boy of science

Chapter 309 "Why do humans hurt each other?"

Chapter 309 "Why do humans hurt each other?"

Some things need not be said.

If I have to say it, it is: there are flowers that can be cut off and must be cut off.

If there is anything else to say, it is: a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

Time flows like water.

the next morning.

The girls stayed in the hotel restaurant to enjoy breakfast. After waiting for a long time, they saw Bai Ye, but they did not see Frenda and Kinuhata.

Misaka Mikoto, Mugino Shiri and other girls kept silent.

Only Uiharu Shiri, who couldn't react, stupidly asked: "Where are the two classmates? Haven't they gotten up yet?"

Mugino Shenli looked at Uiharu Shili, then laughed like "tsk~" and continued to enjoy breakfast.

Saten Ruiko opened her mouth, but stopped talking, then looked at Bai Ye, with a little sadness in her eyes.

Misaka Mikoto pretended not to hear.

Shirai Kuroko shook his head, feeling that his good friend and colleague needed to be more vigilant about certain things.

Bai Ye seemed to be silent for a moment, but soon answered: "Oh, that's right, I haven't gotten up yet. They were too tired from last night. Let them have a good rest."


Uiharu Shiri nodded, probably in agreement.

Just as he was about to continue saying something, Saten Ruiko quickly changed the subject: "Um, do you have any plans for today?"

"Of course I'm studying. Heizi hasn't started yet. Ruizi, you and Shiri need to practice using spells. You have to stay here for a while, so take this opportunity to work hard to improve your abilities."

The three of them need to study hard, but Misaka Mikoto and the others don't have to, and can arrange their time freely.

Today, Misaka Mikoto plans to investigate what Mugino Shimri said last night.

Mukino Shenli planned to take a stroll.

Bai Ye also has to study "Gastrona Virus" and has no time to accompany them.

So today is "free time".


Other girls can move around freely, but not Aya Uimi.

She had promised to come here for a trip to relax, but she was assigned a task. To be honest, she felt a little resentful.

While thinking about whether he should ask his master for compensation, he followed the "Holy Emperor" and tried to obtain information.

The "Holy Emperor" is a girl.

16 is old.

White hair, purple eyes.

The supreme ruler of the five major regions of the island country and the Tokyo region after the war.

By now she was already in her third term.

She is very beautiful, has a gentle and kind personality, and has great leadership skills, so she is widely loved by the people.

Pacifist, idealist.

She hopes to give "cursed children" equal rights.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

Because the ruling class doesn’t allow it.

The people at the bottom don’t agree either.

No matter how much she emphasized, the treatment of the "cursed child" has not improved at all. It is still the same as it was before.

As long as the newborn's eyes are glowing red, it is basically impossible to escape the fate of being abandoned.

It's not bad to abandon them, some will be killed directly.

If the abandoned baby girl is lucky, she will be taken care of by other "cursed children" and she might survive.

Those who are unlucky will naturally end up with death.

Life is hard.

Maybe it's a blessing to be able to leave this world early?
Probably because he heard some news, the Holy Emperor showed a compassionate expression.

"Umi, tell me, why do humans hurt each other?"

Under the intervention of "psychological rules", their hearts were close enough, so Umi Aya was regarded as a friend by the Holy Emperor.

Although the contact time was not long, Umicai Haimi had already figured out: this Miss "Holy Emperor" was just a puppet.

Although he is the supreme ruler in name, he is actually unable to hold power at all.

As for the documents on the desk, the people below thought that she should know, so they were sent here.

If it's something she shouldn't know, no one will tell her.

"There are many answers to this question, which one do you want to know?"

"...many answers?"

Sheng Tianzi looked at the blond girl standing next to him who was obviously unfamiliar but looked like his best friend for many years.

"Like what?"

"For example, conflicts of ideas, conflicts of interest, or simply seeking pleasure by hurting others."


The Holy Emperor didn't say anything, but nodded as if he had some understanding. He didn't know if he had understood it.

Jōsai Uimi was too lazy to care, she just thought maybe she should leave.

There is not much valuable information available around this Holy Emperor.

If anything, it is information that may be related to the life and death of the Tokyo area: someone is trying to summon level five gastrea to destroy the city.


Someone is plotting to destroy this city. Naturally, no one will hide such a major matter from the Holy Emperor.

For this reason, many "civilian police" have been summoned, preparing to rely on their strength to stop the opponent.

"Tendou Private Security Company" was one of the targets of the recruitment.

This is just a small company, with currently two members: President Tendou Kisara, and employee Satomi Rentaro.

Among them, Rentaro Satomi's partner is the starter named Enju Aihara.

Aihara Enju is very powerful.

Satomi Rentaro's words are considered a waste by many people, and even drag down Aihara Enju's ranking in the world.

I don’t know who made the suggestion, but starting from a certain day, the starters had a ranking. In theory, the ranking was determined based on their military merits.

How to obtain military exploits?

Under normal circumstances, of course, it is obtained by killing gastrea animals.

Enju Aihara and Rentaro Satomi spent a year getting used to each other, and they are now considered good partners.

At least it does work well together under normal circumstances.

But occasionally there are special circumstances that affect their "feelings."

While walking on the street, a little girl in ragged clothes, dirty clothes, messy hair, and wearing a baseball cap suddenly ran towards me. She was holding several cans of food in her arms.

The little girl who was running along stopped in front of them.

If you don't stop, you'll hit them.

The panting little girl looked at Aihara Yanzhu with wide eyes.


I can't tell what kind of emotion it contains.

You may have thought a lot at this moment, or you may not have thought about anything at all.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who also stopped, opened his eyes wide in shock.

She recognized it.

The ragged "cursed child" in front of her used to live in the same area as her.

Before they could have any communication, two men who were supposed to be store clerks caught up with them, grabbed the little girl's arms and held her head down.

"You bastard thief!"

"let me go……"

"You guys are trash in the Tokyo area!"


The two men were insulting each other, and the little girl was struggling, but she couldn't escape.

After all, there are only a few "initiators" like Aihara Yanju who can kick adults away, not to mention that most of the "cursed children" don't even have enough to eat.

Satomi Rentaro seemed to be unable to help but said: "Hey, why do you want to arrest this child..."

"Not only did she steal things, she also seriously injured the guard who asked her questions."

Satomi Rentaro got the answer before he finished asking.

The little girl who was caught and about to be dragged away stretched out her hand towards Lan Yuan Yanzhu with difficulty, as if asking for help from her former companion.

In shock and with extremely confused thoughts, Lan Yuan Yanzhu subconsciously raised her hand and stretched forward, trying to grab the other person's hand for help.

But Satomi Rentaro quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it back.

When Aihara Enju looked at him, Satomi Rentaro shook his head and said he couldn't do this.

"let me go……"


"Damn it!" "Be honest!"


Realizing that the little girl was not being honest, the two men used more force and even pulled her hair and hit her body.

No one from the passers-by who stopped to watch offered a helping hand or even said a word to the little girl.

Because the glowing red eyes clearly indicated the identity of the little girl: a cursed child infected with the gastruzoan virus.


But in the end someone stood up.

A person who is not of this world.

A very beautiful girl with brown hair.

The upper body is a shirt, a thin summer sweater, a black pleated skirt, bubble socks and loafers.

The key is not the clothes, but the temperament.

This girl looks like the eldest lady of a powerful family.

"I gave her the money, let her go."

The girl who said this had already walked up to them, took out a frog-like wallet, took out a ten thousand yuan note and handed it to the two men.

"Is it enough?"

This is the coin of this world given to them by Bai Ye yesterday.

The little girl stopped struggling.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu opened his eyes wide and looked at the brown-haired girl who stepped forward.

The two men looked at the banknotes handed to them, and then looked at each other in confusion, as if they didn't expect that someone would help the "Cursed Child".

This brown-haired girl...

She's probably the kind of young lady who doesn't know much about the world?
Feeling that they could not afford to offend the powerful, the two men finally let go and took the banknotes.

"Enough, enough."

"Absolutely enough."

He nodded towards the brown-haired girl with a smile on his face.

The little girl quickly squatted down and tried to pick up the fallen canned food.

But two men who were supposed to be patrolmen quickly rushed over and grabbed her again.

"Be honest with me, you bastard!"

He was obviously a police officer, but his actions were even rougher than those two store clerks.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu saw the brown-haired girl frowning: "I have already paid for her, and the matter has been resolved."


One of the policemen wearing glasses looked at the brown-haired girl, then at the two clerks, and easily saw the [-]-yuan banknotes that they had not put away.

But he didn't care at all. Instead, he smiled and said to the brown-haired girl: "But the news we received is that this garbage bastard injured the guard. This has nothing to do with money. We must teach this kid a lesson!"


The brown-haired girl did not speak or frown, but looked at the two policemen calmly.

The police didn't say much, they dragged the little girl away very roughly, pushed her directly into the police car and drove away.

But instead of taking the main road, he turned into an alley.

The brown-haired girl chased after him.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu hesitated and then took steps to catch up.

Satomi Rentaro quickly stopped her.

"Yanzhu, don't mess around."


Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked at his "partner", hesitated again, gritted his teeth, broke away from his hand and chased after him.

Satomi Rentaro had no choice but to follow behind.


The two policemen drove the car without noticing the brown-haired girl following behind.

Because it is not following "behind", but following "above".

Misaka Mikoto jumped on the roof, keeping her eyes fixed on the police car below, because the other person didn't look like he was going back to the police station.

The police car turned around and quickly left the busy urban area and arrived at an abandoned neighborhood that seemed to be no longer inhabited.

After parking the car, the two policemen dragged the little girl out, punched and kicked her, and then pushed her into the abandoned house.

Misaka Mikoto sneaked in from the side.

Before she could get closer, she suddenly heard a "bang" gunshot.

Pupils shrink.

Without thinking much, he quickly ran towards the direction of the sound.

"Bang Bang~!"

Two gunshots were heard again.

Misaka Mikoto, who was anxious, accelerated forward and turned, and soon appeared in the lobby of the abandoned building.

"It's still alive."

As soon as I arrived, I heard the police talking.

Taking a closer look, the little girl had fallen to the ground, with blood pouring from several wounds on her body.

But she's not dead yet.

So the bespectacled policeman pointed his gun at the little girl's head.

"Let me work harder."

While saying this, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the other policeman standing next to him had no intention of stopping him.

This seems normal to them.

But the bullet failed to hit the little girl's head, but was knocked aside by a purple light.

"What are you doing?!"

A girl's voice came.

He seems calm, but is actually full of anger.

I heard about this from Mugino Shenli last night.

I investigated for a long time today, but couldn't get any valuable information because no one else would talk about it too much.

Now it seems that Mugino Shenli did not exaggerate, but was not accurate enough.

People in this city really don't treat the "cursed children" as human beings.

They didn't say so.

But it’s all done this way.

"It can be done but not said"?

"You, why are you here?!"

The two policemen who saw the brown-haired girl were startled and quickly pointed their guns at her.

The little girl who was lying on the ground with her eyes already lifeless saw her, her eyes were a little brighter, and her eyes were filled with intense emotions of wanting to survive.

Although life is difficult and painful, the little girl doesn't want to die yet.

Misaka Mikoto looked at the little girl on the ground, and then looked at the two policemen with a "tsk".

"Bili~ crackle~!"

"Bang Bang~!"

The "lightning gun" traveling at the speed of light made it impossible for them to hide.

Just the moment he was shocked, his fingers subconsciously tightened and pulled the trigger, and two bullets flew towards the brown-haired girl.

But it was no use and was quickly bounced away.

Two policemen fainted and fell to the ground.

The sound of gunfire attracted Enju Aihara and Rentaro Satomi who had chased them nearby and lost their way.

Panting, she ran into the hall and saw the little girl lying in a pool of blood. Lan Yuan Yanzhu's pupils shrank.

Then he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his pupils glowing red.


Satomi Rentaro stopped her again.

Misaka Mikoto, who was squatting next to the little girl to check her injuries, turned to look at them.

His eyes stayed on Lan Yuan Yanzhu's red pupils for two seconds, then he looked away and picked up the little girl who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

"Call the police and explain the situation to the police."

As he spoke, he looked at the unconscious police officers, wrote down their police numbers, and then left with the little girl in his arms.

This little girl needs to be rescued.

Others are not safe, and she herself is not good at learning.

So we still have to rely on Bai Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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