boy of science

Chapter 297 "Not enough for outsiders."

Chapter 297 "Not enough for outsiders."

She had been looking forward to the new world before, but after arriving in the new world, Leitili felt a little uneasy.

But she didn't show it.

After living for 800 years, I have long learned how to disguise my emotions.

Yuebiao Danxi, a beautiful teenage girl, does not have such a good psychological quality.

After all, she hasn't completely let go of everything there. If she can't go back, she will feel very distressed.

Facing Bai Ye who was about to leave, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the boy's clothes.

Bai Ye stopped "traveling" and looked at her.

Retili was also looking at her.

After the impulse, the girl was silent for a long time, and then she asked under the gaze of the two people: "You will come back to pick us up, right?"

"Of course, don't worry, I won't leave you here. I'll come find you when I finish my work over there."

My initial thought was "when the situation is bad, run away immediately".

It is different now.

Now Byakuya is ready to solve the problem once and for all.

And everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

"It can be as fast as half a year, or as slow as three to five years. In short, I will definitely come!"

Bai Ye made a promise.

Jiebiao Danxi was silent again for a long time, and finally offered her hand.

The young man was not in a hurry to leave, but warned him a few words again: "It doesn't matter whether you learn magic in this world or not. The key is to refine your Qi. As long as you can refine your Qi to perfection, you can travel through different worlds at will. Even if I really can't Come on, you can go back by yourself."

After finishing, he looked at Leitili again: "If you can learn magic, just learn it. If you can't learn it, refine your Qi and let Danxi teach you."


Leitili nodded to express her understanding.

No more words were said after that. Bai Ye really left, and the two girls didn't stop him.

Seeing the boy disappear out of thin air, Leitili breathed out and turned to look at the girl beside her.

"Next we will have to depend on each other in this strange world."


It was still that night in Academy City.

The Daiha Star Festival is completely over, the "Folk Dance" activities have ended, and the students have gone back to their homes.

The night is getting darker.

The whole city gradually became quiet.

The bonfire in the square was still burning.

The salary is not exhausted and the fire is never extinguished.

Firelight dispels darkness and brings warmth.

Unfortunately, it is too weak and can only illuminate a small area. If it is far away, you will not feel the slightest warmth.

It's not the sun.

Even if the entire earth was set on fire, it would not reach the level of the sun.

After all, the mass of the earth is not even a drop in the bucket compared to that of the sun.

Misaka Mikoto didn't have time to think about the earth and the sun.

Byakuya was taken away by Yomikawa Aiho and the others, and she never came back. She was a little worried, and the phone couldn't be reached, so she took the opportunity to run to Byakuya's dormitory.

Bai Ye is not there.

She waited for a long time until Bai Ye appeared. It was almost midnight now.

After coming back, Bai Ye's first step was to estimate the time difference between the two sides.

Be faster over there.

But not much faster.

Half a day passed there and two or three hours passed here.

"Not bad."

It would be great if there was something that was thousands of times faster. If you just run there and practice to the concentration state and then come back, it would be much easier to solve many things.

It's a pity that I couldn't find such a world.

Judging from the information currently available, although the time flow rate in each world is faster or slower, overall there is not much difference.

"What's not bad? What did you do?"

Misaka Mikoto, who was a little sleepy after waiting, immediately regained her energy when she saw Byakuya coming back, but she was confused after hearing the boy's words.

Bai Ye looked at the girl who stood up and walked towards him, and went directly to meet her and put her into his arms.

"We just sent Leitili and Danxi to another world."


"Jie Biao Danxi, the one with the strongest space ability."

"...Oh." Of course Misaka Mikoto knew that Yubi Danxi was an opponent who had fought before.

But things passed and they passed, and she didn't take it to heart.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ye would get involved with that girl.

He raised his head and looked at the young man who was close by, with an unhappy expression on his face: "When did you get involved with her? How come I didn't know about it?"

"Just a few days ago, I happened to meet Xiaomeng."

Bai Ye will explain a little bit.

Before Misaka Mikoto could continue to ask, he raised his hand to pinch the girl's face and touched her lips.

The girl who originally wanted to continue questioning immediately swallowed her words back.

His cheeks flushed unconsciously, and his heart rate became much faster.

The small mouth is slightly opened and the breath is like a blue.

Bai Ye lowered his head and kissed her.



The Daihasei Festival lasted for a week, and the students competed every day, so they had a rest tomorrow and no classes for the time being.

Misaka Mikoto did not return to the dormitory, and Shirai Kuroko helped her fool the dormitory lady again.

In fact, Shirai Kuroko didn't want to go back to the dormitory tonight, but wanted to discuss with Shirai how to enhance his abilities, but Misaka Mikoto took the first step.

Although he didn't know quite what Misaka Mikoto was thinking, Shirai Kuroko knew that his sister would definitely come to Byakuya.

So she didn't dare to come over, for fear of seeing something she shouldn't see.

If Kuroko Shirai didn't come, the other girls wouldn't come. After all, they don't have such a convenient ability to "move in space."

So no one will disturb Byakuya and Misaka Mikoto tonight.

Lonely and widowed.

Young and young.

Dry firewood.

What kind of things the boys and girls did that night were "not worthy of outsiders' respect."


a new day.

Academy City, which has been bustling for a week, has become much quieter.

With the departure of the last batch of outsiders, Academy City has returned to its "young" appearance.

The streets are mostly filled with students, and occasionally there are adults such as teachers and researchers.

After working so hard for so many days, the security guards and disciplinary committee members could finally take a breather, and each of them looked much more relaxed.

There are basically no special tasks today. Apart from "being on call at any time", you can arrange your own time.

Shirai Kuroko wanted to find Bai Ye again.

But considering Misaka Mikoto, I didn't rush to go. Instead, I called and sent an email to inquire about the situation.

As a result, no one answered the phone and no email was answered.

After staring at the phone for a long time, various thoughts appeared and disappeared in my mind, and finally turned into a sigh.



It was three o'clock in the morning before Misaka Mikoto woke up from her sleep.

Playing every day is very tiring.

I was very tired last night too.

So I got up late today.

Go take a shower to freshen up, change into the Tokiwadai school uniform you brought specially, return to the bedroom and start eating.

Because I'm already hungry.

Bai Ye got up very early, and the food was prepared early, but the food was still steaming, making the girl eat it happily.

Finally, I drank the hot soup and felt comfortable all over.

Turning to look at Bai Ye who was sitting at the desk reading, her pretty face turned red again.

Fanning his hot face with his hand, he used the book in Bai Ye's hand to change the subject.

"That's the book your classmate lent you after you got married, right?"


"Speaking of which, the father of the married classmate came to see her yesterday. It is said that the married gentleman also wants to meet you."


Bai Ye really didn't know about this.

After marriage, Mitsuko’s father…

So why did the father want to see him?
(End of this chapter)

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