boy of science

Chapter 290 "This is what you taught me, Onii-chan."

Chapter 290 "...This is what you taught me, Onii-chan."

Everyone in the world has their own ideas.

Most people think alike, so it becomes "rules", "morals", and "laws".

A few people think differently than they do.

But so what?

"The violence of the majority against the minority" is not just talk, but a rather cruel fact.

Some people don't deserve to have their own thoughts.

You can only follow the mainstream, you can only go with the flow, you can only go along with the trend.

Shokuhou Misaki doesn't want to participate in the competition.

But you still have to participate.

I couldn't even cheat or be lazy, because "you can't bring items that have nothing to do with the competition," so your bag and remote control were taken away.

Of course, you will gain wisdom after learning a lesson.

From then on, she began to battle wits with the staff in charge of the competition and the disciplinary committee.

Sometimes she won, so she pretended to participate in the competition and won the championship.

Sometimes her "criminal tools" would be confiscated before she could use her abilities, so she could only participate in the competition honestly. Not only did she come in last place, but she was also exhausted to death.

The key is that if you suddenly participate in this kind of "high-intensity" exercise, you will soon feel soreness in your back and legs, and you just want to lie in bed and don't want to run around anymore.

But you still have to compete.

At least openly be a good student.

Noticing that she was tired and in pain, Junko Hokaze made a suggestion: "It's better to go find Bai Ye-san."

"...Bai Ye-san? What are you doing with him?"

"He can help you treat it. He helped me treat and adjust it after I exercised strenuously."

"……I see."

Speaking of Bai Ye, the girl's mood seemed a bit complicated.

Mainly because I found that I seemed to be a little self-centered. In fact, the boy never really regarded her as one of his own, because there were many things that excluded her.

Such as dating, methods to enhance abilities, and...

She didn't even know what to say "like".

Because I was left out, I didn’t really want to see the boy at the moment.

But the pain all over my body was unbearable.

Finally gave in.

He took out his cell phone and prepared to make a call, but thought about it and decided to send an email instead.


Bai Ye is watching the game.

It's not a girl's game, it's a little girl's competition.

As a kid, just playing.

Go out there, do your best, and then the game is over.

Whether it is spring, summer or autumn or winter, you will sweat after strenuous exercise.

Yan Rong Jia Qie worked very hard, so she was sweating profusely, and she just threw herself into Bai Ye's arms.

"Dad, you came to watch my game."

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of almost everyone around him, who were either surprised or confused.

Bai Ye paid no attention to their sight.

He Rong Jia Qie didn't care, and kept rubbing his little face in Bai Ye's arms.

So Bai Ye patted her little head directly: "Don't wipe the sweat with my clothes."


The little girl smiled sheepishly.

He let go of Bai Ye, turned around and ran, and soon came back here with a dry towel.

He handed the towel to Bai Ye unceremoniously: "Onii-chan, wipe my sweat for me."

"Call 'Dad'."

"Aren't you afraid of being thought of as a weirdo, Onii-chan?"

"I'm not afraid, I am."


The little girl couldn't refute these words.

Bai Ye took the dry towel and first wiped her face and arms.

The little girl untied her hair because it was also a little wet.

You need to be careful after exercising during this season, otherwise you may catch a cold when the wind blows.Bai Ye helped her wipe her hair.

By the way, casual chat: "Didn't your parents come to see you?"

Ye Rong Jiaqie pouted: "I didn't come. I said I didn't have time, so I couldn't ask for leave."

"Well, maybe the work has reached a critical moment, so I can't leave."

"Anyway, adults always have their own reasons. As a child, what can I do except accept the reality?"

"That's not what a child would say."

"...This is what you taught me, Onii-chan."

"Really? I also taught you this?"

Bai Ye said he had no impression.

Ye Rong Jia Qie nodded and said that was the case.

Turning around to face Bai Ye, he was about to lift up his clothes, but saw that there were many passers-by around him, so he didn't do so.

Bai Ye put his hand and towel into her clothes and wiped the sweat from her body.

While doing it, he said: "That's how things are in the world, or that's how human beings are. While they want their own ideas to be respected, they don't care about other people's thoughts at all. So we might as well not care about it and just follow our own rules." Just keep the idea alive.”

"...Onii-chan does live a free life, but I'm different. I don't have the ability."

The young Yi Rong Jiaqie has already understood the cruel reality: people without abilities cannot even "be true to themselves".

"It doesn't matter. I'm here. You can do whatever you want, whatever you want. If there is a problem, my brother will help you solve it."

Looking at Bai Ye who was squatting in front of him, Yan Rong Jia Qie nodded first.

Then he said directly: "There is a small problem now."


"The guard teacher is here."



In broad daylight, in full view of everyone, a young man put his hand into a little girl's clothes. He quickly attracted others' attention and called the security guard over.

But Bai Ye just wiped the little girl's sweat normally, so the security guard didn't say much and quickly left to continue his work.

Bai Ye also finished wiping the little girl's sweat and took out her cell phone to take a few glances.

"...Fuck Qi-chan."

He said he wanted to meet, chat, and have lunch together.

By the way, let’s discuss how to solve the problem of muscle soreness caused by lactic acid accumulation after sudden heavy exercise.

He said it was a "discussion", but actually he wanted to ask him for help.

After reading the email, Bai Ye put away the phone.

"Jiaqiejiang, do you want to compete later?"

"It won't be available until the afternoon."

"Come on then, let's go have lunch."



Although it was Junko Hokaze's suggestion, Shokuhou Misaki did not bring her along, probably because he wanted to meet Byakuya alone.

As a result, Bai Ye brought Yu Rong Jia Qie over.

A lovely little girl.

No matter what, Shokuhou Misaki is not hostile to children, but the eyes he looks at Byakuya seem to be full of resentment.

Let’s not talk about the little girl’s affairs. Let her sit next to him and eat and drink.

After chatting with Byakuya for a while, Shokuhou Misaki mentioned the purpose of looking for Byakuya: "I have been exercising too much these days and my whole body feels sore. Hokaze-san said that you can help solve the problem, so Byakuya-san, you shouldn't mind helping me. Is this busy?"

If you don’t exercise much at ordinary times and suddenly do a lot of exercise, you will encounter this problem of body soreness.

Under normal circumstances, I have to carry it myself, which takes about three to five days.

But Shokuhou Misaki felt a little overwhelmed.

"...Of course it's okay to help. Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

The main thing is that the tone is polite.

Obviously, he usually speaks in a very close, even slightly too close tone.

Shokuhou Misaki and Byakuya looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Obviously it was Bai Ye-san who was polite to me first, right?"

"is it?"

Bai Ye thought about it carefully and realized that he seemed to be quite polite to this girl.

(End of this chapter)

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