boy of science

Chapter 292 "What did Oni-chan and Shokuhou-nee just do?"

Chapter 292 "What did Oni-chan and Shokuhou-nee just do?"

Kissed, looked, and touched.

How should they get along next?

Thinking about Byakuya's relationship with Misaka Mikoto, and considering Byakuya's closeness to other girls, Shokuhou Misaki felt that it would be better not to continue to develop her relationship with Byakuya.

But she couldn't express this idea.

Bai Ye didn't mention this topic, as if nothing happened.

Just drinking tea, watching the game being broadcast on TV, and casually chatting with girls.

The girl, who was in a complicated mood, didn't know what she was talking about with the boy.

Anyway, by the time he came to his senses, Bai Ye had already turned off the TV and stood up.

"Let's go, don't you still have a game?"


There are indeed games.

Although I don’t really want to participate, I still accept the school’s arrangements honestly from time to time.

Putting down the tea cup and standing up, Bai Ye stretched out his hand to her again.


Shokuhou Misaki didn't quite understand: "What to do?"

"Hold hands."


Bai Ye said it was natural, but the girl was a little hesitant.

But in the end, he still gave his hand to the young man to hold.

Bai Ye touched her hand covered with white silk gloves and suddenly laughed "hehehe" a few times.

That strange laughter made Shokuhou Misaki subconsciously want to withdraw her hand.

It just didn't work out.

He followed Bai Ye outside and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Bai Ye's face was still full of smile: "It's nothing, I just think your hands are really good."


This time Shokuhou Misaki really couldn't figure it out and felt a bit baffled.

But she didn't pursue it to the end.

Because her intuition told her: If she really wanted to continue asking, this boy would probably say something even weirder.

Let’s go to the competition first.


Byakuya didn't watch Shokuhou Misaki's match because she had promised to cheer for Kanagawa, so she sent the girl to the arena and left.

Shokuhou Misaki didn't try to stay, she could still feel more comfortable without Byakuya.

After all, I haven’t thought about what to do in the future.

After separating from Bai Ye, he continued to think and soon met up with his faction members.

All the girls including Junko Hokaze, Hayato Kuchiguanko and others were there.

After chatting with these subordinates, classmates, and friends for a while, I pulled Junko Hokaze, who was also close to Byakuya, aside.

"Fangfeng-san, you and and"

He hesitated and couldn't finish his words.

Junko Hokaze felt strange: "Shouhou-san, what exactly do you want to say?"

Usually called "Her Majesty the Queen".

But now Shokuhou Misaki obviously wanted to talk as friends, so Junko Hokaze changed her name.

Shokuhou Misaki hesitated for a moment, but finally made up his mind to speak out: "What is your relationship with Byakuya-san?"


Junko Hokaze opened her mouth, but failed to give an answer. Instead, she began to think.

What is her relationship with Bai Ye?

Normal friends of the opposite sex would not do such a thing as "lifting their skirts".

Moreover, Bai Ye had a lot of close contact with her. Although it was nominally to help her understand the true meaning of words and words, no matter how you looked at it, it was not the behavior that normal friends should have.

For the innocent Junko Hokaze, her relationship with Byakuya should be adjusted appropriately.

The problem is that Bai Ye never mentioned this topic.

She herself was embarrassed to mention it.

Suddenly she heard Shokuhou Misaki ask this, and she really didn't know how to answer.

Shokuhou Misaki, who couldn't get the answer, suddenly sighed: "There are many girls who are close to Byakuya-san. I think we should..."

At this point, he bit his lip again and did not say the rest of the words.Fanfeng Junzi still didn't speak.

The two girls fell into silence.


Children are always very energetic.

But if you have to participate in competitions every day for several days in a row, or even several events a day, even the most energetic children will inevitably feel tired.

After coming down from the playing field again, Yan Rong Jiaqie threw herself into Bai Ye's arms with her tired body.

"Euni sauce."

He just shouted without saying much, but there was a hint of grievance in his voice.

Bai Ye touched her little head: "What, you don't want to play anymore?"

For most elementary school students, the Daihasei Festival is indeed just “fun”.

After the initial freshness, it’s time to look forward to an early end.

"Freshness" is a very important thing.

"Yeah yeah~."

The little girl didn't say anything, she just made a sound of unknown meaning and rubbed her face in his arms like a spoiled child.

Probably using his clothes to wipe the sweat again.

Bai Ye didn't care.

The little girl quickly raised her head in his arms: "What did Oni-chan and Shokuhou-nee just do?"

"What else can I do? Give her a massage to relieve her fatigue."

"Massage? Relieve fatigue? Can you massage it for me too?"


Bai Ye did not refuse.

He directly found a place for the little girl to lie down, and his sinful hands began to touch and squeeze here and there on the innocent little girl.

Then another security guard came towards them.


Today is probably "massage day".

At noon, Shokuhou was given a prayer massage, in the afternoon, she was given a massage by Yoshikazu, and in the evening, she was given a massage by Fukiyose.

Shokuhou Caoqi and Yoshikazu are considered "accidents".

The massage for Fukiyose was agreed upon in advance.

In the evening, Byakuya, who had separated from Kagome, went directly to Fukiyose's dormitory.

The girl has not returned yet.

Bai Ye used some tricks to open the door and walked inside, first starting to prepare dinner.

After dark, the night parade outside started as usual. Fukiyose, who had no time to participate, returned to his dormitory after finishing all his work.

I thought Bai Ye would come later, but it turned out that he had already arrived and had made dinner.

For a moment, the girl was really touched.

Then Bai Ye walked up to her: "My dear, you are back. Do you want to have dinner first or a massage first?"

After saying this, he laughed "hehehe".

He also raised his two hands, and his fingers wriggled like tentacles, giving the impression that this so-called "massage" was not serious.

Before she could answer, Bai Ye looked outside again: "Didn't Qiu Sha come with you?"

"... Himegami-san is also very tired, so I have to go back early to eat, take a bath and rest."

She had to participate in competitions and was very enthusiastic to help with some work. That girl, Himegami Akisa, was indeed very tired.

Fukiyoshi's management is even more tiring, after all, she is the "operating committee member".

His face was full of exhaustion right now.

Bai Ye, who retracted his gaze, took a step forward and hugged her into his arms.

"It's really distressing to see you so tired. Come on, let me give you some psychological comfort first."

After saying that, he kissed the girl's lips directly.

Fukiyoshi, who has become accustomed to it, has long since stopped resisting at the beginning, and is instead cooperating and enjoying it.

If Bai Ye's hands hadn't been groping around, she could have enjoyed it a little longer.

Leaving Bai Ye's arms and sorting out her messy clothes, she said with a red face, "I'm very tired these days."

The implication is that he doesn't have the energy to do something with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye smiled all over his face: "Then let's wait until you have rested. Let's go and have dinner first."


(End of this chapter)

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