boy of science

Chapter 295 Life cannot stop unless death

Chapter 295 Life cannot stop unless death

There are many things in the world that can be done but cannot be said, some can be said but not done, and some can neither be done nor said.

Bai Ye doesn't quite understand.

His world outlook, life outlook and moral values ​​are different from ordinary human beings.

But there are always people who use the three views of ordinary humans to demand him.

But so what?

You say yours, I do mine.

He will neither admit his mistakes nor repent.

Just like wiping off the sweat and massaging Nie Rong Jia Qie, not long after this, another security guard was called over.

And what a coincidence, it seems to be the same one as the previous two times.

"Why is it your kid again?!"

He probably also had an impression of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Ye Rong Jiaqie looked very unhappy: "Is it wrong to be close to my brother?!"

Bai Ye: "You don't understand. For some people, our existence is wrong. In the past, they would have arrested us and burned us, or directly soaked us in pig cages."

"What is a pig cage dip?"

"Oh, this, to put it simply..."


Seeing the boy and the girl discussing the pig cage immersion, the security teacher felt helpless to complain.

So in the end, I didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

Anyway, nothing happens here.


The last day of the competition went smoothly, and the magicians, evil scientists, and the like didn't cause any trouble.

The Great Star Festival came to a successful conclusion.

Unfortunately, Tokiwadai Middle School failed to get the first place in the overall results.

Misaka Mikoto's Level 5 has worked hard enough, but it's a pity that the other Level 5 is not strong enough. The other Level 4 and Level 3 students always lose and lose when competing with others.

The overall score of Zhachuan Middle School is average, which can be said to be neither good nor bad.

A certain high school is similar.

Fukiyoshi was exhausted physically and mentally these days, and Himegami Akisa who was helping her was also extremely tired.

I did everything I had to do, and there was nothing I could do about my poor grades.

They don't care.

Yue Yong Xiaomeng, the head teacher, didn't care either.

Other students...

It doesn't matter whether you care or not.

A certain hedgehog won a prize at an event and was planning to take Index on a trip, even though it only lasted for one day.

There are two possibilities for his winning.

One is the secret operation.

The second is that his "misfortune" is fake, otherwise he would not win the prize at all.

But this isn't important either.

Bai Ye didn't have time to care about the hedgehog's affairs.

He used to think about destroying Aleister's plan, but now he doesn't mention it much.

He has his own ideas.

There is no need to do things according to the "plot" planned by others. Others do other people's things, and he does his own.

After these few months of hard work, the energy of chaos has not only spread in every corner of Academy City, but has also completely penetrated the planet beneath our feet.

"Chaos" has no concept and can be given any concept.

The earth was completely penetrated, and he wanted to change it in just a moment's notice.

But the time has not come.


On the last night, instead of a night parade, there is a folkloric dance event.

In the evening, a bonfire was lit in the square.

The students burst out with their last enthusiasm for the "Dahasei Festival", playing around or inviting others to dance.

Some students may take the opportunity to confess to their crush.

There is only one Baiye, and there are many girls who want to dance with him.

The final result was that no one jumped with me.

Because he doesn't like dancing.

Moreover, when he was happily chatting with the girls, he was suddenly dragged away by Aiho Aiho of Yomikawa and Tetsushiri.

"Boy, we received a report that you attacked an elementary school student."


The so-called "elementary school student" does not refer to Xie Rong Jia Qie, but to Lei Dili.

Leitili has been staying at Bai Ye's place recently, which was seen by some people, so they directly sent a "report".

After receiving the report, the security officer cannot ignore it.

But Aiho Huangquanchuan really didn't want to worry about it.

After discovering that the person being reported was Bai Ye, she felt that some people were looking for trouble.

After taking Bai Ye to see Redili, she even yawned out of boredom.

Although she didn't know exactly how old Retili was, she was definitely not an elementary school student.

This little girl with blond hair and twin tails is a legal lolita just like Yue Yong Xiaomeng.

"Anyway, let's go through the process."

There is no way, the rules are the rules.

No matter what, this "report" must be dealt with.

But Bai Ye felt quite speechless.

Fremea, a real elementary school student, has lived here for so long without being reported. Leitili, a legal lolita, was reported to the security guard just after living here for a week...

Things in the world are really wonderful.

...After the process is completed, there is no need to participate in any "folk dance" activities, just take Leitili home to prepare for a rest.

The issue of Leitili's assets has been settled, and they have all been transferred to Shateora's name.

Star Orbit Gate Company and others will have nothing to do with Leitili in the future.

She just wants to go to another world.

"The assets have been dealt with and all preparations have been made. Bai Ye, when will you send me to another world?"


Bai Ye responded.

Suddenly something came to mind: "Speaking of which, the bodyguard matter hasn't been resolved yet, and I don't know what girl Jiebiao Danxi is thinking about it."

Saying this, he took out his cell phone and contacted the beautiful girl.


Life is meaningless because you will eventually die.

There is meaning in living.

The most meaningful thing in the world is to live.


Are you considered alive?

He is just not dead yet.

Jiebiao Danxi wanted to truly live, but she didn't know what to do, so she chose to follow Bai Ye.

That boy might be able to lead her to find the answer.

in this world.

Or in another world.

Jie Biao Danxi was naturally curious about the "different world".

She can go to another world.

But do you really want to go?

She has been thinking about it these past few days, and has already got the answer: Anyway, she can't find the meaning of her existence in this world, so she might as well go to other worlds.

After receiving a call from Bai Ye, she put away her phone after a few responses and looked at Yue Yong Xiaomeng, who was wearing bunny pajamas and drinking and eating snacks.

Neither Aiho Yomikawa nor Tie Zhuoli are free tonight, so Teacher Loli can't go out for a drink.

"Teacher Xiaomeng, it's time for me to go."

"...Well, it's time to go. Have you found the direction of your life?"

"I don't know if I've found it or not, but it's time to go anyway."

The long river of time flows endlessly. No matter whether we find a way forward or not, we will be carried forward by the torrent.


You can only stop if you die.

"I understand."

Yue Yong Xiaomeng didn't say much, let alone stop Jie Biao Danxi.

He just sent a blessing to the girl: "I wish you good luck and become a classmate."


Jiebiao Danxi bowed to Yueyong Xiaomeng: "Thank you for taking care of me these days, Teacher Xiaomeng. We will meet again in the future."


After saying goodbye to Yue Yong Xiaomeng, Yue Biao Danxi came to Bai Ye's dormitory.

She has decided to follow him to another world.

Leitili was very satisfied with this bodyguard and stretched out her hand towards the girl: "Please give me more advice in the future, classmate Jie Biao."

"Please advise."

Jiebiao Danxi shook hands with her.

Then their hands were grabbed by Bai Ye.

"lets go."

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the three people disappeared.

 One chapter was blocked last night

  Found an editor
  The result

  Ha ha

  There are not many readers anymore

  Maybe it’s time to finish the book
  But reluctant to part with it

  Maybe I should write about "different worlds"?

  Now this unfolds just right
  And it’s a new world

  Maybe it can bring some freshness

  Makes people continue to watch

  If the book is completed
  What should I write next?

  Continue to be a fan?

  Or try something original?

  This is no longer suitable for writing fan fiction
  Think about the past
  I will get scolded if I write a fanfic and don’t make a second guess.
  What’s so good about copying the original work?
  Now you have to get scolded if you do a second set
  Something like "disrespecting the original work"
  Times have changed
  I haven't changed
  You deserve to be abandoned

  There are so many people criticizing me in the book review section

  I don’t even have anyone to protect me.

  You can only do it yourself
  Wrote so many books
  In the end, I was still alone.

  have to say
  I really failed

  Book group...

  A book group of hundreds of people

  I have sent so many messages asking for help
  In the end, no one helped me.
  A complete failure in life

  There's just no place to say it
  So let’s talk about it here

  please don't mind

  Keep reading happily

  I wish everyone who is willing to read this and read on good health and happiness.

  thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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