boy of science

Chapter 296 "There is magic in this world too."

Chapter 296 "There is magic in this world too."

Bai Ye had to follow Leitili and Jubiao Danxi to another world because he had to make a mark here to avoid not being able to find the "road" to come here next time.

No one knows how many "worlds" there are.

I can only say "countless".

There are no identical worlds, but there are many similar worlds.

There are "earths" in many worlds, and their historical development is roughly similar, but people are not all those people.

For Byakuya, "Academy City" belongs to the world in animated novels.

This kind of world is rather special.

Is this world possible because of novels and animations, or is it because novels and animations appear in such a world?

There is a saying that some people accidentally receive information from another world, so they turn this information into novels, animations and other works.

Bai Ye thinks this is nonsense.

Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, there are so many stories in the world. Could it be that all the authors have received information from another world?

Anyway, he himself has never received information from another world.

At least not passively.

But he took the initiative to receive it.

Occasionally I catch some traces, so I take a few curious glances to understand the situation in that world.

But that's all.

I have seen information about so many worlds, but they are all unfamiliar worlds, and I don’t want to be as “familiar” as Academy City.

The world that comes now is not the world that I have received information from before, but a world that I have never been exposed to before.

But are there some "familiar" people in this world?

If possible, Byakuya would like to meet Kafaze Tomino.

Or Kujo is pitiful.

Or girls like Izumi Matakata, Squid Girl, Hakurei Reimu, Itsuka Kotori, Suzukaze Aoba, and Nakano Azusa.

It's a pity that the world seems to have not yet entered modern society.

The place where they appeared was a grassland, with a forest a little far ahead, and undulating mountains beyond.

There is a small river behind, only six or seven meters wide.

The air is very fresh.

It probably just rained, so everything was very wet.

There are also many wildflowers in bloom, and the season here is probably spring or summer.

Jiebiao Danxi tried it first and found that her "coordinate movement" ability could still be used, but her condition was a bit wrong, and she was probably still affected.

After all, it is a new world, and there are many things that are different from the original world.

Bai Ye is also using magic.

He looked around, then pointed to the east and said to them: "There is a small town about 5000 meters away from here. You can use that town as a starting point to slowly explore the world."

This was agreed in advance, Bai Ye would only send them here and would not accompany them to explore the new world.

Not now, but later.

But Leitili was still surprised: "Aren't you going back until we get settled?"

When I didn't get here, I was full of expectations, but when I got here, I felt a little uneasy, so I hoped that Bai Ye could at least wait until they settled down before leaving.

Jiebiao Danxi also looked at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye looked at them, thought for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

"Okay, let me find you a place to live first, and let you learn the language and writing of this world."

If we can't even communicate, "exploring the new world" will be out of the question.

"Then let's go."



I said "walk", but in fact I still used magic, and the distance of several kilometers flashed by.

The town has a medieval style.

Look at the buildings, the people coming and going, the people who look like swordsmen, knights and archers.

Leitili said that this small town feels quite friendly to her.

"It's like going back to when I was a kid."

The years during which she was born and raised were the Middle Ages.To be precise, she lived in the Middle Ages for hundreds of years.

But everything changed later.

From the industrial revolution to modern society, much of the world has changed.

Suddenly coming to a place with such a strong medieval atmosphere, even if it is just this, it is a worthwhile trip.

I just can't understand what I'm saying, and I can't understand the words either.

The residents also looked here from time to time because their "fancy clothes" were too eye-catching.

Fortunately for Leitili, she was wearing something like a formal dress, giving the impression that she was the eldest lady of a noble family.

The strange thing is Bai Ye and Jubiao Danxi.

Bai Ye ignored their gazes and was collecting information.

Mainly language and writing.

I also want to get some other information by the way.

"This world also has magic. It seems to be different from the original world. Retili, you can try to learn it."

The magic power of the original world was converted through vitality.

After eating the fairy fruit, Leitili's life force could only circulate in her body and could not be converted into magic power, so she could not use magic.

But the source of magic in this world is different.

Bai Ye didn't know what the difference was. He couldn't collect relevant information because there were no magicians nearby.

"Dan Xi, you can try it too."

In the original world, magic and abilities would conflict, but in this world there is probably no such concern.

We still have to try it out.

Leitili and Jiebiao Danxi both nodded and said nothing more for the time being.

Bai Ye did not continue, but stopped and put his hands on their heads.

Leitili has long been used to it.

Jiebiao Danxi was embarrassed by the intimate action of "touching the head to kill" and couldn't help but blush.

Bai Ye is not taking advantage of them, but passing on new knowledge to them.

Including language, writing and some common sense of this world.

This was all knowledge he had stolen from the memories of the surrounding residents.

Just like the settings of some works, you can get money by hunting monsters.

Of course there is such a thing as the "Adventurers Guild".

By the way, Bai Ye also imparted the basic knowledge of Qi refining to Jie Biao Danxi.

Leitili can live forever, so she doesn't need this for the time being.

"Today is a special situation. I will help you get some money first, and then you will be on your own."



It is easy for Qi practitioners who have reached the perfect state to make money, but most of the time they will not mess around to avoid affecting the normal operation of human society.

So Byakuya even had the experience of "having no money to use" when she was in Academy City.

But now the situation is special, and a little effort won't affect the economy, so Bai Ye directly bought gold to exchange for money.

In this era, it is very easy to exchange gold for money. As long as the gold is genuine, it can be exchanged for currency in circulation, without the need for all kinds of messy proofs.

No proof of identity is even required.

In order to avoid some potential troubles, Bai Ye still helped them solve the identity problem and made them legal residents of the town.

Then I stayed in a hotel temporarily.

Hotel rooms can be rented for a long time and are not very expensive.

Once these are done, Bai Ye will forget about the rest.

It would be better for them to explore the new world slowly.

Seeing that it was getting dark here, Bai Ye said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, they were each given a bracelet that looked like it was made of jade.

"If it doesn't work, just break this. I have set it up. As long as you want to break them, they will become fragile. You can smash them, crush them, or bite them directly. Once they are broken, I will I can sense it in my heart and can quickly run over to support you.”


(End of this chapter)

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