boy of science

Chapter 291 "Is this what you mean by 'you're welcome'?"

Chapter 291 "...Is this what you mean by 'you're welcome'?"

Having eaten and drank enough, Kazuo said goodbye to Byakuya and Shokuhou Misaki, and took a walk after dinner to meet up with his teachers and classmates. He had to participate in the competition in the afternoon.

Byakuya brought Shokuhou Misaki home.

Not his own dormitory, but Hatsune Miku and Dori's residence.

No one was here at this time, and Bu Shu Dixin, Jenny and Feibuli next door were not at home either, they all went out to join in the fun.

Even the magician Itsuwa ran out to witness the grand event of the "Daha Star Festival".

To treat the body soreness caused by the accumulation of lactic acid after exercise, it is a very simple thing for Bai Ye, as simple as waving his hand.

But Shokuhou Misaki had already discussed the issue of being polite with him, so he decided not to be so polite today.

Although Shokuhou Misaki should not be thinking about a relationship but a relationship between friends.

But for Bai Ye, there is not much difference between the two relationships.

He directly brought Shokuhou Misaki back here, pointed at the sofa and asked the girl to lie down.

Shokuhou Misaki didn't think much about it. After all, Byakuya had never done anything strange to her, so she obediently lay down on the sofa and pulled a pillow under her.

Then he turned to look at Bai Ye: "So, how can you help me treat it?"


"Press... eh, massage?!"

As for massage, it would be that the young man's hands were touching her body, squeezing here and there.

It feels strange to think about it.

"Wait, if you want a massage..."

"I'm not going to be polite to you today, I'm going to start."


As soon as the words fell, the boy's sinful hands began to touch the girl...



The flesh of a girl who doesn't usually exercise much feels soft to the touch, which is completely different from athletic girls like Misaka Mikoto and Mugino Shiri.

It’s also different from the 粲舎佳素.

To be precise, that little girl didn't have much meat on her body, but Shokuhou Misaki seemed to be full of meat.

Although she is also a little girl, Fremea is much better. After all, she has already started wearing a bra.

As for Jenny, Feibli and the final work...

Bai Ye didn't have much chance to feel it. The girl he was closest to and got along with the most was Fremea, and the others were only seen occasionally.

It's just that those little girls are willing to get close to him.

Shokuhou Misaki is also willing to get closer to him. Generally speaking, a "friend" relationship is close enough.

But this time, almost her whole body was touched by the boy. Although she was still separated by clothes and no certain places were touched, it still made her think...

It became a little hard to explain.

He lay down on the sofa and rested for a long time, then sat up and looked at the boy next to him who started drinking tea.

"You seem to be very skilled in massage techniques. You usually massage other girls, right?"

"... Occasionally."

It's said to be a massage, but it actually uses magic, otherwise it wouldn't be effective so quickly.

Especially in the case of Shokuhou Misaki.

The girl stood up and moved her hands and feet a little, and found that the soreness was no longer there, and she seemed to be in good condition.

So she sat down again and took the cup of hot tea that Bai Ye handed her.

Smell the tea and feel quite comfortable.

His eyes looked at Bai Ye again.

Although I felt very embarrassed, I hesitated and asked: "There are still a few days until the end of the Daihasei Festival. There will be competitions every day. If I feel uncomfortable, can you please give me a massage?"

"...You are really polite."

This girl obviously has a "queen"-like personality, so she should be strong and even "unreasonable".

But he was acting so cautiously now.

When this topic was brought up again, the girl's mood was a little complicated.

He looked back at the tea in the cup.

"Does Baiye-san consider me a friend?"



The young man gave the answer directly without thinking.With such a ruthless answer, the girl who wanted to talk to him didn't know what to say, so she could only look at the tea cup in her hand and remain silent.

Mainly because she didn't expect this situation.

After all, we have known each other for such a long time, and we usually get along pretty well. She even passively gave me so many benefits.

As a result, the young man turned out to be so ruthless...

Just thinking about it makes me sigh for myself.

After putting down the tea cup, Bai Ye stood up and changed his position, sitting directly next to her body.

Then the girl found that the boy was holding her waist with his hands.

I also heard the young man's voice: "Actually, I have always regarded you as my tool."


The girl turned her head blankly and looked at the boy beside her.

But Bai Ye didn't give her much time to think or ask. While she was looking at him, he directly stuck to her.


The lips of the boy and girl were touching each other.


A "weak chicken" like Shokuhou Misaki has no way to resist.

If Misaka Mikoto and Mugino Shiri were like this, they would definitely push him away, knock him down, and then ravage him severely with their feet.

Of course, this refers to situations where the relationship is not good.

That's not going to happen now anyway.

Shokuhou Misaki wanted to push Byakuya away, but unfortunately her strength was too weak and she couldn't push the boy's body no matter what.

In the end, she could only give up resistance and let Bai Ye bully her.

The tea cup originally held in his hand had long since fallen to the ground, and the tea was scattered all over the floor.

If Hatsune Miku was at home, he would probably have to beat up the boy when he saw this situation.

After all, sweeping and mopping floors is not easy.

When Shokuhou Misaki felt difficulty breathing, as if her whole body had no strength, Byakuya let her go.

He picked up the cup from the floor and sat back to his original position.


He sat there slowly sipping tea, while Shokuhou Misaki was breathing heavily.

After adjusting, he bit his lip and looked at Bai Ye, the emotions in his eyes seemed very complicated.

After being silent for a long time, he finally spoke: "Bai, Bai Ye, what are you doing all of a sudden?!"

"Don't you dislike me for being too polite to you? I'm changing my attitude towards you."

"...Is this what you mean by 'you're welcome'?"

"more or less."

Bai Ye nodded and said that was it.

Before Shokuhou Misaki could say anything, he smiled at the girl again: "Kissing feels good, doesn't it? I have something more comfortable than massage here. Do you want to try it?"

More comfortable than massage...

Shokuhou Misaki is not that simple, so he naturally knows the true meaning of this sentence.

I wanted to refuse, but thinking about the kiss just now and the experience of being seen at the beach, the words came to my lips but I couldn't say anything.

Bai Ye changed the cup and poured her another cup of tea.

"Come on, let's drink some hot tea to calm down."


Shokuhou Misaki snorted.

He didn't speak for the time being, but took the tea cup, smelled the tea again, and drank all the warm tea in one gulp.

I usually eat and drink in small sips because I have to pay attention to "etiquette".

Now it doesn't matter so much.

After taking a sip of hot tea and spitting for a long time, my mood really relaxed a lot.

Then he turned his attention to the young man.


What should I do next?
How should their relationship develop?

I never thought things would turn out like this before!
(End of this chapter)

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