boy of science

Chapter 299 "Isn't Miku a doll? Can he still have his own thoughts?"

Chapter 299 "Isn't Miku a doll? Can he still have his own thoughts?"

It may be that the mysterious "number of days" is to prevent cheating, so the time flow rate in each world is similar. If it is more than double, it is considered fast.

It may also be that Bai Ye has not seen enough and does not know those worlds where time flows very fast.

After all, he failed to collect information about the entire world.

If there is a world where time flows relatively fast, and one can go there and stay for hundreds or even thousands of years, then there will definitely be no problem in concentrating, not to mention returning to the void.

Misaka Mikoto is very interested in other worlds.

The unknown is always a source of curiosity and, of course, fear.

Because she was very curious and had no other plans today, Misaka Mikoto put forward her own idea.

"Otherwise, take me to another world?"

Judging from the normal time flow rate ratio, you should be able to play in the different world for most of the day.

Bai Ye didn't refuse.

To be honest, I'm a little tired of always going on dates in Academy City. After all, I've been to fun places so many times.

Outside Academy City...

To be honest, I might as well go to another world.

The unknown world is more fresh.

"Okay, eat quickly. When we're full, we'll leave, and Heizi will go with us."


Although he didn't know why, Kuroko Shirai nodded in agreement.

Anyway, she had nothing to do today.

And participating in Byakuya and Misaka Mikoto's "secret" can just bring them closer.


Retili left.

Star Orbital Gate Company and other assets originally belonging to Retili officially began to enter the "Shateora Era".

Shateora has cronies, who are members of the original "Black Crow Force".

She is highly respected and loved in the Black Crow Troops.

But those are basically combat personnel, and they cannot do the work of managing the company.

Shateola was a little worried about retaining all the original personnel of the company.

She has also worked at Star Orbit Gate Company for several years. Although her position is like "security captain", she is not unfamiliar with some twists and turns in the company.

Narugo Alyssa is even less good at managing a company, she is better at singing.

After thinking about it, I finally asked a friend who was protecting Alyssa for help.

That is Hatsune Miku.

"... Miku can help you handle things for the time being, but it's better for you to quickly find a trustworthy professional to help you."

Hatsune Miku just wants to sing and not do anything else.

But this was a friend's request after all, so she finally chose to agree.

Narugo Alisa is her only friend.

As for Dolly…

In the beginning, they were just the care recipients required by the mission.

Now, maybe they are family members?
Recently, she has been able to end her mission, because the job of taking care of Dolly is taken over by the police officer.

This girl dressed as a dark nurse has been living in the apartment for the past few days.

Of course, this has been allowed by Bai Ye.

Police officer Kantou was expelled from his original school long ago.

After leaving prison, he hid in the dark and prepared to cause trouble, so he did not enter a new school and is now considered a "jobless vagrant".

She has a very good relationship with Dolly and knows how to take care of people. Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki had no objection to leaving Dolly under her care.

The only requirement is that she must continue to live with Hatsune Miku.

Compared to looking at police strategies, Hatsune Miku's force value is more reassuring.

The point is that Hatsune Miku is loaded with "modes".

Doctor mode, maid mode, capable sister mode, capable sister mode, battle mode, etc.

Naturally, there are models related to company management, but I don’t usually have the opportunity to use them.

In addition, there are many modes that I have not had the opportunity to use.

Hatsune Miku is a friend of Narigo Alisa and has a relationship with Byakuya, so Satora is willing to trust her.Because Bai Ye has no interest in these assets at all, otherwise he can take them directly from Leitili without having to send people to make small moves.

"I heard that you want to hold a concert? If you don't mind, Star Track Gate Company can be responsible for the preparations."

In addition to normal "salary", Satora also provides Hatsune Miku with such benefits.

Holding a concert is not an easy task, and a professional team is required to help handle various tasks.

So Hatsune Miku didn't refuse.

After calling Bai Ye to report, she officially got into work.


the other side.

Bai Ye, who put away his phone, seemed to be in a complicated mood and couldn't help but sigh.

"Miku seems to be starting to have his own friends, his own life, and his own ideas."

This is of course very good and can be regarded as a precursor to the birth of a soul.

Misaka Mikoto felt strange: "Isn't she a doll made by you? Can she still have her own ideas?"

"Maybe a soul will be born."

Bai Ye shook his head and did not discuss this issue too much, because he still didn't know much about "soul".

Just grab the hands of two girls.

"Ready? We're leaving."



The two girls answered separately.

Bai Ye activated the spell and took them away from here to another world.


Modern society is pretty much the same. Since you want to travel to a different world, you naturally have to find a different place.

That kind of medieval sword and magic world is pretty good.

Or ancient society.

But it would be inappropriate to go to ancient times for people with "fancy clothes" like them.

A medieval magical world wouldn't be so particular, because the costumes there might be even weirder.

Byakuya did not take Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko to the world where Retili and the others were, but planned to find another place.

It's better not to disturb those two girls exploring the new world and pursuing the meaning of life.

The new world is still a medieval magical world.

A bustling town.

As far as the eye can see, there are stone roads, timber houses, and rivers running through the town.

It's said to be a small town, but maybe it's more like a city.

Because there is a city wall.

There is magic in this world, but it seems that only girls can use it. Those girls are working hard to become "witches".

There is a magic academy in this city.

There are many things that look like street lights on both sides of the buildings and roads.

Bai Ye checked and found that it did not use electricity, but a strange energy.

Maybe magic?
"Is this lamp powered by magic?"

Misaka Mikoto is also very interested in this.

Bai Ye waved his hand towards her: "That's probably it. Don't worry about it for now. I'll study it slowly when I have time. First, go get some money and find a place to live."

Time flows relatively quickly here, so you can play until tomorrow and then go back.

But Kuroko Shirai can't play around.

She didn't come here just to play, but to learn and enhance her abilities.

And it's better not to be a lightbulb. Byakuya and Misaka Mikoto obviously came here for a date.

Leaving the place where there were almost no pedestrians, we went to the main road outside and found that the residents here were busy preparing for something.

Bai Ye collected information and learned the language and writing here. After teaching it to the two girls, he went over to ask.

"Are you from out of town? You came just in time. We are preparing for the Easter Festival, which happens to be tomorrow. You should enjoy it too!"

(End of this chapter)

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