boy of science

Chapter 289: Could it trigger a "civil war" in Academy City? !

Chapter 289: Could it trigger a "civil war" in Academy City? !

Life is like a playing field.

There are losses and wins, ups and downs.

Some received cheers, some received boos.

The winner gets all the attention, while the loser leaves sadly.

But if we really want to say it, the road of life is more cruel than the battlefield.

Children don’t have to think about life for a while.

In the eyes of adults, they don't even need to care about winning or losing, highlighting the importance of "participation".

Of course, this is just some adults, and some require children to win.

Regardless of whether it is an exam, a competition, or something else, you must get first place, otherwise you will be a waste.

Flanda didn't have so many requirements for Fremea. After all, her biggest wish was that her sister could live an ordinary, stable, simple and happy life.

There is no need to fight whether you win or lose.

It's not an ANBU battle. If you can't win, you have to die.

Why should we care so much about ordinary competitions?

Byakuya would not have any demands on Fremea in this regard.

There are only two games in Fremea today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You can play at other times.

There's not much to say about the game.

Compared to competitions, Fremea is looking forward to spending time with her brothers and sisters.

You don’t have to worry about anything or think about anything, and you can spend the whole day happily.


Single dormitory, single bed.

One person is more than enough, two people are just right, three people hug each other tightly, four people...

It was absolutely impossible to sleep.

Leitili will be staying in Baiye's dormitory recently.

So Flanda didn't follow her back, Bai Ye only took Fremea home.

Seeing him bring the blond loli back, Retili didn't say anything.

More than 800 years.

She has seen too many things in this long time.

Let’s not talk about whether Bai Ye has a strange relationship with this blonde loli.

Even if there is, it's nothing.

How can such things be rare throughout the ages?

It’s just that times have changed, and moral concepts have also changed. Things that were normal before have become “sin” now.

Who knows what will happen in the future.

Thinking like this, Leitili suddenly had some expectations for the "future".

What will the world look like in the future?

Fremea is a blonde loli, and so is Rediri.

The difference is that Retili is legal, after all she is over 800 years old.

Unfortunately, the world will always only look at the surface.

If you really want to take them out on a date, it will definitely be considered a crime.

When a blond loli meets a blond loli, there is no problem.

There is neither "same-sex repulsion" nor getting too close.

Although she is a legal loli, she is not a real loli after all. Leitili lacks some innocence in her body, and there is still a generation gap between her and a real little girl.

White night is different.

He can get along well with anyone he wants to.

The problem is that he doesn't want to.

You won’t force yourself to cater to others, even if you end up alone, it doesn’t matter.

Human beings come and go alone.

The essence of life is loneliness.

The essence of life is to have nothing.

if not?
What do you own?
Occasionally, Bai Ye will think about such questions.

Turn off the lights.

He held Rediri with his right hand and Fremea with his left hand.

Feeling that he had nothing, he hugged the two blond lolita and fell asleep.


The magician's matter is resolved.

Kihara Gensei was also eliminated.

But it was not Misaka Mikoto's move, nor Shokuhou Misaki's.That old guy was just brain-dead under the influence of the "external brain substitute".

Then the body was blown to pieces with a bomb by Frenda, who was responsible for the aftermath.

The main thing is to prevent this old guy from faking his death.

Now that's over.

Academy City seems to have returned to calm, with only the Daihasei Festival competition still going on in full swing.

The Roman Orthodox Church continues to suffer losses here, and has put more attention on Academy City. It is estimated that it already wants to take action here.

Lola Stuart of the English Puritan Church became an ally with Aleister. The supreme bishop probably didn't know that Academy City's general director was the target of her mission.

Hiding in a building without doors or windows, Aleister was checking the progress of his plan.

So far, so good.

Although there were some surprises, overall there were no major problems.

But if you want to complete your plan next, you will probably encounter a lot of trouble.

The white night is not the key.

This young man basically doesn't care about things, and he doesn't care about the clones. He usually cares about them when he thinks about them, and just throws them aside when he doesn't think about them.

The problem is Misaka Mikoto.

Even though they were all her clones, she didn't feel disgusted or alienated. Instead, she really treated them as sisters.

If you really want to use the sisters to complete your plan, I'm afraid you'll have to fight with the third person.

The brown-haired girl is getting stronger and stronger.

In the past, it was obvious that ants could be easily strangled to death. Why did it become like this?
It all started when he sent the second and fourth assassins to assassinate Bai Ye.

But there is no need to mention the past.

Although Byakuya didn't care about those clones, he cared about Misaka Mikoto.

If Aleister really wants to take action against Misaka Mikoto, that boy will definitely not sit idly by.

So do the math.

Some people are not allowed to go out casually, because the follow-up plan depends on them to execute.

Someone who can go out and compete with those boys and girls...

It seems not.

If he really wanted to fight at any cost, he could play against Bai Ye and let Aiwass take care of the third one.

But there are fourth and fifth places.

The second person who was still in ANBU was a target that could be exploited.

The problem is that the strength of the fourth player has also improved a lot. Can the second player still be able to deal with her?

Even if it is possible, what if the fourth and fifth ones join forces?

And the first one.

Although "Accelerator" has not officially joined the so-called "Misaka Force", judging from the current situation, she will definitely choose to protect those clones.

Maybe try using Fantasy Killer against number one.

But still not enough.

It seems that we have to consider the option of having the Puritans come over for support.

It would be best if the supreme bishop came in person, but nothing else would work.

The question is will she come?

And if his true identity is exposed, I am afraid that the supreme bishop will directly follow those boys and girls to besiege him.

Thinking about it this way, Aleister couldn't help but sigh.

"It's a pity."

It's a pity that the third person was not killed at that time, otherwise things might have been much easier to handle.

There is only one chance.

I failed to seize that opportunity, and now I have to face increasingly powerful girls.

Of course, Aleister also has an advantage, that is, he can mobilize most of Academy City's power.

Even security guards.

Discipline members……

Forget about it.

Under normal circumstances, the Discipline Committee abides by the instructions of the higher-ups, but if they find that there is a problem, those young and passionate students will immediately turn against the higher-ups.

Misaka Mikoto has a good relationship with certain discipline committee members.

Through those girls, the third one was able to "incite rebellion" among most of the disciplinary committee members.

After calculating the power that both sides could mobilize in this way, Aleister suddenly discovered: If he wanted to deal with the "Misaka forces", might it trigger a "civil war" in Academy City? !

 Now I have become really timid
  She's obviously a lolita control

  But I don’t dare to write more about lolita.

  Obviously I really want to write it

  this year
  people like me
  I really don’t deserve to have my own thoughts.
(End of this chapter)

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