boy of science

Chapter 294 "I will not treat you like a canary in a cage."

Chapter 294 "I will not treat you like a canary in a cage."

For many things, if there is one, there will be two, if there are two, there will be three, and if there are three, there will be countless times.

Faced with Byakuya's repeated "bullying" behavior, Shokuhou Misaki was completely unable to resist.

As a result, Bai Ye kissed her again.

Not just kissing, but touching.

Fortunately, it didn't continue.

After the kiss was satisfying, Shokuhou Misaki's mood became complicated again.

She had never thought about having this kind of relationship with Bai Ye before.

But suddenly I realized that Bai Ye didn't seem to regard her as a friend, so I couldn't help but think about it for a while, and wanted to discuss this issue with Bai Ye.

It turned out to be what it is now.

The key is that Bai Ye also maintains close relationships with other girls.

So Shokuhou Misaki was very confused.

After taking a breath to recover, he stared at Bai Ye for a long time.

In the end, I still didn't discuss this topic with the boy.

He just stood up and said, "I still have to participate in the competition, so I'll take my leave now."

"Let me go with you and watch your game by the way."

"...Don't you have to watch other students' games?"

"No, I have no plans today. I can just concentrate on watching your game."


Shokuhou Misaki snorted and said nothing. He just held hands with Byakuya again and left the apartment to go to the arena.


Time passes day by day.

Although the enthusiasm has faded and although the students are basically exhausted physically and mentally, the competition in the last two days is still fierce.

But Bai Ye is just a spectator and does not need to participate in the competition.

He himself did not want to participate.

Some people also wouldn't let him attend because of the research projects involved in such an event.

A large number of espers using abilities at the same time and place will cause many interesting phenomena and even give birth to substances that do not exist in nature.

Maybe it’s not that it doesn’t exist, but it just hasn’t been discovered yet.

Saten Ruiko was very interested in the "non-existent metal" and wanted to drag Uiharu Shiri to find it.

Uiharu Shiri didn't have time, so Xiaomu, Mako, and Akemi followed.

However, the so-called "non-existent metal" was not found, but was persuaded to leave the scene by the staff.

The legend is true, and that strange metal did appear.

But collecting it for research is not enough. How could we let students take it away? It would be a waste.

After all, it is just a rare collection for students.

After Bai Ye found out about this matter, Bai Ye directly rewarded each of them with a brain-breaking child.

"Curiosity killed the cat, understand? This city is very dangerous. Don't just go and join in the fun. And don't run around at night."

Xiaomu, Zhenzi and Mingmei didn't refute.

They are not simple and ignorant girls, so they naturally know that there are many dangers hidden in this city.

Not even mentioning the things hidden in the dark, the various delinquents on the surface are dangerous enough for them.

They are all Level 0, and they don't know anything about karate or aikido.

Even if it does, it may not necessarily work when facing those bad guys who are in groups.

They didn't encounter any danger this time, and it couldn't even be considered lucky for them. It was just because many bad guys didn't have the guts to cause trouble during the Daiha Star Festival.

It is precisely because he knows it well that even Xiao Mu, who likes to "quarrel" with Bai Ye, accepts criticism humbly.

Bai Ye didn't say much to them, but leaned into Saten Ruiko's ear and whispered, "I'll go to your place tonight."


Saten Ruiko's face turned slightly red, she nodded and responded softly. …

Time came to night in a blink of an eye.

Saten Ruiko was in a happy mood and happily prepared dinner for the two of them.

But what awaited her was not Bai Ye's praise and praise, but Bai Ye's criticism of her.

"Leizi, I know you are very happy after getting started with Qi Refining, but have you been a little distracted recently? You took Xiao Mu and the others to a place with not many people at night to look for some 'non-existent metal'. If you encounter this, If they are in danger, can you really protect them? If something happens to them, how will you deal with it? "

Saten Ruiko bit her lip and said nothing.

Bai Ye sighed softly: "What should I do if something happens to you?"

Although nothing will happen.

The chaotic energy he exudes has spread to every corner of Academy City. Once the girls are in danger, the chaotic energy will immediately protect the girls according to his settings.

At the same time, he will immediately understand the situation and be able to rush to the scene instantly for support when necessary.

But one size fits all.

Saten Ruiko's behavior of taking her friends on an adventure is wrong.

She couldn't even protect herself.

"It's good to be adventurous, but I hope you'll think twice before you act to avoid harming others or yourself."

"……I see."

Saten Ruizi understood the truth, but her mood still inevitably became depressed.

Looking at the girl sitting in front of him with his head bowed, Bai Ye sighed helplessly, moved his body to sit next to her, and reached out to touch the girl's head.

"I'm not blaming you, nor am I not allowing you to have your own ideas and practices. In fact, I am very willing to support you in doing what you want to do. I will not treat you like a canary in a cage, but You have to do things according to your ability.”

Saten Ruiko raised her head and looked at Bai Ye for a long time, then nodded heavily.

"I see."

After that, without waiting for Bai Ye to say anything, the girl directly changed the subject: "Let's eat first. The food won't taste good if it's cold."

Bai Ye looked at the food on the table, and then looked at Saten Ruiko, who was still in a low mood.

After thinking for a moment, he asked, "I don't want to eat just yet, can I eat you first?"


As expected, the girl was easily diverted and got out of her depressed state.

Swallowing his saliva, he looked at Bai Ye nervously: "Eat, eat me, how do you eat me?"

"That's it."

Bai Ye did not elaborate, but explained with practical actions.

He leaned forward and kissed the girl on the lips.


After a while of kissing, Saten Ruiko returned to her usual self.

The smile is still very energetic, but also a little more shy and sweet.

Because the relationship with Bai Ye has become closer.

After enjoying the delicious dinner while chatting and laughing, Bai Ye had no intention of leaving and said that he would stay the night.

"Stay, stay overnight?!"

Saten Ruiko's face turned red again when she heard this.

Bai Ye explained: "It's just a staycation, you have to participate in the competition tomorrow."

The Daiha Star Festival lasts for a week and will come to an end tomorrow. Which school can take first place will all depend on tomorrow's competition.

At present, Tokiwadai Middle School and Nagataki Academy are competing for hegemony.

Last year, Nagadaotai Academy took first place, but this year Tokiwadai Middle School wants to "take revenge."

It’s hard to say whether we will win or lose, because there are many competitions tomorrow.

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Saten Ruiko stopped thinking about it because she really needed to keep her spirits up to face tomorrow's game.

Although Zhachuan Middle School has not been able to get a good ranking.

But now that we are on the field, we naturally have to fight to the end!
(End of this chapter)

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