boy of science

Chapter 293 "This makes people quite speechless."

Chapter 293 "This makes people quite speechless."

When it comes to "breasts", if we just talk about "big".

The beauty of the ancients is very great, and the beauty of Fukiyoshi is also very great. Compared with them, Shokuhou Misaki is slightly inferior.

At least on the surface.

As for the feel...

There is no way to compare this, because I don’t know how Shokuhou Misaki and Koho Miwei feel.

Fukiyoshi has just learned about it.

In terms of other aspects of feel, Fukiyose Ritsu feels firmer to the touch, not as soft as Shokuhou Misaki.

After all, Fukiyose is a sports girl and is very particular about health.

Pay attention to diet and lifestyle.

Of course, exercise is also indispensable.

She has even practiced Aikido and Judo, and her fighting ability is not weak among ordinary people.

It's a pity that this is Academy City, and what matters here is "superpowers".

Because she exercised regularly, she didn't feel sore all over like Shokuhou Misaki, she just felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Eat first, then take a shower, and then fall asleep comfortably under Bai Ye's massage.

She could still fall asleep under such circumstances. It seemed that she had fully accepted her relationship with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye tried the feel again.

Then he covered her with a quilt and got up to leave.

"I'm going to give Cao Qi a massage later, so why not give it a try then?"

Or you can also try the feel of Gufameiwei?
On that scale...

It would be a shame not to try it.


Some can be tried and some cannot be tried.

For example, Retili.

This girl is very plain, after all, she stopped growing because of eating the fairy fruit before she even started growing.

Touching hers is worse than touching your own...

Nor can it be said.

No matter what, she is still a girl. If she doesn't try it, how can she know how it feels?

Say what you want to say and do what you want to do.

This is Bai Ye's rule of life.

So when he returned home, he stretched out his sinful hands directly towards Retili.

The 800-year-old legal loli acted very calmly, as if she was not the one being touched.

Bai Ye quickly took his hand back to try his hand.

Practice brings true knowledge.

This comparison will naturally give you the answer.

"It's a little flat, but girls are girls after all, and the feel is really different from mine."

"...You just want to try your hand?"

"Well, what else?"


Let's talk about the innocence and purity of young people...

This is absolutely false.

To say that he is impure...

At this time, you can still have clear eyes and no distracting thoughts, which is really admirable.

Just as he was talking, Bai Ye suddenly expressed curiosity: "What, do you want to do that kind of thing with me?"

"...I just wonder whether you are a teenager, at an age where you are full of energy and have sperm in your brain, and you are still able to remain unmoved in the face of temptation."

"But you didn't tempt me either."

Bai Ye reached out and pinched her little face.

Full of collagen, it feels much better than those worn by older women.

Without continuing the topic, he directly picked up Retili.

"Let's go, it's time to take a shower and go to bed."


The Great Star Festival is still going on.

Many parents have come and gone, including Misaka Misuzu; but there are also many parents who are just coming now.

Most of the parents of the eldest ladies in Tokiwadai are here. After all, their families are either rich or noble, so there is no need to ask for leave or anything like that.

Only a small number of people really have no way to come.

For example, Shirai Kuroko’s parents.

Shirai Kuroko has also been very busy and tired recently, and has no time to think too much. Even the idea of ​​"enhancing abilities" has been put on hold for the time being.

Discipline committee members and security officers have many things to do, such as maintaining law and order, directing traffic, helping students or parents solve problems, arresting suspects who want to cause trouble, etc.

There are a large number of outsiders during this period, so protecting technical data and preventing the leakage of student DNA information are top priorities.

After several days of busy work, almost everyone's enthusiasm is not as high as it was at the beginning.Some people even said, "Why isn't it over yet?"

Shokuhou Misaki is one of those who wants the Daihasei Festival to end quickly.

Two days passed after that. Unable to bear it, she went to Bai Ye again, saying "I want it, I want it, give it to me quickly."

Of course, this is a summary.

In fact, it's "I'm exhausted, I want a massage, come here and help me."

When she said this, she was already lying on the sofa in the living room.

End the call and put away the phone.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Ye appeared in the living room.

Shokuhou Misaki looked at the young man who suddenly appeared with a little envy in his eyes: "It's great. With this ability, you can get where you want to go quickly."

This is probably similar to the ability of "space movement"?

So how many abilities does this boy have?
"If you want to learn, I'll teach you."

"...You never said you wanted to teach me before. What does this mean? An apology for taking advantage of me?"

"You haven't discussed abilities with me before, and I'm not guilty."

While speaking, he had already walked to sit down next to the girl.

Shokuhou Misaki was about to change from lying down to lying down, but the boy stopped him.

"and many more."

"……doing what?"

"I'll try it out."




The girl soon understood what the boy's "testing" meant.

Shy and angry.

After reacting, he didn't have time to think too much. His body acted subconsciously and kicked the boy off the sofa.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

"Theoretically, if you can't get within a foot, someone will die."


What does this mean?
Bai Ye didn't wait for her to ask, he got up and sat next to her again.

"Without further ado, get down quickly and let's start the massage."

"...If you dare to touch me again, I will kick you."

"Then start with your feet."

After Byakuya said this, he moved his position and grabbed Shokuhou Misaki's feet.

Then the girl's "hahaha" voice sounded in the living room.


Bai Ye did not promise "not to touch randomly".

Sometimes, the more you are not allowed to do something, the more you have to do it. This is the so-called "reverse psychology".

Needless to say the specific process.

Anyway, Shokuhou Misaki was lying on the sofa panting as if she had lost all her strength, and her eyes as she looked at the young man were full of resentment.

Bai Ye just pretended that nothing happened, sitting next to him drinking tea and snacks while watching the game on TV.

What happened to appear was the competition event that Misaka Mikoto participated in.

After all, it is Level 5 and attracts much attention.

In terms of reputation, here in Academy City, the seven Level 5s are all about the same.

But if you expand it to the whole world, the most famous one is definitely Misaka Mikoto.

Because she used to cooperate with various promotional activities organized by Academy City and external cooperative organizations.

If you have a high appearance rate, your reputation will naturally be high.

A game also takes a lot of time. By the time the game came to an end, Shokuhou Misaki also felt relieved.

He got up from the sofa and glanced at Bai Ye very unhappily.

The next competition event was mostly attended by male students. Bai Ye was too lazy to watch it, so he picked up the remote control and turned off the TV with a beep.

Then he turned to look at Shokuhou Misaki and poured her a cup of tea.

"Come on, have a sip of tea to moisten your throat."


The girl snorted lightly.

But he still took the tea cup and drank the warm and fragrant tea into his stomach.

While she was drinking tea, Bai Ye sat next to her again.

The girl panicked for a while.

"You want to do it again... uh uh~ uh~"

(End of this chapter)

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