boy of science

Chapter 298 "This is not going to happen quickly."

Chapter 298 "...This is not going to happen quickly."

After the marriage, Mitsuko is not only the heir to the consortium after the marriage, but also the only heir. Her father is her daughter.

A married family is probably a three-generation family.

As a father, he naturally cares about his daughter.

After his daughter got married, Mitsuko didn't even have a few close friends of the same sex, let alone men.

It wasn't until I entered Tokiwadai Junior High School that I made a few friends.

The only friend of the opposite sex is Bai Ye.

The boy saved his daughter.

Things like "heroes saving beauties" have always been very good at boosting your favorability, and can even directly increase your favorability to "commit yourself to me".

After getting married, Mitsuko was very concerned and concerned about Bai Ye.

Bai Ye wanted to read a book, so after getting married, Mitsuko asked her family to help collect books that were not available ten years ago.

I often mention my friends and Bai Ye when I talk on the phone.

Just mentioning it doesn't matter, the key lies in the tone and attitude.

My daughter is probably in love.

I didn't have time before, but this time it was an opportunity, so I wanted to meet Bai Ye.

After getting married, Mitsuko didn't expect that his father would suddenly make this request.

She understood what her father was thinking.

After the initial blush and panic, he still found a reason to reject his father's request.

But by some strange coincidence, the girl did not clarify her relationship with Bai Ye.


Bai Ye didn't know about this.

Misaka Mikoto didn't know the specific situation, but only heard the general story.

And I heard it from Mitsuko after marriage.

Before the folk dance event started last night, the innocent girl told Misaka Mikoto about this matter.

"Photon's father? Why did he see me?"

Bai Ye said he didn't know why.

Misaka Mikoto snorted softly: "What do you think?"

"...Mitsuko is indeed beautiful and cute, and her breasts are so big."

Bai Ye said and laughed "hehe", which made Misaka Mikoto angry. She got up and walked to the bed, picked up the pillow and threw it at the boy.

The pillow was easily caught by Bai Ye on the phone.

Putting down the book, he stood up and walked over to the girl, throwing the pillow back on the bed.

Then he pulled the girl into his arms.

"Don't be angry, the size of your breasts doesn't matter."

"...Is this a breast problem?"

"What's the problem?"


As of now, there is indeed no problem. Anyway, I have already been mentally prepared.

So in the end the girl just snorted to express her displeasure.

Bai Ye laughed "hehe" again: "Looking at you like this, why don't we do something happy to change our mood."

"Don't make trouble, it's broad daylight."

Misaka Mikoto understood what he meant and pushed him away with a blushing face.

After sorting out my clothes, I touched my pockets and couldn't find my phone, so I started rummaging around on the bed.

He opened the quilt and saw the marks on the sheets, and quickly covered it with the quilt.

"Launder the sheets."

Directly order the young man next to you.

Bai Ye didn't answer the question, but took out the girl's cell phone.

"I'm looking for this, I guess. Heizi called and sent an email just now. Take a look for yourself."


Misaka Mikoto felt strange.

First, read the content of the email, and then call Shirai Kuroko back.


Shirai Kuroko, who was struggling here, received a call from Misaka Mikoto. They chatted for several minutes before ending the call and putting away the phone.

Uiharu Shiori, who had nothing to do, was discussing with Koho Miwei how to settle lunch, and casually asked Shirai Kuroko for her opinion.

But Kuroko Shirai waved his hand towards them: "Kuroko, I have some personal matters to take care of. You can discuss the lunch issue among yourselves."

After saying that, he said goodbye and left.Gufameiwei didn't think much about it because there was no need to interfere in the private life of his colleagues and friends.

Uiharu Shiri looked thoughtfully at Shirai Kuroko's leaving figure.

Are you looking for Bai Ye?

Uiharu Shiri's intuition was very accurate, Shirai Kuroko was indeed looking for Byakuya.

After talking about “enhancing capabilities” for so many days, it’s time to get down to business.

It just so happens that I have nothing to do today.

When they arrived at Bai Ye's dormitory, the boy and girl were preparing lunch. Because they knew she was coming, they also prepared lunch for her.

Seeing the boy and girl working together in the kitchen, Shirai Kuroko felt very complicated.

"Heizi, please go sit in your room first. We can talk about your abilities after lunch."


Shirai Kuroko responded, entered the bedroom alone, and sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

Look at the books on the table.

Look at everything in the room.

Finally, he turned his attention to the bed.

This bed sheet and quilt cover look very new. Could it be that they were just replaced?

Why should you change bed sheets and quilt covers?

Shirai Kuroko thought for a moment and soon had a rough guess.

So the mood became more complicated.


Although she just had breakfast not long ago, Misaka Mikoto still enjoyed her lunch, probably because she consumed too much.

Shirai Kuroko, who was in a rather complicated mood, found it boring.

Without waiting for dinner, Bai Ye directly asked the question: "Heizi, let me ask you about your choice again. Do you want to improve your original abilities, or do you want to learn new abilities from me?"

These are the only two options available.

Either improve her "space movement" level, or learn to practice Qi.

If you simply upgrade the ability level, even if it reaches Level 5, it will probably only increase the movable weight and distance.

It is said that it is useful.

But in the face of more and more "enemies" with increasingly strange abilities, simply improving these is of no use.

In such a situation, there is no need to think too much about what choice to make.

"If possible, Kuroko hopes to learn new abilities from you."

"I understand."

Bai Ye nodded, not surprised at all.

Misaka Mikoto also felt that this was reasonable, but she still glanced at Byakuya with resentful eyes, feeling that this young man had also deceived her younger generation.

After making his choice, Shirai Kuroko quickly asked his own question: "How long does it take to study? Can I get results quickly?"

She had a feeling that the world was in a state of crisis.

Something big may happen soon.

Perhaps it affects the entire Academy City.

Even spread to the whole world.

Therefore, she must enhance her abilities as soon as possible. Only in this way can she complete her work better, and only in this way can she better help her sister.

"...This can't be done quickly."

The progress of Qi refining has nothing to do with "fast".

Getting started is quite easy.

Ten days and a half month or three to five months are possible.

From now on, the unit is basically "year", and even if you put in time and energy, you may not be able to make progress.

And the higher the level of Qi refining, the longer it takes.

From years to decades, then hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

As for the situation in this world, it’s impossible to say what the situation will be like in a few years, let alone decades or hundreds of years.

Misaka Mikoto, who was eating, made a suggestion: "Can't we go to another world? How about finding a world where time flows faster and let Kuroko go there and practice for a few months?"

"This is not easy to handle. In the worlds I have discovered so far, the time flow rate is similar to this one."

"That's it."

Misaka Mikoto nodded in understanding.

Shirai Kuroko didn't quite understand.

other world?

What do you mean?
(End of this chapter)

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