boy of science

Chapter 310 No matter how much you pay, you will only be betrayed

Chapter 310 No matter how much you pay, you will only be betrayed

Let the police deal with the police, and the outcome will most likely be that the major issue will be reduced to a trivial matter.

But Misaka Mikoto still asked Aihara Enju who followed to report the situation to the police.

Guess is guesswork.

She wanted to see with her own eyes what kind of "punishment" those two police officers would face.

Put aside the police matters for now, the most important thing now is to save the life of the little girl who was shot several times.

After leaving the scene, Misaka Mikoto did two things.

The first thing is to contact Shirai Kuroko and ask her to prepare at the hotel.

The cell phone signal was established yesterday.

After making an agreement with Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto contacted Bai Ye again and asked him to return to the hotel to help.

The last thing is to hurry up.


When I arrived here in the morning and at night, I found that the supplies he left behind had not been consumed too much. The girls were planning carefully and expected to use these supplies for more than a week.

None of the cans that can be stored for a long time have been touched, probably because they want to keep them for emergencies.

"It's better to eat fresh ingredients as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a waste if they go bad."

Bai Ye opened his mouth to remind.

But Xiaohui just remained silent.

The other girls left, leaving them alone in the little underground sanctuary.

I didn't come back until noon to get some bread and milk for lunch.

By the way, take a look at Xiaohui.

Finding that she didn't seem to have been stabbed, they all glanced at Bai Ye next to them, and then left one after another.

Although they were not stabbed yesterday, they felt that Xiaohui might be stabbed today.

Still nothing.

Of course, only the morning has passed now, and there is still a whole afternoon left, so there is no telling what will happen.

Xiaohui also felt that He would be stabbed sooner or later.

Have a checkup?Doing research?
Although she doesn't understand it very well, checking and researching is definitely not like Bai Ye.

Can you complete the inspection and research work just by touching your arm and head?
Sister Ci has taught them that physical examination and scientific research require a lot of instruments and equipment.

So she felt that Bai Ye was probably in a state of wanting to do it but not daring to do it.

Now that she is alone here, no one will disturb her, and no one will tell her. It is estimated that sooner or later, this big brother will not be able to help but take action against her.

However, it does not.

It was almost evening, but Bai Ye still didn't do anything to her.

Before she could hesitate to ask, Byakuya received a call from Misaka Mikoto.

"...I understand, go back immediately."

After ending the call and putting away his phone, Bai Ye took out a lot of fresh ingredients and piled them next to him.

"This is today's reward. Although you can't eat too much at once, you should try to eat as much as possible. Look at your appearance. There is no meat on your body. Each one is skin and bones."

After leaving such words, Bai Ye left directly without giving Xiao Hui a chance to speak. After all, he had to rush back to save people.

Not long after he left, the little girls came back and gathered around Xiaohui asking questions.

"How about it?"

"Aren't you hurt?"

"Is it bleeding?"


As he spoke, he tried to lift Xiaohui's skirt to check the situation.

Xiaohui stopped them.

"No, nothing happened, hurry up and prepare dinner."



The two unconscious police officers were revived by their colleagues.

Before they could figure out the situation, their immediate boss came over, raised his hand and gave them a few big slaps.

"You two idiots, if you can still be seen doing something, go back and reflect on it."


So that's how it ended.

Such "punishment" did not avoid Rentaro Satomi and Enju Aihara at all, because they felt that they were their own people.

The persecution of the "Children of the Curse" is not a matter of one or two people, nor is it a matter of one or two organizations, but a matter of almost everyone, the persecution of the majority against the minority.

In the eyes of these policemen, as long as they are normal residents, they will not object to their persecution of the Cursed Children.

Except for certain "good" people.

For example, the Holy Emperor, or the brown-haired girl in the report.

These young ladies don’t know the sufferings of the world.

All in all, since these two are also our own people, there is no need to avoid anything.

However, Lan Yuan Yanzhu is the so-called "cursed child".

She is angry and furious now.

The murder of the Cursed Child by two policemen was still seen this time. How many of them were not seen?How many children of the curse were brutally killed?

In the end, a few slaps were enough.

This is not because they were beaten for "killing", but because they were "discovered".

He even said it in front of them, it was so unscrupulous.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu was so angry that she was trembling and wanted to beat these policemen severely.

But Rentaro Satomi, who noticed something was wrong with her condition, quickly pulled her away.

"Officer, if it's okay, we'll leave first."

After saying this, he quickly left the scene with Aihara Yanzhu, whose eyes were almost glowing red.

The police didn't care about them either.

After being far away from the scene, Aihara Yanzhu's eyes turned completely red.

"Rentaro, they..."

"Okay, needless to say, we can't control that much."


Lan Yuan Yanzhu bit her lip.

He walked forward in silence for a while, and suddenly he seemed to be questioning: "Why didn't Rentaro save that child at that time?"

And he didn't let her save him.

The child reached out to her, asking for help.

But Satomi Rentaro grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"...In that case, your identity will be exposed."

Satomi Rentaro gave the answer.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu didn't seem to care about the answer, but was mumbling to himself.

"Rentaro is a partner of justice. There is nothing Rentaro cannot do."

She thinks so.


before today.

until just now.

She firmly believed in this.

But now, her confidence in this was shaken.

Because Satomi Rentaro can't do everything.

This "just partner" did not dare to lend a helping hand to the bullied son of the curse, did not dare to disobey the orders of the police, and did not even dare to say anything.

Is this really a "just partner"?

Lan Yuan Yanzhu felt confused.

Before she could think about it, a man wearing a pure white smiley mask and a strange dress suddenly appeared.


They are considered "old friends".

Although I have actually only seen him twice in the past two days.

Leechi shadow Yin.

A person who wants to destroy the Tokyo area.

He also has a daughter, Hiroko Kohina, who is also his partner and a carrier of the mantis factor.

The father and daughter are working hard to achieve the goal of "destroying the Tokyo area."

And yesterday he broke into the venue to "declare war" on the Holy Emperor.

The purpose of coming to meet Rentaro Satomi now...

"I'll get straight to the point, do you want to be my companion?"

"……What did you say?"

"Ever since I first met you, I have liked you for some reason. 'The current situation in the Tokyo area is wrong'. Have you never thought like this?" Has Rentaro Satomi ever thought about it, Enju Aihara? I know, but she did think so.

To be precise, this was what I was thinking about just now.

Before they could speak, Zhizi Yingyin suddenly put the suitcase in his hand on the ground and opened it. It was full of banknotes.

"You seem to be asking this child to pretend to be an ordinary person and go to school. Why are you doing this? They are the next generation of humans that surpass modern humans. We are the only race with power that can survive the mass extinction. Follow me. , Satomi Rentaro."

Zhizi Yingyin's words are very inflammatory and tempting.

But Satomi Rentaro seemed unmoved, and even took out his gun and fired several shots at the box of banknotes.

"Civil police" are allowed to carry weapons, and the bullets are made of tungsten metal, which has a destructive effect on gastrea.

"I should have killed you the first time we met!"

Satomi Rentaro gave this response.

Zhizi Yingyin was not angry because of this, but seemed to feel it was a pity.

"No matter how much you do for them, they will continue to betray you."

After saying this, Zhizi Yingyin chuckled as if mockingly.

"That's all for now, farewell."

Turn around and leave.

Satomi Rentaro did not take action because he was not sure of defeating the opponent.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked at the other person's leaving figure, and all she could think of was: No matter how much you sacrifice, you will only be betrayed...


it's getting dark.

In the hotel, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko's room, the rescued little girl took off her clothes and lay on the bed.

This was done by two girls, not Bai Ye's intention.

They took off the little girl's clothes and helped her clean up.

Because it was too dirty, I was afraid that the little girl’s wound would get infected.

Bai Ye didn't say anything, he just helped the little girl with her treatment. He was busy from dusk until dark, and then he stood up and clapped his hands to signify that he was done.

"Okay, it's okay. Her vitality is very strong and she will wake up tomorrow."

"That's good."

Misaka Mikoto let out a long sigh of relief.

He looked at the unconscious little girl on the bed, then looked at Bai Ye and Shirai Kuroko.

"Let her fall asleep first. It's time for us to have dinner."



This hotel is probably very classy and popular. Someone held a banquet here last night and there will be one tonight too.

But all the girls are no longer interested in this.

Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Shiri and Shirai Kuroko sat with Misaka Mikoto and listened to her talk about what they saw and heard today.

When they heard that the police shot a little girl, the three little girls were filled with indignation.


"It's just a beast!"

"They should be taught a lesson!"


Teen girls began to denounce the city's police.

But this is not just a problem for the police, it is a problem for "people" in the entire city and even the entire world.

When it comes to this, the girls feel helpless.

How can this be changed?

Item is too lazy to think about this kind of problem.

Frenda was a bit quiet today, sitting there and enjoying her dinner honestly, which made Mugino Shimuri and Takitsubo Riko, who were used to her noisiness, feel a little uncomfortable.

Silk flag loves to sit with Bai Ye, talking quietly.

Over there, Misaka Mikoto made a decision quickly.

"Let's see the situation first."

Launch an attack and kill everyone...

This will definitely not work.

Slowly guide and correct their thinking. They don't have that time. They can only stay here for ten days and a half.

The key is that it would be difficult for just a few of them to complete this kind of work.

After saying that, Misaka Mikoto looked at Byakuya: "What do you think?"

"Don't let me think it, let them think it themselves. If they don't resist or fight for it, what's the use of it?"


This sentence makes sense...

It makes sense.

It's useless for them to talk here, and they don't have time to change the world, so let's take a look first and then talk.


On this night, Baiye still loved sleeping with Frenda and Kinuhata.

As for when to sleep...

You can't say for sure.

It may have to wait until midnight, it may have to wait until the latter half of the night.

Misaka Mikoto didn't bother to care about the boy and other girls, but stayed in her room to take care of the little girl.

The rooms are all double rooms with two beds. She and Shirai Kuroko can just squeeze in tonight.

Looking at the little girl lying quietly on the bed and thinking about what she had experienced today, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but sigh.

"What a wretched world!"


the next morning.

A certain elementary school.

Aihara Yanzhu, who didn't sleep well last night and had been thinking, came here to study and take classes as usual.

But it soon became apparent that the atmosphere had changed.

The atmosphere in the class used to be peaceful, but today it became strange.

She used to get along well with many of her classmates, but today those classmates didn't get close to her.

Even the look in her eyes changed.

What used to be friendly is now cold, distant, even disgusting.

Soon Yanzhu Aihara knew the reason: the news that she was a "cursed child" spread in the school.

The head teacher came directly to tell her: "You should go back first."

He just said this and then turned around and left as if avoiding the god of plague.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the classmates who usually talked and laughed, but now basically remained silent.

Biting her trembling lips, she stood up and left the classroom without saying anything.

I just remembered that sentence again: No matter how much you sacrifice, you will only be betrayed.

She is the "Initiator", and she is fighting the gastrea to protect the city and people.


Even if you are a starter, what you get is not respect or even equal treatment, but the same disgust as always.

Although this has something to do with others not knowing her identity.

But even if you know it, will your attitude change?


Just as Bai Ye said, the little girl who was shot woke up after dawn, but her body was still very weak.

I was very nervous and scared when I saw Shirai Kuroko, Saten Ruiko, and Uiharu Shiri.

Only when she saw Misaka Mikoto did she relax.

Misaka Mikoto touched her little head.

It feels bad because my hair quality is not good, but at least it is much cleaner after washing.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, no one will hurt you."

He patiently comforted the little girl, fed her something to eat, and then put the little girl to sleep.

After confirming that she would not wake up in a short time, Misaka Mikoto decided to find out what happened next.

"I'm going to check on the handling of the two policemen and buy two clothes for this little girl. Kuroko, Saten-san and Uiharu-san, this child will be taken care of by you."

"Yes, my elder sister."

"Don't worry, Misaka-senpai, I promise to complete the mission."

Shirai Kuroko and Saten Ruiko both gave their assurances.

Uiharu Shiri didn't speak, but nodded to express understanding.

Misaka Mikoto didn't say much and quickly left the door.

(End of this chapter)

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