared to the same sex, the opposite sex is more eye-catching.

The little girls are all very cute.

When I look at Bai Ye, I think of Xie Rong Jia Ke.

Maybe go watch her play?
No matter what, he was the kid who called him "Onii-chan", and even called him "dad".

Children in Academy City are really in need of fatherly love.

And maternal love.

After all, the vast majority of students have been separated from their parents since childhood.

"Oni sauce!"

While he was thinking about this, Fremea, who finally left her sister's arms, turned around and threw herself into his arms.

Bai Ye stopped thinking and touched her little head with a smile.

These days, students who want to participate in competitions are basically wearing sportswear, and Fremea is no exception, so her image is very different from usual.

The beret he always wore was gone, and his hair was tied into a ponytail to make it easier to move around.

Fremea was very happy to see Byakuya again, but she seemed to have a lot of resentment.

"It's been almost a month, and Onii-chan hasn't come to play with me. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore, nya~?"

"How could it be? I like you very much. It's just that I have a lot of things going on lately and I don't have time to come over."

There are indeed many things going on.

But time is something that can still be squeezed.

But it’s better not to tell the truth that would make the little girl unhappy.


Frenda wanted to remind her sister that as a "maid", she could not always act coquettishly and make demands of her master.

But as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Bai Ye waved his hand towards her.

Then he said to Fremea: "I will be here with you all day today. Are you satisfied now?"

"Including night time?"


"Some classmates' parents will stay overnight, nya~"

"Well, okay, including at night."


Just take this little girl back to your dormitory and spend the night.

Anyway, with the Five Elements Escape Technique, it only takes a moment to move across school districts.

And sleeping with a blonde loli in your arms is great!

(End of this chapter)

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