boy of science

Chapter 300 "Leizi Decoration Li Guangzi Silk Bao Wan Bin Qiu Sha Treatment"

Chapter 300 "Leizi plays the role of Li Guangzi, silk protector, Wanbin Qiusha..."

What is the Easter offering?
It seems to be related to a certain goddess. There are many sculptures of goddesses in the town.

Bai Ye didn't pay attention to the goddess.

To be precise, he doesn't care about "religion".

The so-called religion is nothing more than setting a "god" as an example, and then using this "god" as a standard to demand others.

Of course, there may be more than one "god", and they may not necessarily be called "gods" directly.

The most typical ones are the "gentleman" of Confucianism, the "Buddha" of Buddhism, the "Three Pure Ones" of Taoism, etc.

"Moral judgment" is a favorite weapon of religion.

If you can do it yourself, forget it.

The key is that even though many people can't do it themselves, they still have to use that set of standards to demand others. It seems extremely ridiculous.

Bai Ye is too lazy to engage in moral judgment, probably because he has a "moral vacuum".

Of course, there is another reason: moral trials are inferior to military trials.

Tomorrow's event will involve the entire city's residents, and students from the Magic Academy will also perform. In a way, it can be regarded as a "national celebration."

After chatting with the enthusiastic residents for a long time, we went to get money to find a place to live.

While walking on the road, I raised my head and looked at the sky.

"There will be a total solar eclipse here tomorrow."

"is it?"

After hearing what he said, Misaka Mikoto also raised her head and looked at the sky, but she couldn't see anything.

She still has a lot to learn.

The same is true for Shirai Kuroko.

Things like a "total solar eclipse" can be speculated based on various data or natural laws.

Bai Ye didn't do anything so troublesome. He just jumped out of the planet and calculated it by observing the trajectory of the satellite.

Although on the surface he seems to be doing nothing.


Making money is easy.

With money, you can have a place to stay directly in a hotel.

Bai Ye asked for two rooms.

Shirai Kuroko shared a room, and he and Misaka Mikoto shared a room.

After that, let Kuroko Shirai stay in the room to familiarize himself with the basic knowledge of Qi refining that he just received.

He and Misaka Mikoto are going out on a date.

Although Kuroko Shirai felt a little complicated, she still went back to the room honestly.


There are many things in this world that are not found in the original world.

Such as fruits and other foods.

While Byakuya was dating Misaka Mikoto, she also went on a shopping spree, saying she wanted to take it back to other girls to try.

There is no use in bringing the exchanged money back, it is better to use it all.

Keep at most a little as souvenirs.

Misaka Mikoto also bought a lot of things as gifts.

Then he watched Bai Ye counting the number of people there silently.

"Leizi, Shili, Guangzi, Jianbao, Wanbin, Caoqi, Junzi, Qiusha, Zhili, Xiaomeng, Aisui, Tsuri..."

There are also the four girls from Item, Umi Aya, Fremea, Dolly, The Last Work, and Kabuto...

"Or should we include those sisters?"

Bai Ye asked.

Without waiting for Misaka Mikoto to answer, she continued to teach her earnestly: "Don't worry about the scarcity but the inequality. You should also care more about the other sisters. Either you don't give any gifts or you give them all. It's not enough to only care about a few of them. "

"...I would like to, but my sisters are scattered all over the world, what else can I do?"

"Simple, just gather them all."

" pay?"

"If you want to, of course there is no problem."

If you really want to make money, it will be very easy. There will be no problem raising those Misaka sisters.

But if those Misaka sisters really wanted to return to Academy City, that old pervert Aleister would definitely not allow it, and he might even have to start a war directly.

"Don't discuss this during the date. I will help you solve this problem anyway. Just wait patiently."

Normally, Bai Ye would let the girls figure out their own solutions.

But what happened to the sisters was obviously unusual, so Bai Ye had to take action himself. "You obviously brought up this topic yourself."

"Really? Anyway, don't talk about this."

"It's okay not to talk about this, but maybe we have to talk about it. How many of the girls you just mentioned are close to you?"

"I'm really not sure about this question."

"……not sure?"

"I feel that everything is very close anyway, but it's hard to say what they think."


This guy really wants to start a harem.

How can it be repaired!

Needless to say about the unpleasant things.

The boy and girl continued to date in this strange town.

Stepping on the roads paved with slates and bricks, looking at the medieval-like buildings, eating snacks, fruits, and snacks that you have never eaten before.

I also went to look at the clothes.

Men's clothes are different from modern society, but women's clothes are similar.

Mainly all kinds of skirts.

Misaka Mikoto rarely wears dresses because she feels they don't suit her very well.

It is also inconvenient to move around.

But judging from her appearance, she can actually wear any clothes.

The clothes sold in clothing stores are basically worn by civilians and look relatively simple.

The costumes of the rich and aristocrats…

It's usually custom-made, and you don't just buy one in the store.

Simplicity has its advantages, and Misaka Mikoto also likes simple ones. She tried on several sets and received favorable comments from Byakuya, but she was a little hesitant to buy them.

“I didn’t even get a chance to wear it after I bought it.”

"You can wear them at home, or keep them as souvenirs. When you see these dresses in the future, you will be reminded of today's experience."

"...It's true."

In the end, Bai Ye was convinced.

He happily paid the money, took the clothes and followed Bai Ye to the next place.

The day ends quickly.

Fetch Shirai Kuroko out from the hotel to have dinner together and answer her questions about Qi refining.

Mainly Misaka Mikoto answered, and Byakuya supplemented or corrected beside her.

Teaching, teaching.

Teaching and learning at the same time.

There is a Confucian saying: Review the past and learn the new.

While Misaka Mikoto was teaching Shirai Kuroko, she could review and consolidate the knowledge she had learned.

it's dark.

The streets are still very lively.

Although it is still in a state similar to the Middle Ages, it does not start at sunrise and rest at sunset, because there is a special energy that can be used: magic power.

Now I'm sure those on both sides of the street are indeed street lights.

As night falls, the street lights all light up, red, yellow, blue and green, colorful and look very beautiful.

It might be more beautiful if you stand on a high place and look down.

Instead of rushing back to the hotel, he took Shirai Kuroko for a walk and went back to rest around nine o'clock in the evening.

Shirai Kuroko is in this room, Byakuya and Misaka Mikoto are in that room.

Adolescent boys and girls who have tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time and are full of energy will naturally not be able to sleep quietly.

Anyway, it’s just a toss-up there.

Because the room happened to be next door, Kuroko Shirai felt that she could hear the sound.

It seems to be just an illusion.

She probably wouldn't sleep very comfortably tonight anyway.

It started to rain and wind outside.

The sound of rain covered up a lot of movement, making the night more quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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